It didn't make any sense. How could have things gone so out of control?
He just didn't understand it, but what could he do? Buffy died, and he didn't even know about it, until after she was buried. Now what?

Wesley and the others had been careful about the subject. Even Cordy had been tactful, which was a change, really. Well, no. Cordelia had changed a lot, really, over the last year. A lot had happened, but yet, she could be a little brash sometimes. Still, he had to give the young woman some credit, didn't he?

So, with all things considered then, why was he back? Why had he come
back to Sunnydale, and what could he do? He hadn't even told the others
except to leave a note, saying that he would be back later tomorrow.
Hopefully, they wouldn't be too worried about his absence. But, now what? Should he go to her grave? Should he contact Giles? What? Hang out at the college? Go to the Bronze? He had no clue, and so here he was, just wandering down the street, and barely paying attention to where he was going. Was that a bad thing? He wasn't sure. Well, maybe something good would happen, or it would get late, and the sun would....well, no. He would have to get inside before then. He wasn't ready to give it all up, even for the memory of his only true love.

"Giles. Yeah." and with those words, even though it was most likely the
worst idea ever, Angel turned on a familiar street, and quickly made his way in the direction of the ex-librarian dwelling. He just hoped he was coming at a bad time.

 Giles looked up at the peal of the doorbell. "Ye Gods!! Now what??"

He threw open the door, rather at the end of his rope for the day.
Seeing who it was, he gave out a rather undignified squeak.


Angel wasn't sure what kind of welcome he had expected, but maybe this
wasn't so far out of line as he was thinking. "Giles." He could hear
muttering in his head already, and the vampire found himself, trying not to grind his teeth in agitation.

Oz nodded to the vampire standing at Gile's door.

"Angel. Been a while."

The werewolf diverted Angel's attention from the man in front of him, and he wasn't sure if he felt relaxed, or more uncomfortable. "Yeah. It has" His eyes flickered from one to the other, as he knew this really *had* been a bad idea. Buffy was gone, and that was that.

What could coming here do to change, or make that better? Angel
swallowed heavily, and he looked up at the sky. Even though it was very early morning, and would be getting light soon, he could still go. Get into his protective car, and drive back the way he had come. "Um...that is." He was turning back again, looking into the Englishman's eyes, and trying to decipher what he saw. Angels eyes went down to the floor, in some kind of embarrassment, as finally he muttered out in submission.

"Can I come in? Please?"


Giles winced when the vampire asked for permission to enter.

"Erm... That may not be for the best.. Um.. Oh, dear." The ex-
Watcher twittered for a few moments more, then relented.

"Oh, all right. Come in.. Just don't freak out on us, please.."


Angel frowned, and shook his head as he started forward. "Why would I...."


He stepped aside to let Angel in, and saw Ripper and one of the twins
over his shoulder.

"Where's the other Xander, and where's Spike?" he asked.


Hearing that familiar voice, Buffy looked up and realized Oz was blocking Angel's view of her. But, truth be told, she had know, deep inside, that he was in Sunnydale. Standing up, she moved into full view.

Like a shy schoolgirl, she gently leant her head to the right, and said

"Hi, Angel."


Angel stopped in mid stride and mid question and stared. "Buffy?" What the
hell was going on? She was supposed to be dead. The fact that Giles had a
twin, or something similar, failed to fully register, as he stood there
looking at someone he had thought he'd lost forever. "Buffy?" He took another step, speechless. Really, what could he say. "'re...alive?"


Giles stepped around Angel and went to meet Ripper and the twin.

"Where are Spike and the other Xander?" he asked. "And which one are
you?" He peered at the twin, trying to determine if this was the
more aggressive or the shyer of the two.

"This is Xander. Alex and Spike went to go kill things." Ripper
shrugged. "We got the message after they left."

Oz stood back and watched everybody. Angel and Buffy both looked so
anxious. Giles looked about to collapse, Xander seemed ready to follow
while Ripper actually looked concerned for his older self.

He cocked his head to one side. "Are you all right? You look like
you need a stiff drink."

Ripper could recognize the signs of too much strain in himself? and
Giles looked about ready to fall over.

The older man shook his head. "Unfortunately, I need to be sober for
this. There's still so much we don't know."


"Why don't we go sit?" Oz suggested. "You too, Giles. You sit, I'll
go raid the kitchen."

/Let me take care of you. Looks like this is not going to be a night
for sleeping after all./


Giles and Ripper both flashed Oz identical smiles of gratitude.
Well, they would have been identical if one of the faces hadn't been
more age-lined than the other.

"Thank you, Oz," Giles said quietly as he headed for the kitchen.
From the looks of things, Angel and Buffy needed some time alone, to

Ripper looked to Xander. "Feel like sticking around? Or, would you
rather I walk you home?"


Xander considered his options, stay here and possibly
pass out on the couch from exhaustion or walk back
*again* to his apartment through Sunnydale at night
and pass out there. "I'll stay thanks." Despite
popular belief Xander did know, ~well occasionally
knows~ when to shut up. This was definatly feelin'
like one of those times.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ripper studied the blonde girl and the
male stranger. The girl was attractive, if one was into the petite
blond thing. The stranger was disturbing.. There was something so
very melancholy about him.

Meanwhile, Giles sat down at the kitchen table, and propped his chin
on his hands. He watched the dark-haired vampire and the Slayer
closely. It wasn't really Angel he was worried about.. After having
been tortured by Angel's demon, he was rather inclined to keep as
much distance between them. It was Buffy that concerned him. Why
was she back from the dead? How? Why? Ripper smiled. "All right, then, come on. Let's go raid the old man's refrigerator. I haven't eaten in hours!"

He took Xander's hand and pulled him along. He snuck a glance behind
him, to see the girl Buffy utter those oh so fateful words. "We need
to talk."

Ripper smiled. "All right, then, come on. Let's go raid the old
man's refrigerator. I haven't eaten in hours!"

Making her fingers click, then cringing when she remembered Angel hated that, Buffy sat down and patted the sofa in a gesture for Angel to sit.

"We need to talk."

He took Xander's hand and pulled him along. He snuck a glance behind
him, to see the girl Buffy utter those oh so fateful words. "We need
to talk."

Making her fingers click, then cringing when she remembered Angel hated that,
Buffy sat down and patted the sofa in a gesture for Angel to sit.

"We need to talk."


Huh. And how often had those self-same words ripped his heart out?
Ripper could list at least five times, and that was just the serious

In the kitchen, Ripper took a seat opposite Giles. "So, that's

Giles looked at him wearily. "I see you've heard a few things about
her already. But, yes, that is Buffy, the Slayer."

Ripper nodded. "I take it from your reaction that you've no ideas as
to the hows and whys of the resurrection thing."

The older man shook his head. "None what so ever."

The younger one just nodded. Something was rotten in Sunnydale, but
he didn't know what. And didn't know enough of the people here to
voice his opinion.


Oz sighed and looked at Xander and the Englishmen, before turning to
rummage through Giles cupboards again.

/Two Giles, two Xanders, what was next? Two of me, two of Buffy?

Smiling to himself, he found a large tin and opened it to find
cookies. He could have used his sense of smell but hunting like this,
figuring out where Giles put things, was fun. And listening to the
halting conversations was as well.


Angel shook his head, just not sure what to do or say. Everyone else was carrying on, like nothing of interest could be found in his discovery that Buffy was alive...and right in front of him. "Giles. How did this happen? What...something must have..."

The vampire stopped in mid sentence, as a new look dawned on his face.
"What?" His eyes went from Ripper to Giles and back again, as he took in the new information. "Is it just me, or there two Giles in here?"


"Buffy?" At her words, the rest no longer mattered. Another Giles, though younger...another anyone, just didn't matter. Buffy, for whatever reason, was alive.

Angel quickly sat down, looking over to the one he had thought he lost,
and had mourned in his own particular way. "Are you ok? When did you come
back..." What could he ask? Angel wasn't sure. "Is there...anything I can get you?"


"Buffy?" Angel was looking at the one thing he had never expected to see, ever again in this world. The only one he'd truly loved, and who had been lost to him, even before her sacrifice to the people of this world.

   In the kitchen, the vampire could hear conversations going on, and in the mist of his brooding and confusion about Buffy, he had sworn that at least, someone had come in. Had that been Spike? What was he doing here? No. Angel shook his head mentally, as he was just not ready to cross that bridge yet. The idea of being in the same room with his Grand childe, let alone talking to him, just made him feel tired, sorry, and gave him the urge to start punching things. Not really helpful, at this point.

   "Come on, Buffy. We need to talk." Before she could protest, or try to move away, Angel took the slayers hands and gave them a tug. At the same time, he stood, so they were both up and that was a good start. "I know just the place." Saying that, Angel hastened toward the door, and slipped outside, pulling his blond headed obsession along.

    The mansion wasn't that far away, and Angel moved quickly. If Buffy commented or made any protests on the way, he didn't notice. He only knew that this was the most confusing day of his unlife, and that was saying a lot. After all, he'd seen a lot of strange things, and a lot of them had made him confused.
   Angel paused outside a door, and he sighed. The mansion. Too much had happened in this place. He had tried to open the gateway to hell, with a sword, and a demon. That was when Spike betrayed him, and even though he was glad now that it had happened, a part of him still fumed at it. For that, Angel had been sent to Hell, to torment for what seemed like an eternity, and maybe it was. Still, he had come back, and Buffy and he had done other things here as well. Things, maybe they shouldn't have, but things that were better.

   He had tried to save Faith here too. Chained her to a wall...and that had failed as well.

   Enough reminiscing. Angel pushed open the door, and entered, letting Buffy come on her own now, but making sure that she did follow. Too many memories. Too many to count. Angel entered the familiar den, with it's blackened fireplace, that had been dark since he'd been gone. "Sit," he said to Buffy, and then did so himself. "Now...we can talk."


Looking at her ex lover for the first time, Buffy stood, towering over Angel as he still sat.

"How dare you?" Anger fired in her eyes.

"Excuse me?" Angel stood, wondering what had gotten into Buffy.

Wiping her forehead, she turned back to him. "I mean, I've been dead for a good few months. Dead. Not drowned-dead because some stupid Master vampire couldn't drain me properly. I was dead. And right now, I can't remember anything. I might have been in hell. Or I could have been living in Heaven with Brad Pitt feeding me grape-fruits. But I'm not. I'm back. Right now, I don't know why. But I'll find out. But all I really wanted to do was see my friends once I got my head straight, which I've done, and you take that away from me. What the hell gives you the right?"


   "The right?" Angel could feel the old anger rising him in, every time they had talked in the last...what was it, half a year or more? He found himself standing then, and that felt good, because he was more than a little taller than the slayer. Not that it would completely help him, if things go ugly, but it made him feel better at the moment. "You said you wanted to talk. What did you want to do? Say everything with all those people in just the other room?" He growled, and wasn't sure if he wanted to kiss her or hit her. Dead. Buffy was dead, and now she was back. It was just too impossible.

  "Buffy. I missed you. Doesn't that mean anything?" He realized that his voice had softened, and he could feel the urge to cry some place back in his mind. Not something he wanted to do at this point. "Doesn't that give me a little slack, or are you going to be just as stubborn as you always are?" Being dead didn't seem to have dulled her spirit too much, or not that he could tell. "What do you want from me?"


Angel watched Buffy, waiting for an answer, but none seemed to be
coming. Why was he he even here with her? It was pointless, as it
always was when they had tried to talk in the past. Just like before
he had left, there were already fighting. Still, Buffy had died and
come back. She must need something from him, because of it.

"What happened, Buffy? Do you know how you came back?" The vampire
could smell her sent, but he could find nothing wrong with it. If it
was mystical though, there might be some kind of anti detection in
the spell that had brought her back. If it was a spell. It had to be.
How else could she have come back. "Buffy? Tell me what you want me
to do."


Rubbing her eyes, Buffy smiled faintly.

"Sorry, I spaced out. I don't think... I don't think I can control

Walking across the fireplace, Buffy placed her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry. I had no right to shout at you. It's just been a really
weird day."

Finally deciding to take a seat and the extremely dusty couch, Buffy
looked up at Angel.

"So, you want to know how I came back. Well, here's what I know."

Angel frowned, at Buffy's comment about spacing out. That couldn't
possibly be good. The vampire didn't like the idea of anything wrong
happening with the slayer, but then again...she had been dead. A
certain amount of disorientation might be normal.

keeping his eyes on Buffy, he heard her finally answer the
question he's posed only a few moments before. "It’s ok." Tensions
were high, on both sides, and loosing his temper, wasn't helpful
either. At least now, it looked like they could get started. Buffy
might actually have some idea of what was going on, and hopefully, it
wouldn't be some dark slimy demon thing that had brought her back.
Still...coming back from the dead, wasn't something to take lightly.
No matter how it had happened, there could be a very high price.

"I'm a little tense, I guess. You coming back...I guess it
startled me." Angel moved over to Buffy, trying a smile, and finding
that it worked in some sense of the word, but most likely couldn't be
called anything close to his 'happy' face. The vampire licked his
lips, letting it go, as he sat down beside his ex-girl
friend. "I'll...try to take it a little easier." and then. "So...what
do you know?"


Angel had tried to talk to talk to Buffy, but it had done no good. Maybe it just wasn't meant to matter how much they wanted it.

   Moving along the tunnels now, Angel stopped to get his baring. He could go almost anywhere from here. Gile's place. The Bronze. Buffy's?

  Angel sighed, and shook his head. Maybe he should just go back to LA. But, something told him that was not what he wanted. He wasn't ready to give up. Not yet. And, there were things here he wanted to take care of.

  Standing there, with the sound of dripping water in the distance, Angelus suddenly thought of Spike. His Grandchilde. Angel shook his head, wondering where his brain was trying to lead him. Spike didn't want to see him, and they had nothing to say to each other...but still the thought remained. He had a very real urge to see Spike. The last time he'd seen the other, he'd been at Giles, so that would be where he was going. If Spike wasn't there, he'd try some place else.

  Angel started moving again, and he smirked to himself. It must be bad if he wanted to see Spike again. He must be out of his mind.


Angel had found it. Giles home. The only problem was, getting in.
There was no sewer entrance, so that wasn't any help. He could just
knock though. At least he had permission to enter now, which helped
avoid certain awkward things. Still, he'd have to knock and see what
what going on. Last time he'd been in, and it had been just a short
while ago, the place was in chaos. Two Xanders. Spike. Buffy. Some in
the kitchen, some in the front room.
Too many people talking.

Hopefully, some had gone home.

Making his way to the door, Angel managed to get there without
being burnt. He sighed in relief and then went to check the door.
Angel lightly knocked, but no one answered. Was anyone home?

Trying the knob, Angel heard a tiny click and he realized that the
door was unlocked. Pushing lightly, he entered the home, and looked
around. "Giles?"


Ripper sat up with a start. He shook his hair out of his eyes and
looked around wildly. For a brief moment, he didn't know where he
was. Then it sunk back in. Sunnydale. Far from his time and home. His
older self's flat and couch. And who was this looking around?

"Er, hello?" He hated being caught confused like this. His coat and
it's weapons where over on the chair. Damn.


Poor Giles. He didn't look quite himself. Angel walked over to the man, examining him "Are you ok?"  Giles looked slightly confused to Angel, which didn't make the vampire happy, not to mentions his choice of clothing. Since when had Giles started dressing like...that? 

    Angel let his eyes go over the outfit, and he noted that Giles, though seeming  confused, also looked pretty damned good in his clothes. Not that Angel would care, but it was interesting. "Are you ok? You look a little disoriented." The vampire looked around, but didn’t see anyone else. "Are you the only here?"


Ripper frowned and barely stopped himself from crossing his arms
over his chest to ward of the look he'd just gotten from this man.
Whoever it was knew his older self and had him confused. ~Bugger that!
~ "I'm fine." He said, stepping out from the tall, and he admitted to
himself, handsome and looming man. He searched his coat pockets and
pulled out his cigarettes. "Now, if you don't mind, who the bloody
hell are you and what are you doing in Rupert's home?" Didn't anyone
lock the bloody doors around here?


Angel frowned, confused about the way Giles was talking. And come to think of it, this guy didn't exactly look right, apart from the clothing. "I'm looking for Spike," he stated just as bluntly, still looking the other over. "and the door was open, so I came in."
   Something just wasn't right. Either Giles was losing weight, or he'd lost some age, because...he just didn't look right. Then, it hit him, or at least an idea did. There had been two Xanders earlier. Could the same be said of Giles as well? Angel narrowed his eyes, and took a breath to get the other mans scent. It was Giles's smell, but there was something different about it as well. Something fresher, and wilder. Something he could not quite put his finger on, but made him just as sure, that this was not the man that he knew. "Who are you?"


Ripper sighed, taking an agitated drag of his smoke. The man
had just *sniffed* him. If it wasn't day outside, he might think this
person was a vampire. Or was he? Stay out of direct sun and
they could get around easy. And he was looking for Spike. Then
again, judging by some of the reactions the blonde vampire had
gotten, that might just mean loan shark. Or Hunter... Blast.

And, on the other irritating hand, this person knew Giles.

"Never mind who asked first? Right, we could stand around all
bloody day doing this. I'm Ripper. You want to know where Spike
is? Tell me who and why." Ripper took another step back. "And
don't sniff me again."


Angel frowned again, getting annoyed by this person that looked almost light Giles, but who was now. "Ripper. I see." He looked around again, as though hoping someone who wasn't insane would pop up. "How do you know I was...*sniffing you? Maybe I have a head cold and I was clearing my...passageways."

Ripper snorted. Between Spike's weird behaviors around the
Twins and Oz being a werewolf, never mind the things Ethan did,
it was obvious to him that this man was... well never mind.

   Angel turned back, and he shook his head. Why in the world was he even talking to this guy? Didn't matter. He wanted to find Spike, it seemed he'd have to go through this *Ripper* person. "My name is Angel. Spike is a..." a what? Angel took a deep breath, wondering why he had to tell Ripper anything. "He's just a friend, and I want to see where he is. Do you know where he is, or not?"


"A vampire yes... Oh..." God, he must be tired to just let that out.
But he had to be excused seeing how his life had gone to date,
right? He ran his non-smoking hand through his hair. "Well hell.
Right, Angel is it? Friend of Spike's... Consider myself that." he
looked up at Angel. "You think we could start over? Been a right
wank of a day."


Angel wasn't sure what to say. He had started to be angry at the blurting out of what Spike was...but now he wasn't sure. This Gile's look alike seemed to want to make up for it, and that was fine with Angel. Not that he couldn't argue the point a little more, but after Buffy, did he really want to?
   "Forget it," He said, shaking his head. "I guess my days been less than great, too." Angel took a deep breath then and sat down. He watched Ripper smoking his cigarette and suddenly had a craving for one himself. Stupid, he knew, but it made his hand itch for some strange reason. "So...You're Ripper. What are you? Giles' twin? His split double?" He thought of Xander again, thinking that might be it. "Or something else? "


"Er, that would be something else." Ripper said, sitting down
himself, "I'm Rupert Giles from the past. A past anyway, maybe not
this one's exactly. I got hit with a spell and brought here." He
looked at Angel. "And it's made me a bit tetchy, sorry. Out of time
and place. Spike found me and brought me here. I hope this isn't too
confusing. It sure as hell is to me."

Ripper sat back and sighed. "Giles is at his.." He made a face, still
not believing he was going to turn into a shop keeper, "Shop. With
Oz, I believe. Spike took Alex and Xander, um... the twins, home. I
don't know the address, but if you aren't going to stake him, I could
show you." He was tired, but Angel looked like he'd had the same sort
of day Ripper had.


Angel took in Rippers words, and he rolled them in his mind. It was all confusing, but he understood the basics of it. "you mean The Magic Shop?" He'd only heard a little tiny bit about the place, but had yet to have gone there. It was interesting though, Giles having his own place again, and good as well.

   Angel made himself more comfortable, and then nodded at Ripper's offer. "I'm not going to stake him. Sometimes, he probably deserves it, but no..I don't think so." Angel was grinning as he said that, showing a certain fondness that he'd not realized he possessed. "When can we go?"


"Hm.. Magic Box I think. Not to sure." Ripper shrugged. He still had trouble
wrapping his mind around seeing himself as a shop keeper. It beat hustling,
but seemed so... boring.

He watched Angel's grin. Looked like this bloke would be glad to see Spike.
And it looked like he wouldn't get much more sleep. "Right now, if you want.
Just let me a cup of coffee or something. I'm knackered."

Angel nodded, thinking that it was fine. "Sure. I can wait." He wasn't sure what he would say to Spike anyway. Long overdue sentiments, wasn't really his thing, and Spike would most likely just make fun of him. They seemed to have that tradition to squabble. "Just...tell me when your ready. I'll just, sit on the couch…waiting."

"Right." Ripper got up and headed to the kitchen area. He had to
admit this Giles had a slightly posher place than his in
Made sense, but wasn't enough to make Ripper want to be a
He fiddled around with cold coffee and the microwave. ~Punch
the buttons until it starts. There we go...~

   And in the mean while, he could try and figure out how to get to the place without revealing that he was also a vampire. Though, since Ripper was a younger version of Giles, he might have sensed it, or something. And, he didn't seem to be too upset that Spike was one. In fact, he seemed to like Spike, though Angel wasn't sure where he'd gotten the impression exactly. Well, better to find out now. He was tired of hiding anyways. "By the way...we'll have to use the tunnels. It's kind of sunny outside, skin burns really easily."

Ripper stopped and looked out the little kitchen nook window.
Angel was almost as pale as Spike. ~But he had an invitation to
this house. He could get in.... bloody hell.~

"Yeah. Noticed." He took a sip of coffee and nearly burned his
tongue. "Fuckin' hell..." He muttered. "You got in so I take it you
had an invitation. Which means Rupert trusts you. I'm still a bit
muddled on good vampires versus bad, they're all bad back
home. But Spike's a descent bloke and if you can get in here, I
guess you must be."

Ripper gulped the last of the hot coffee and got his leather coat.
He still had a stake in there. "Not sure if I can find the place
through the tunnels, but I'll know it when I see it."


Angel snorted a little, thinking of Spike as being decent.  Well, each to his own. Plus, from some of the things he'd heard, maybe the blond vampire had changed. Who knew? "Ok. Sounds good." Angel paused and then thought it over. He remembered a magic shop, but it was always getting raided and killed by the supernatural creatures of their lovely town. He wondered if this was the exact same place. After all, he'd been gone for a little while. Maybe Giles had bought the shop.

   Walking over to the door then, Angel prepared himself to go out. "There's a tunnel entrance just outside. We'll go there, and then you can lead the way." He shrugged and added  as well. "I have an idea where it is too, if it's the place I'm thinking of. I think we should be able to find it within a short time." And having said that, Angel waited for Ripper to lead the way.


Ripper shrugged and headed for the tunnel Angel indicated. At
the entrance, he paused and got his bearings. The twins
apartment should be... Ah yeah. He went in and let his eyes
adjust, trusting Angel to follow.

The most disturbing thing was the lack of noise the tall vampire
made. A few times, when Ripper stopped, Angel being right
behind him made Ripper jump. He had to keep reminding himself
that, thus far, Sunnydale vampires didn't act normally. That and
keep a hand on the stake in his pocket.

Several times, he poked his head out to see where they were.
~Ruddy good thing direction sense works underground. think....
hhmmm... ah! There!~

"The entrance is fairly shaded. I just wonder if anyone's up. The
twins and Spike seemed to have a helluva night." He looked at
Angel closely. If the man didn't seem to have a permanent frown
etched on his face, he'd be handsome. ~Not that the Lord Byron
bit doesn't have it's place... and perhaps serious after Ethan....
No... enough of that, Ripper. You really need sleep.~


Angel nodded, understanding, though his thoughts were distracted. He wished things had worked out better with Buffy, but it was not meant to be, it seemed. "Hmm? Oh. Sorry." Angel focused on the place them wanted to go and nodded. "Do you want to tell them I'm here first, or should we just go on in?"


"I think I'd better go knock." Ripper said. "Not sure anyone's
awake." He stifled a yawn. "Be right back."

~Bloody messenger I am.~ Ripper squirreled up out of the tunnel and
went to the door. Angel should be able to make it if he covered his
head. The doorway was nice and shady. He raised his hand and knocked.

Angel stood where he was, watching the other go over and knock. He waited for a moment or two and then decided he didn't want to wait anymore. Taking his chances, the very pale vampire, ran across the bright area, and managed to make it to the door. Luckily, his coat was good enough for such a short distance.
   "Sorry," he said to Ripper then, giving half a grin. "I got lonely." his words lilted, showing it was a joke, before he turned to face the door. "Anyone home?"


~I'd better learn to stop nearly pissing my pants...~ Ripper
grumbled to himself. ~Oh... lonely... don't I wish that was for
me...~ "I haven't heard...."


Alex wrenched the door open and felt his
amusement flee. "Oh look, the world must be ending..." he muttered
to himself, then sneered. "Deadboy and G-man jr. What the hell do
you want?"


Ripper shrunk back a bit, Alex's distain was like a hammer blow.
What exactly had he done to piss this twin off? It was getting
tiresome. "Look, Alex. I don't know what yer goin' through, cuz I'm
not you. But, I've had a helluva day as well, so don't bite my
bloody head off right? Swear, try t' do the soddin' right thin' an'
they piss on you. Angel here is lookin' for Spike. Everyone else
buggered off to God knows where so I got fuck all to work with. "
Ripper's low rent Cockney came pushing through, street kid all
the way. The fact he sounded like a very irritated Spike didn't sink
in. He was tired and confused and just trying to do something
right. Part of him wanted to punch Alex, the other wanted to cry.


A smirk quirked Alex's mouth. He liked the little
Giles' Xerox flinching. Made him all warm and tingly.
He hadn't missed the little prick's sniffing around
Spike last night. How all buddy-buddy they'd been
acting. Toward his mate! A cold rational thought
intruded...~That was before we were joined.~ And he
sounded like Spike... Like Spike upset and hurt. That
wasn't good. Was it? It confused him for a second,
but he shrugged it off. ~Sounds like Spike. But not
pack. Smells like food.~


Angel frowned at Xander, not liking the way he was talking. "Is Spike here," he asked, trying to get to the reason he'd come though Ripper had stated it. "I want to see him." He moved foreword, but was sure that he would not be able to come in. Damn the invitation clause. It was stupid and annoying. 

Lounging against the doorframe, Alex watched Angel
move forward, amused. They both knew he couldn't get
through the door. Not without an invitation from him.
And that soooooo wasn't gonna happen. The smirk grew
and he didn't even try to hide the snarkiness from his
tone, "he's asleep. So sorry."

  Oh, wait. This was the other one. Not Xander, but Alex. That was what Ripper had called him. But, Angel wondered, was the difference?  Well, this one smelt more confident, if you could go by smell alone. He smelt of something else too, but Angel wasn't sure...or he was and didn't want to be sure of. Something, animalistic about him? Didn't matter. Angel gave Ripper a solid pat on the back, but kept his eyes on the boy. "Can you tell him I'm here?"


"Uhm, that'd be no." Alex made a show of furrowing
his brow in thought. "Nope, still no. Not gonna wake
him for you.." He casually scanned the way for
observers wondering if he could get away with dusting
Angel. He'd never liked the big brooder, even before
the split. Now, that feeling was only intensified.
It rolled around deep in his gut, sharp and hot.
~No. Not now... It'd make Xan unhappy. Can't make Xan
unhappy... Besides witnesses. Jr's right here.
Though he'd make the tasty snack. Hmmmm. Nope,
there's Mrs. Peterson. Old busy body. She'd see and
can't kill the neighbors. Not a sound tactical
maneuver. Nosy neighbors guard the perimeter.~

"So." Alex sighed to himself mentally, never loosing
the fake look of congeniality. "Unless world save-age
is needed..." Alex smiled brightly, showing his
teeth, "Why don't you go grab a tan, Deadboy?
Beautiful day. Later, Junior." He nodded at ripper
and started to close the door. "I'm going back to bed."


After his outburst, Ripper hung back. Until Angel clapped him on
the back. A small grin spread at that. It helped diminish the idea
that, yet again, Rupert Giles had screwed up. Not that Alex's
attitude was any help. It had to be a product of the split. Ripper
couldn't help but be fascinated by the concept. Too bad Alex was
way too feral to let Ripper ask questions. Maybe Xander or

And there was the vampire in question. Half dressed and looking
sated. Well bugger. Why did he suddenly have the feeling that
things were going to get bad quickly? He fingered the stake like
a charm and tried to figure out how things were going to go. And
nearly missed Spike's question.

"Yeah, ragged out." He shrugged. "Giles is lettin' me stay. Bloody
weird though." ~Why does Alex keep looking at me like that?
The ruddy hell'd I do now? Almost snarling at me...~

"Hang on a mo." Spike said, stepping out into the living room. He
crossed over to Alex and leaned against him. This should really
get to The Brooding Hulk, Spike in borrowed sweats and nothing
else, leaning on a Xander type. Naughty and bruised and bit and
happy the both of them.

"Ripper, this lug botherin' you?" He jerked a thumb at Angel.
"You look like you needs some sleep, Ducks. Rupes not give you
a place to kip?" Ripper did look worn out. It bothered Spike
almost as much as Angel's proprietary hand on Ripper. ~Right,
Rip's not yours, Alex is. But if Angel plays him, I'll carve it outta his
hide. Been through enough, he has.~ He turned his eyes to
Angel. "Wot yer want?"

Something in Angel's posture, his eyes nearly rocked Spike
back. The elder vampire did look like he came for a fight, he
looked... Spike had no clue. Maybe Angel was just playing him,
or... he'd have to wait and see.


Split or no Split, this person was as annoying as his twin. Angel ground his teeth in anger, trying to keep it under control. There was no point to it. He couldn't get in, and Alex was only trying to provoke him. "Laugh it up," He started to say, but before the vampire could even begin to speak, Spike was there. Angel growled, giving Alex a hate fill glare. Why did they always have to call him Deadboy? That really made him mad. Did anyone call Spike that?

    And then heard Spike and Ripper talking and it brought him to his senses. Spike was the one he'd come to see, not this snot nosed brat before him. Angel turned his gaze away from the taunting teen, and fixed them on his Grandchilde....and all the anger went from him. He was just tired then, but there were other feelings as well. He wanted to come in and to touch Spike, and that was just wrong. Angel clenched one hand, feeling it tingle. "I'm not bothering him, Spike. He showed me how to get here." The vampire glanced toward Ripper and gave him a fleeting smile, before he let the hand drop and moved one step closer to the door. It was about as far as he could go, but that was fine. He wasn't even sure what he was doing here anyway. "Spike..."


Ripper nodded and stepped back out into the light to give Angel all
the shadow there was. As irritated as Alex was, this was obviously
something for Angel and Spike to work out.

"Did he?" Spike drawled and waited for Angel to continue. Ripper
didn't know the deal with Angel and him. No way could he hold
animosity for it.. 'cept to Angel.


 Angel licked his lips, thinking in his mind. ~William~ before he continued. He noted the state of dress of the blond vampire, but only in a cursory way. He also noted that Spike was leaning against Xander. In fact, that burned into his brain, bringing out another low growl.


Spike's scarred eyebrow shot up at the growl. It resonated through
him, like the possessive growls of Angelus of old. Goosebumps raised
along his spine, as he fought not to submit out of habit. The lip
licking didn't help.


No. No. No. What Spike did with other people...even if it was Alex...even if he *was bare from the waist up...and even discolored from something wasn't Angel's business.

   Angel looked down then, as images of another time filled his mind. Going out hunting with the other. Good times. Past times. Angel sighed and looked up again, locking his eyes onto Williams. "Can we talk?" He wanted to say more, but it was all so sudden. Spike would never believe it. Hell, even Angel didn't believe it. What would he say? That he'd had a sudden yearning for his Grandchilde and that they should catch up on old times? That the hot pokers had made him realize how much he missed the blonde's sense of humor?  Well, no not really. That was sarcasm. But still, he wanted to say something, and so he said again. "I just want to talk."


A deep rumbling growl had begun in Alex's throat... A
primal response to Angel's. Another alpha on his
doorstep, on the brink of his den, sniffing around his
mate... Ripper was forgotten in a bloody rush of
possessiveness, immediately downgraded to a lesser


Spike's blue eyes got wide, seeing something in Angel's dark ones.
Something that didn't say 'I'm good, you're evil and now I have to
stake you'. Something he'd waited to see ever since that damn Gypsy
curse happened. Something that nearly screamed 'Spike, I need
you'. "Hang on a mo'. Ripper keep him outta the sun, eh?"

Spike pushed Alex back into the hallway. Before he said a word, he
 kissed his mate savagely. "I don't know what's goin'
on, but I think I'd better talk to the Pouf." He nuzzled Alex's
chest and neck. "Not gonna lie to you, he's got me confused." Spike
looked up into Alex's eyes. "You're my mate. Period, right?"

The bond was alive with emotion and images... Images
that made Alex grit his teeth and growl. Soft
feelings for Deadboy... Soft words for Ripper.
Another alpha and food! Both sets of honor and
instinct agreed this was not to be tolerated.
Threats... Threats that needed to be eliminated.

Alex pushed Spike back against the opposite hallway
wall, growling harshly. The door was open, and he
knew at this angle, both Angel and Ripper could see
everything. ~Good...~ He kissed his mate quickly and
brutally. With his hand in Spike's hair, Alex
wrenched the vampire's head to one side, growled
"Mine," and savagely latched his teeth into his mate's

Spike nearly collapsed on the floor. His nails scratched the wall to
his sides as he fought to keep from going limp. The pain was
exquisite and beautiful. ~God, Alex... No..not now...~

Drawing back with blood on his lips and eyes flashing
green, Alex stared hard into his mate's eyes still
growling, "He doesn't come in here... Not welcomed.
Not here. No invitation ever. We go somewhere else."
Making it clear, he was going along.

Spike's eye were glazed until the flash and growl registered. Alex
was asserting is dominance here in his den. Expected, but Spike
wasn't sure he liked being ordered around like a pup. His eyes
narrowed and he started his own growling. ~Not. Fucking. Now. Spike.~
Gritting his teeth, he jerked his eyes away from Alex's and to the
bloody lips. "Right, He doesn't come in here." He said, one thumb
wiping the blood off. "Elsewhere's good, but I'll need a shirt and me
coat." Blue eyes raised back to strangely flashing ones. "Unless you
want me to be a big charcoal briquette."

~Somewhere else... Where I can kill them both with no
witnesses... Somewhere away from Xan... Sewers?~


The killing thoughts flashed across Spike's mind again, vivid and
final. "No killing." He snarled quietly. "Not Angel, not Ripper. He's
not challenging and Ripper's not food." ~Angel won that challenge
years ago. He was my Alpha. Don't do this, Pet.~


Angel was grateful for the added shade, and he quickly took
advantage of it. Moving into the little darkness that he could find,
the vampire leaned against the wall. He gave Ripper a nod, and then
sighed. Spike's actions only brought more confusion, and the question
he'd asked, made Angel worry slightly for his willing British helper.
What relationship they all shared, was beyond the brooding vampire,
but now his interests were beginning to be aroused. "You said you
came from a different time?" he asked, not wanting to just stand there
and stare into the air.

Making conversation might put the other at ease as well, and that
wasn't a bad thing. "Tell me more about it." he said, interested in a
way, when you're waiting and don't want to think about the fact that
you're waiting. "I'm...curious to know."


Ripper lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall, smoke blowing out
his nostrils. "Yeah,
London circa 1977. I was just walkin' down the
street when someone started chanting in my head. Next thing I knew, I
was here. More than 20 years in the future and bloody continent

He sighed and looked at Angel. "It's absurd really, thinking I'm
helping me figure out who did it. That and the disappointment in
turning into a ruddy shopkeeper and Watcher."
Ripper snorted. "Not

the path I thought I'd take. Though Shopkeeper there seems to have
had a bit of a different past.
*He* did what Dadums said, poor bloke."

Taking another drag , Ripper turned sideways, body draped
insolently, hip cocked, falling unconsciously into a street hustler
stance. "So, what's the deal with you an' Spike? I mean, Alex got his
wind up right awful there at us both."


Angel listened intently, even as a part of his mind was completely some place else. He was thinking back to 1880, when he and Darla were having their own fun, and a timid angry man, had brushed by them in the crowd. That night that Dru had gone off to make her own playmate, and bring a new member to their slowly growing family.
   "Hmm. Sorry." Angel shook the memories away, and tried to focus on the moment at hand. "Spike?" What had the question been? Oh. Yeah. Spike. "I...took care of him, you could say." Angel smirked, wondering why he'd said it that way. It was true though. Well, Dru had never been much on teaching things, unless she thought they were pretty, or whimsical. Or at least, that was as far as Angel could tell. Angel had done the hard things though. Taught his Grandchilde to hunt, though his soul often pained him for it many years later.

   "We go way back," Angel added, hoping to change the subject from something that might become more personal than he'd care to tread on at the moment. The vampire then smirked, and snorted as well. "Alex! Or Xander. Let's just say we've...never been very good friends." Though the boy did have his moments. Even Angel could admit that, though not willingly by any means. "I don't think him splitting into two people is going to change that." and that was just fine with Angel. The boy was a punk when Angel lived here, and he saw no reason for that to change. But...there was still that whole leaning against Spike thing…and come to think about it, what was taking Spike so long anyway? He wished the other would hurry up so they could leave.

   Angel blinked and then he gave Ripper a shake of his head. "Sorry. Did you say anything else?"


Angel took care of Spike. He didn't say anything about siring Spike,
which was what Ripper had suspected. No, he took care of him. The way
Angel said it and the look on his face made Ripper suspect the care
had been similar to some of the older, more Quentin Crisp type gay
men around
Piccadilly Circus took care of some of the younger
hustlers. Showed them the ropes, took them in for hot meals and,
finally, made them their live ins. Not the Angel looked like an old
flamer, Ripper smiled to himself.

His eye was caught by movement in the apartment. Thinking Spike and
Alex were coming back, Ripper opened his mouth to say something to
them and stopped. Alex... had just... Good Lord...

"I think someone else is taking care of him now." He whispered, wide


Angel had heard the conversation that was going on inside the house, but he had done his best to ignore it. None of his business, though with the images coming to his mind, it wasn't too much of a surprise really. Still, when Ripper pointed out just what he had suspected, a very real anger flared up, and Angel found himself turning


Angel launched himself against the barrier without thought, and was pushed back just as quickly. Feelings that he would never have expected himself of feeling, came flooding up at the way he'd seen Xander holding the other, and they were not good. But, it didn't matter. He couldn't get in. "Spike!"

Ripper shrank back into the sunlight again. This was getting to be
too much for the tired young man. Confusion he expected but this...
Angel hurling himself against the vampiric barrier, Alex's savagery
on Spike... He took another step back, wishing all the spells he knew
didn't take circles and rituals.

   Angel found himself growling. Not sound of mere annoyance, but a deep anger that rumbled up from deep with in. Angel pushed himself against the invisible barrier, as though sheer will alone, he could force the rules to bend. "Leave him alone!" he demanded, forgetting that Ripper was there at all. The world narrowed to three things: Spike, Alex, and the distance that separated them all. He had to get in, that was clear. After that? The dark haired vampire hadn't thought that far at all. He only knew that it was true with every fiber of his being.


The rage. The frustration. Angel bouncing of the
It was all to perfect. Alex let go with a

eerie high pitched giggle. With any luck Angel would
bounce right out into the beautiful day, and do all
the work for him. One threat dusted... and by his own


Angel's words, actions were like a flash of pain to Spike. If Angel
kept up his assault, he could get hurt. Seriously hurt. The barrier
could throw him into the sun, weaken him, or Alex would loose it and
attack. Spike squirmed against Alex, trying to get to the
door. "Angel! Stop it!"


Alex hissed at the flash of pain through the bond, and
leaned harder on Spike. ~My mate! Mine!~ His
strength was comparative to a vampire now... The hyena
part of him granted that. With the soldier, he had
the skills to back up that strength. He bet he could
even take Buffy now, if he had too... Spike wasn't
going anywhere anytime soon. Not if Alex had anything
to say about it.


Angel heard the words, but they couldn't seem stop his furious rage. On one hand, though, he knew that he was over reacting. This was Spike after all and when was the last time that he had cared enough to break through a barrier, he knew he had no chance of breaking?

   On the other hand, seeing Alex on his former family member, stirred up feelings he'd though long buried. After the soul, he'd pushed the feeling down, because every time he'd had them,  deep guilt had come as well.  Being with Spike meant killing. Killing brought his soul anguish and it was something he did not like. But, here he was, pushing and straining against the invisible hole of something far greater than any creature of the undead. He didn't know why, and he didn't really even question. He just knew he wanted in and would keep trying until he was tired out or someone stopped him in trying.


The giggle snapped Spike out of it. He was acting like a chit in a bodice ripper novel. He got still as Alex pressed him against the wall, arms hanging to his sides, knees slightly bent under the weight. Alex was stronger than a mortal and a touch mad, which always helped. ~Brilliant. How you gonna get outta this without anyone getting hurt?~

Spike could feel Alex's possessiveness and triumph rolling over him. He could vaguely feel Angel's... pain? anger? Oh yeah, defiantly anger. ~After all these years, a bit of th' bond is still there. Musta never paid much attention before. Or I just know Angelus too damn well... and he's right close. Over me. Damn.~


"Got a problem-o there, Deadboy?" Alex giggled again
and leered at the furious Angel, deliberately
provoking the older vampire. He had a stratagem now.
Provoke the threat to suicide, by his own actions or
by Alex hands... Self-defense was suitable excuse in
any court. He giggled again, shifting his weight
further against Spike. ~Mine... My mate. My den. My pack.~


Spike glared at Alex. He was baiting Angel into something stupid. "No." He said quietly, eyes boring into Alex. Let him think it was a challenge. Spike had been under the impression *he'd* cowed Alex first. That they'd become equal. "Angel, you look about two steps from Angelus. Stick him back in th' bloody box." Spike said louder, eyes never leaving his mate.

"This is not
Wild Bloody Kingdom here. Knock it off. I'm not a flippin' prize in a pissing contest. It's all very nice on the ego, but Just. Stop." Spike was fighting not to growl, just keeping his voice steady and hard. "I might be your mate, but I am *not* a pup. So back off and let me talk to him. " He took a breath, the need to growl shuddering to something else. "I don't want to lose you. I don't want to fight... in the human sense, right? But, Alex, this is family." Spike pointed to
Angel. "He had a claim over me long before you were born. Not sayin' I paid much attention to it for years, but something's up an' since I can't seem to be top dog in his pack, I gotta listen. "

~Face it, Spike, you're not top dog anywhere. Think Alex just proved that. You lost the right the moment you got the chip. Be thankful they seem to think yer such a prize. ~ Spike's jaw worked as he continued to stare at Alex. This would work or Alex would throat him. Then Angel would lose it more and.... endless loop, grabbing up his own fear and self-doubt.


Angel growled again, as Alex's taunting turned up the rage. But then, two things happened. Not all once, though they felt that way, but still very affective. First of all, Angel realized how tired he was getting. That was only a tiny part of his brain that recognized the fact, adding that doing this all day would surely only get himself killed.
   The second thing, and one that finally brought his mania to a cold jolted stop...was Spike. And more importantly...the words "Two steps from Angelus." And he knew that it was true. He was so angry at not being able to get through, that all rational thoughts had flown out the window. The beast had come out and he realized that he'd shifted into demon face some time before.

   And then, Spike was saying other things, and Angel was finally thinking. He was listening to Spike, though still breathing hard, and still just as angry. No more pushing though. Only standing very very still. As still as only dead things can get, even if they really want to grab a hold of a certain lunatic and ring his scrawny neck. The word, Mate being tossed out, didn't  help...or the fact that Spike didn't want to loose the other, but the rest of what Spike was saying... rolled over the others and made it easier.

    Spike didn't want to fight?...and the other thing his Grandchilde said. William was admitting that he, Angel...was family. It stirred something up in Angel, that was beyond the anger, but not the same thing at all. But, still he didn't move. Angel only listened now and his anger was finally only a small simmering point in the middle. It made him ill, but he finally had control. Family. Angel listened, and he waited. Waited to see what would happen next.


Ripper nearly collapsed against the wall when Angel finally
stopped. He hadn't realized how badly he'd been shaking until
then. This whole situation was beyond anything he'd seen
before. Not even Ethan at his most insane or possessive had
been like Angel or Alex.

Spike looked... like he was barely holding it together himself.
Ripper didn't understand what happened after Spike and Alex left
last night, but whatever it was, it didn't look... sane. Then again,
one was a vampire and the other a bespelled human. Was Alex
human? Ripper was starting to believe not and than made him
worry... about a vampire. Two vampires really, and there didn't
seem to be a damn thing he could do for either of them.


Spike caught Angel stilling out of the corner of his eye. ~Thank
God. Bloody Dark Avenger finally listened to me. Now if Alex will.~
He kept staring into the feral brown eyes of his mate, listening to
his heartbeat, feeling his breathing, pushing at the bond.
Anything to judge what was going to happen next. The vampire
had a feeling it was going to come to blows soon. Another
dominance display that would wake Xander and get Peaches
fried if he couldn't get in.

If necessary, he had his trump card. Xander :Don't frighten the
younger ~In mind anyways~ and weaker member. Wouldn't want
him to wake and be frightened. Spike didn't want to use it, but
there was more to winning than physical power. Crafty counted just as
well with hyenas.


Now that Angel had stilled himself, he was starting to be able to gain a little more control. He took slow breaths, realizing that Alex had been getting exactly what he wanted, though not sure why the other had gone about aggravating him in such a...well, annoying manner. And, since when had Xander, or Alex...or anything about the boy been interested in Spike? That's what Angel wanted to know
  Glancing back at Ripper, Angel sighed. "Sorry," he muttered. "Got carried away," as though that would explain his near loss of sanity. Angel licked his lips nervously, wanting to do too many things at once. Unfortunately, it seemed that the ball was in Alex's...whether Angel like it or not. That didn't make him happy, but at this moment, what could he do?  Maybe threaten the human even, but Angel wasn't to that point just yet, so he just waited. He stood there, got a little more control, and waited.


"It's okay." Ripper said, still staring, fascinated at the display.
He lit a cigarette with shaking hands and waited, watching the trio.
Hoping no one would get hurt.


With a loud growl, Alex released Spike and stepped back. The need to
destroy Angel was still there. Still strong. But he was confused
now. Spike was challenging him, but not challenging him. His mate
had invoked family, flashed him a picture of Xan through their link,
claimed Angel as pack. He snarled in the direction of the now calm
older vampire. Alex had been so close. Angel would have killed
himself trying to get in... And yet he soothed to Spike's words. His
mate's words!

~Mate to Mate. Alpha to alpha. My pack is his... His pack is mine.~
Alex turned and paced away from Spike still snarling. That was the
way. But it was also the way to eliminate other alphas... Only one
could rule the pack. He turned back to Spike, all outward appearances
were calm and collected, even though the anger rolled just barely
contained beneath the surface.


Spike didn't relent his stare even as he felt Alex's confusion. Angel
had calmed and that did *wonders* for Spike's nerves. This situation
had rocketed to nearly fatal too fast for his liking. And when did he
care what happened to Angel? Maybe about the time he actually looked
worried for Spike, just a moment ago.


"So be it. You are my mate. I am
yours." he stepped closer to the blond vampire, "He touches you- I
kill him. He challenges me- I kill him. Truce... for now." Alex
flicked his gaze over to the door. Locked stares with Angel.

Spike's lips pulled back in a snarl. Alex seemed to barely
acknowledge Spike's ability to take care of himself. He shook it off,
however, knowing this was *so* not the time to get into that again.
~God, why couldn't the bloody Soldier come out instead? Need level
heads here.~

He turned back to his mate. A truce. A truce destined to fail. Two
alphas warring with each other could only end in death, or
submission. Sooner or later, like oil and water, the truce would
come undone and blood and pain would follow. Alex knew it. He was
sure as hell Spike knew it. He smiled at his mate. He'd honor his
mate's claim to family, to pack, but sooner or later he'd get his
chance again.


Spike didn't smile back, images of pain and battle flashing in his
mind. ~No, Alex, it doesn't have to be that way. Why can't you see
that?~ It was though the whole little dream Spike had in his mind
after the fight in the graveyard came tumbling down like so many
cards. There would be no belonging, only fighting, blood and death.
That might have done for most things in Spike's life, but not this.
"You are my mate an' I am yours." he whispered. ~And that meant
forever to me, Alex.~



The smile disappeared, as Alex's eyes narrowed. He
both heard and felt the sadness in Spike's voice. It
sounded almost like a goodbye. He didn't
understand... His confusion became more pronounced.
Didn't Spike get it? He was only protecting what was
his! What Spike had given him, and only what Spike or
another stronger alpha could take away. Spike had
chosen him! Taken him as mate, rather than tear out
his throat last night.
Sealed and bound by blood:

forever. Unless Spike, chose another over him.
Unless Spike cast him aside. ~Have I lost you, before
I can even fight for you?~


Angel growled under his own breath, listening intently. Why the hell would he touch Spike? Spike didn't want him to touch, did he? But, they were family. How could he not? God damn it! Angel growled again, wondering where the Hell these thoughts were even coming from. He just wanted to talk to Spike...not date him. What the Hell was wrong with these people?

   And who the Hell did Alex think he was? Did he really think he could kill Angel? Did he think that having lived almost 250, wouldn't give him just a little bit of an edge, over a teen age punk, as Alex was? Or, did this split of Xanders not remember when Angel had lost his soul and had used all of his evil wiles to do just exactly as he pleased? ~and still he resisted you, didn't he?~ Angel shook his head, and the memories away as well.

    The whole thing was stupid, no matter which way he looked at it. Angel *did have his soul, and Angel did miss Spike. For whatever crazy mixed up reason, he did. But, he wasn't going to fight over the other vampire. Not if it meant that in doing so, it got one of them killed. That was just...crazy. But, still, he wasn't just going to walk away either. And that left what? Angel didn't know and he didn't want to think about it. He didn't even know what he was going to say, once Spike did get a chance to talk to him, so how could he possibly understand everything he was feeling now?  It just made no sense, and that was all that Angel could begin to understand.


Spike turned away from Alex and looked out at Angel. As stoic as his
Grandsire was, Spike could read the anger and confusion in his eyes.
Angel didn't know why he was here either, and he sure as hell wasn't
going to fight for Spike regardless. Alex would just plain fight
him. ~And yet again, you are shown sterling proof that you have no
place.~ Why did that nagging voice sound so much like the long dead
William the Poet? It always did.

Shaking his head, and trying to kill any emotional weakness, Spike
walked over to the door. He looked Angel up and down and sighed. "Let
me get my clothes on, mate. Then we'll hit the sewers an'..." He
shrugged his shoulders, "An' talk." He turned away, feeling defeated
before he even knew truly what this fight had been about.


Xander clad only in Snoopy boxers wandered from the
bedroom with one eye still closed. he shuffled into
the bathroom down the hall. He shuffled out of the
bathroom into the kitchen. The sounds of a cabinet
creaking open and glasses clicking together is heard.
The tap is turned on. Vampiric hearing might even
have picked up Xander gulping his water. the glass,
not at all carefully, was placed in the sink and
Xander shuffled out.

Xander with his one eye half open and sleep-tousled
hair looked at Spike and Alex, blinked at the open
door containing Angel and Ripper. In his state of
more asleep then awake he remained unafraid and
thought only one thing: ~ohh there's gonna be some
blood spilt~. "Hey you guys be careful, we had to put
a small cleaning deposit down on this place." Then he
shuffled off back into the bedroom.


Alex became more agitated and confused. Xan. He
couldn't, wouldn't, do anything to compromise or upset
his twin. He turned his back away from his mate and
the scene at the door, and walked to the bedroom.
Leaning against the doorjam, he listened to make sure
Xan had gone back to sleep. His mind whirled. What
was he suppose to do? Instinct said guard the pact.
Guard his mate. How could he do that if his mate
invited the attentions of another alpha? Or worse yet
renounced him?


Angel nodded, still unsure of where this was going. He glanced over to Ripper and made a face at the lit cigarette. He still had the urge to smoke one, but it was a old habit and he hadn't indulged in a very long time.

Ripper raised an eyebrow. Angel didn't like his smoking? Well tough
on the vampire. Right now his nerves were so jangled, he felt like he
could smoke a whole carton. Sunnydale was as insane as
London had
been, but this time he was watching the soap opera, barely playing
much of a hand. However did his older self cope?

   Turning back to the door once more, Angel forced himself to relax even more. Alex didn't look happy at all, but there was nothing he could do about it...and why should he? The boy was obviously out of control and maybe even a little crazy. "good. I'll...just..." Angel paused and gathered his thoughts. "You do that." And then they could get out of here, and possibly figure out exactly what Angel expected of his whole little meeting thing. Angel wished that he knew...and maybe Spike would help him figure it out.


Spike looked partway over his shoulder. "Right. Back in a mo' then."
Angel looked and sounded confused. Spike could feel Alex's hurt and
confusion, nearly a mirror to his own. Ripper... well he was just
confused. ~Not that I blame him. Worse than Passions around here.~

He headed down the hall to the bedroom.

Angel sighed heavily and moved over to Ripper. "I can't believe this." but he let the sentence trail off, wondering what he'd thought he might tell the younger version of Giles. "Um...I don't suppose..." Angel glanced at the other, not believing he was going to ask this, but doing it anyway. "Can I have one?" He indicated the cigarette, licking his lips. "I think...I could use something to calm my nerves." Angel shook his head, and smiled. "Smelly habit, I know...but I really need to have a smoke."


Ripper's 'sod you' look disappeared. He handed a silk cut over to
Angel. "Of course. Yeah, it's smelly, but there are worse habits out
there, eh?" He shook his head. "I don' claim t' know what's up here,
but are you gonna be all right?" He asked, looking at Angel from
under his shaggy hair. "Alex seem to have gone barmy an' I'm not sure
how long a truce'll last with him."


Angel took the cigarette and looked it over, shaking his head. "Yeah. I think I'll be ok.' He put one end in his mouth and kind of sucked on it. "Alex...if he's anything like Xander, will get over it. He's always been a hot head…and a jerk," he added quietly, not wanting to talk about either of the twins. What his Grandchilde saw in the boy, he had no idea. "Can this?" Angel leaned over toward Ripper, letting the other light his cigarette, and then straightened up once it was done. "I haven't done this in a long time, " he admitted, smiling. It was kind of nice, but he was also glad that vampires didn't need to breath.


Ripper nodded as he absorbed Angel's words. "I don't know
what they're like in... and this is such a bollocks situation...
whole. I just know Xander's shyer than a virgin on her
honeymoon an' Alex is damn near Mowgli the wolf boy."

He drew back and smiled back at the strangely nervous seeming
vampire. "I can tell. But then no worries about lung cancer, eh?"


Angel smiled, taking a long drag. "Nope. Not that I'm aware of. " He glanced toward the house, wondering what was taking the other vampire. "I used to do it, in my...*tough faze, I guess." The dark haired vampire shook his head, not knowing just how long the habit had stayed with him. Funny thing was, it seemed that the nicotine habit was just as forming with vampires...or at least, in his case it was. "So, once in a while, I get the urge." He shrugged, but grinned toward the other. "Thanks."


"It's not a problem." Ripper said. He stayed there, against the wall,
smoking, waiting and watching Angel out from under his lashes. Trying
to picture Angel's 'tough' phase wasn't too hard, just placing the
era. Angel in 50's greaser gear didn't work, though Ripper could see
him in the well fitted suits of a 20's-40's gangster.

The murmur of voices carried on inside, briefly broken by Spike
yelling for Angel to go back to the sewer's, he'd be right there.
Ripper cocked an eyebrow at the tall, brooding ~sexy...dammit~


"Angel, " He called over his
should, eyes never leaving Alex's face, "Go on to th' sewers. Be
there in a bit, right?"

Angel perked up as he heard his Grandchilde telling him to go. He frowned, not sure that he was ready to do just that, but not willing to blow the opportunity that he might be getting soon. Angel took another drag and sighed. "Can...I'll be in the tunnel but if he takes to long, I'll be back." Saying that, Angel put out the stub and rushed away from the shadows. The heat was just as bad as before, but he managed to make it to the safety of the sewers. He didn't like it though. Angel had come for Spike and now he felt like he was running away. He just hoped that William didn't take very long.


Angel paced in the tunnel, wondering when Spike would show up, or if he would at all. The vampire's cigarette had gone out already and so he was left feeling bored and vaguely ill at ease. And now he had to try to think of what he would be saying once the other did show up.

  Pacing up and down the walk way, Angel sighed. "Ok. This is it." He looked around as though someone might show up and be listening to him. Of course, no one was there and that was good. Angel turned and concentrated on what he was thinking. He needed to plan on what he'd say.

    "Hi. Good. You're here." Angel rolled his eyes upward and sighed. "Good. Great." He still had no idea what to say. "I see your...doing things with Xander...Alex?" The vampire made a face, as his mind went off on its own tangent on the whole split thing. Now that was just weird...and not helping him at all. " come here often? Angel moaned and shook his head. Somehow he had a feeling that this conversation wasn't going to be the easiest. He just hoped nothing really bad happened. What that could be, he had no clue, but this was the Hellmouth. Anything could happen and sometimes did. So, back to square one. "Hi...good. You're here."


Angel looked up and hooded his eyes out as though it might help him see just a little better. It looked like Spike was finally coming and that was good. He was sure that if he hadn't been a vampire that his legs would have cramped up and fallen off by now. Not that he hadn't been busy while he'd been waiting, but enough was enough. "right."  Well, here came the hard parts. He just hoped he didn't mess it up.


Angel looked up as Spike finally made his way over to the safety of the tunnels. "Spike. You made it. Good." Good? He hoped so. And Spike was of course smoking  too. "Alex?" Oh yeah. Right. The Xander twin who was involved with his childe. Really involved, from what he's seen. "Sorry. Right. Um."

   Ok. This was the hard part. Angel really had no idea what to say. He was with the bleach blond vampire and he had not a single clue as to what he wanted. Finally, Angel licked his lips and managed a meager. "You...look good. Have you been..working out?" Oh, that was good. Not good, that was. And Alex was coming and things would be even stranger.

  Running out of time and feeling almost desperate, Angel blurted out the next thing that came to his mind then. "Are you ok, Will...Spike? Is everything ok with you?" Not that he really cared or anything...except that suddenly Angel really did care about his childe. For some reason he was really worried. "I...just wondering..." Could he babble any more coherently than he was babbling so far? "Are you?"


Spike stared, cigarette dangling from his lips. Working out? Was he
okay? Will? That's it, Angel was a pod person. When, since the
damnible soul had taken residence, had Angel cared how he was? Even
during Angelus' last reign, he didn't give a tin shit about Spike.

He wanted to laugh, spit, scream in Angel's face. How dare he come
here and ask that? How dare he make claims, throw himself against
wards, for Spike? Who the unholy fuck did he think he was?

Instead a weird thrill went through him. He'd been waiting decades
for Angel, Angelus, one of them, to acknowledge him again. "Yeah.. I
think I am. Mind, you've upset th' little tea party. Hell, was
hasn't 'round here lately? But yeah, despite the chip, I think I'm
okay." He smiled then caught a glimpse of Alex coming closer.

Alex's face was like stone, but Spike could feel the worry for his
confusion, the overwhelming protectiveness, the barely contained
violence. His.. and Angel had damn near upset the cart.

"Why do you care?" He snarled suddenly. "Why are you here, Angel?"

~What the fuck are you doing to me?~


Why did he care? How could he not? But Angel was supposed to hate Spike, wasn't he? Even when he'd lost his soul the last time,  he's not been very nice In fact he'd been down right horrible. Evil in fact. No humanity? Maybe not, but he'd certainly done his best to hurt his childe. Nothing that Spike had deserved to feel or be put through.

  "I.. don't know," Angel managed to get out, taking a step back." He did care but didn't know how to say it.  In his mind, Angel still saw Alex kissing Spike and it made him angry somehow. He still remembered the other taunting him and the feeling that had overcome him when he'd tried to get through the invisible barrier. "I..just..." What? Say it!! his mind screamed. "Missed you. I missed you."

  Angel found that he was panting and he swayed for a moment as the admission forced its way out. "God Damn it, Spike. I missed you. You', and I miss you. And I..need to talk to you because..I..." Buffy. She popped into his head and he shivered. She would never talk to him like she had when they had found young love. But Spike,  he was like Angel. Vampires and in that there must be some common ground. "I just...missed you. Is much to ask for??"


"Missed me? Oh soddin' hell! Now that's a laugh..." Spike trailed
off, his anger dissipating. Just when he thought that a: his world
couldn't get weirder and b: he'd figured some of that out, here came
Angel missing him. Missing *him*. Not Buffy, Darla, Penn,
Dalton or
Dru, him. He slumped away from Angel's off balance form, confusion,
old hurts and wants coloring his face. "You never missed me. Not
before the soul not after. We fight, Angel, that's about all we have
left to us."

Spike stared hard at Angel, jaw clenched. He didn't *want* it to be
all fighting and hurting, but that's what they did. When Angel got
his pesky soul, he'd buggered off, leaving Dru and him in the less
than delightful company of Darla. Angelus had never really been the
kindest Sire and Master, but Darla hated Spike. That little coterie
lasted a month before he took Dru and struck out on their own. Only
one did he see Angelus... Angel... before the high school incident
and it had been a...fake from both of them. Angel had been trying to
hide his soul and Spike had been too high on his first slayer kill.
He'd been a Master in his own right then and told Angel to fuck off.

Then, decades later, Sunnydale happened. Angelus happened again. God,
how Spike had hated his return.
Angelus had been nut-house crazy

then, obsessed with Buffy and then world destruction. Spike had sold
him out, never wanting to rule the world or destroy it. He'd just
wanted his own little piece of it. And... Angel came back, more
soulful than ever. And Spike damn near went crazy when he'd found
out. He knew then, in a moment of crystal clarity, that he'd never
have 'his' Angelus back. So he resolved to hate Angel with all his
and cursed the soul that was in his former Master.

So, why was he feeling close to tears now? Why had Angel's 'I missed
you' hit him so fucking hard? Wanted, it was all about being wanted.
Even before the chip, Dru left him. Afterwards, there had been no
place on Earth for him. So, with tooth and claw, he'd made one. And
still he'd been on the fringe. Until just before Buffy died. Until

Who he could feel getting closer and getting angry. Well, he'd wanted
a place, and now he had one very possessive boy.. man.. who might not
be around in a few days. And Angel... missing him.

"I missed you too." He whispered. "But.. not you. Not Angelus
either... well.. the old... oh hell. You and me, we hate each other.
Is that what you miss?" He was so bloody confused.


Angel didn't know what to say to that. He did miss Spike, but he did not miss the sarcasm. He did not miss the fighting. He missed the good times. He missed the times that they had gone out to hunt even though that had been bad because of the killing. He missed the talking that they sometimes did and the excitement that Spike gave him, when the boy did something new. "I..."


So, gritting his teeth, Alex slid in behind Spike and placed a hand
on one leather clad shoulder. His body settled into a parade rest and
he waited.


Angel's eyes focused on Alex and he looked away. Now thing really would be hard and he didn't want to be there. "Alex," he said instead, sighing. "I'm..sorry to involve you with this." Not really. Only sorry that Alex was there to get in the way. "Spike and I were just talking...It's nothing to be worried about." But what were Spike and Alex' connection anyway? They seemed to lovers but was that all? "I...I'm not hurting him. I just wanted to talk." Fuck, he couldn't talk to anyone with Alex standing there like some soldier want to be. "Could you just...give us a little space? Please?"


Alex glared coldly. "No." He said, squeezing Spike's shoulder and
stepping around to Spike's side. He wasn't going anywhere as long as
Angel was around. Fidgety, nervous Angel. His eyes narrowed and he
grinned. "Gettin' shy there, Deadboy?"

Spike pivoted, tearing his shoulder out of Alex's grasp. He took two
steps away from them both, deeper into the tunnel. His hands raked at
his hair and he growled. This was driving him insane! Alex and he
weren't even used to the Bond yet and here comes Angel all soul and
soulful eyes, talking about missing him. And Alex, one moment sure
Spike had thrown him away just because he wanted to *talk* to Angel
and the next all mine mine mine. Angel was trying to be calm and
reasonable and it just... didn't fit with all that Spike was feeling
from him... expecting maybe.

"Rrraaaaaaaa! Would you two stop it!? I am NOT some dog biscuit to be
fought over!" He yelled. "Angel, your timing sucks. Alex, I thought
we covered this a minute ago! You're tryin' to be Mr. Calm and
Collected.." He pointed at Angel, "An' it's... not fuckin' you! And
you!" He pointed at Alex. "It's talkin'! I'm not goin' anywhere

He jerked out a smoke and lit it, beginning to pace. "I've got a Bond
with Alex, Angel. He belongs to me an' me to him. It's not easy to
bloody deal with, y'know? We had one once, remember? Feelin' th' same
bloody damn things? Well you're pissin' him off an' I'm catchin' it!
He's not Xander Harris anymore. He's Alex an' Alex... isn't human.

"Alex... I used t'have this with Angel. Part of it may still be in
me, buried fuckin' deep, mind, but there. He. Was. My. Sire. Dru
couldn't raise hell, much less me, so he did it. He was my bloody
Alpha before. I was... I was his, dammit! Not anymore, so stop that
damn growlin'! I am a Master in my own fuckin' right! I will talk to
whomever I please! I..... aaaaaa!"

Spike stopped and slumped down the wall. His head hung and he felt
tears pooling in his eyes. "I can't bloody take this right now." He

Angel didn't know what to say. He was the intruder now and he knew it, but that didn't make it any less confusing. A bond with Alex? How had that happened? "Belong to him?" But Spike belonged to Angel..didn't he? No. Not anymore. Not since he'd gotten his soul and they both knew it. The curse. It had not only messed up his own undead life, but everyone who he had loved. It had also, of course, saved a lot of lives, but hurt. "I...remember."

Spike wiped at his face. He was *not* crying. He just felt like it.
~Not enough sleep or blood an' too many bloody emotions...~ "Yeah,
belong to him." He whispered and looked up.

His reply had gone unheard obviously, as Alex and Angel were getting
nose to nose. "Aw bloody hell... leave it out.."


The dark haired vampire turned to Alex and he sighed. "No, I not getting shy, dog boy." He growled and found the anger  brewing under the surface and much too easy for him to bring it to the fore. "But, you are getting on my nerves." He growled and then took a step closer to the other. "I didn't come here to break you two up, but I sure as Hell am not going to be treated like I have no rights. I raised William and you're whining isn't going to change that fact no matter what you do!"

"You raised him?" Alex laughed. "Well isn't that just fucking lovely?
Oh yeah... such a good parent weren't you? Left him behind if I
He took a step closer to the dark vampire. "And I think that

doesn't give you any rights, Deadboy. He's mine."

  Angel's eyes flickered toward Spike then and he gave Alex a furious look. "This isn't helping things, Xander." He growled, but didn't fix his mistake. As far as he was concerned this might as well be the other person. He was still the same annoying jerk and that didn't seem to be changing. "Now, are you going to let me have some time with my friend, or are you going to make it difficult…because I am far from shy, boy, and I'm about to get a whole lot madder."


Alex growled, lips pulled back in a snarl. "Friend? Why do I so not
see that? How many times have you two tried to off each other? How
long did you leave him in a wheelchair last time? Oh yeah, I
remember. It was you running around causing all the trouble. You and
that nut job Drusilla. No Spike. Didn't bother to help him heal did
ya? You." He stepped closer until he was in Angel's face. "Have. No.
Rights. Here."


Angel was about to cry with frustration, and that meant that things were about to get really bad. Why did this have to happen to him? All he wanted, was to talk to his Grandchilde. Was that really so damned much to ask? "Back off, Dog boy." The vampire snarled,  angry and unable to find any reason to be able to dispute what the young man was saying. "You don't even know what you're talking about."

  Angel found himself with his hand around Alex's neck and he had no idea how he'd gotten there. "You don't know anything." The vampire growled then, as the rage coursed through his body and he found himself pinning the other against a wall. "I just want to talk to him. Without You! What The Hell is So wrong with that?"


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