Ranee and Damian


The moonlight that shone through the large French windows glistened on the silvery hair, and sparkled off stones that were         woven into it; the hair flowed down the back and seemed to almost blend with the white dress.  The dress was sleeveless and made of crinkle gathered material that hung loosely about the figure, giving a free range of movement.  A belt of onyx beads gathered the material at the waist achieving some semblance of a waistline.  The buckle was carved black opal that depicted Devi, the Mother Goddess of the Hindu religion.  From the belt hung four long strings of onyx beads that were almost lost in the folds of the skirt, each ending with a different aspect of Devi.  A necklace of black onyx with a carved figure of opal hung about her neck.  The figure resembled a person, but with four arms, it was very finely crafted with many details and was in fact the figure of Kali, the Dark Goddess.  Almost hidden from sight was the pommel of a sword that had the figure of Durgha carved in hematite and affixed to the top.  She stood at least three inches taller then her male companion.  “Damian, I do not believe that it is wise going to the Hellmouth.”


"I don't like it either, Renee, but may I remind you that I owe him a great dept and it was your own life he saved?" Damian gently said as he put down the phone from his earlier conversation with Angel.



Thinking deeply he began to pace, rubbing on a smooth moonstone that hung around his neck on a silver chain, "You know I hate to owe anyone anything, but your life is worth the extra trouble, I guess" he teased, trying to get a rise out of his usually quiet Guardian.



Smiling at her when she remained silent, he then turned and gazed at the beautiful landscape outside the window, " though I hate to leave my beautiful mountains for any length of time" turning back to her he grinned wickedly, laughed, and said, "It was a great idea we chose the Appalachian mountain range instead of the Rockies, more tourists," his eyes twinkled at the inside joke he had made.  People, rather other Vampires, had always complained that he wasn’t normal, not killing his victims. 


Ranee chuckled quietly revising her earlier reservations, "Damian, I think the move will be good, getting you in touch with people, not just snacking on them."



She studied her companion, his long black hair, the black clothes with its silk shirt that matched his dark green eyes; he was the opposite of her, with his pale alabaster skin.

“Part of this is your need to full fill your debt, but I have known you many years, and you were never happy without some challenge.”  She looked into his green eyes, as hers sparkled in merriment, “I think that the Hellmouth will be quite a challenge.”


“You know me too well. Though I hope so, I have been getting quite bored as of late", he sighed, then smirked and asked, "so when do we leave, and before you ask, no I'm not taking a plane, you know I hate those things.  How long would it take to drive from here, Ranee?" he asked.


Ranee looked out at the silent green hills.  The moonlight almost seemed to stroke them.  The mountains always made her feel close to Parvati, one of the gentlest aspects of Devi.  “Three days, two if I drive in the day time.”


“Angel was quite upset that we weren't there yet.  I believe that he wants us down there...ASAP?"


Ranee chuckled quietly revising her earlier reservations, "Damian, as soon as possible.  I think the move will be good, getting you in touch with people, not just snacking on them."


He shrugged as he walked out the library door, “we’ll blame the minions, I had to call them to get the fools to hurry up", he sighed, "maybe while we're there we can get more competent servants" he grinned.


Ranee glanced over at her sleeping companion.  Damian always looked so peaceful asleep, and so human.  She remembered how different he was when she had first met him.  She had been young and arrogant.  She had defeated many demons and felt that the Goddess Devi smiled upon her.  Her family had given her as an offering to the Goddess Kali in exchange for protection of the tribe.  She had be kissed by Kali and given the ability to turn into the most fearsome form of a tiger.  She was trained by the temple’s priestess in the art of war.  She learned many weapons and how to control the turning, but she was also taught the more genital aspects of Devi, whom she ultimately served. 


When she was ready she left the temple, traveling the countryside, protecting villages from demons under the Goddess Kali.  Sometimes she stumbled upon someone in need, and sometimes it was an urge that was put upon her.  She served her Goddess well and helped many people.  One day she felt a tug to go a particular way.  She could not disobey her Goddess and dutiful traveled in the new direction.  When she had reached the village she was surprised to find it prosperous.  She asked about, but there was no demon to fight.  She could not understand why her Goddess had led her here.  She soon discovered that no one in the village could read, nor were the children taught the Vedas a holy book.  She realized that all jobs of the Goddess were hers, including stopping ignorance.  She spent several months teaching them, when one day they had a special ceremony.  Every year a demon traveled through their land, and every year they sacrificed a girl to the demon to insure that he did not destroy them.


She would stop this terrible ritual.  She would kill this demon that threatened her people.  She herself volunteered and was left as the offering, hoping to get close enough to kill the demon quickly.  She quickly realized that this wasn’t going to be quiet the easy task that it first appeared.  She let the minions (she had encountered many vampires in her travels, but that was a different memory) lead her to tent that had been set up in the middle of the camp.  At least she would have the element of surprise.  If she had had to fight her way in, and fight she would have for the camp was well defended, then she would have tipped her hand early.


She wasn’t sure what she expected, but Damian certainly wasn’t it.  She didn’t wait for him to talk but instead drew her sword and beheaded the minions beside her.  He looked amused.  That made her mad.  He should feel afraid at having to face her.  He had wounded her pride.  He pulled a sword also.  He could have called in reinforcements, but didn’t.  Ranee considered this to be a stupid move, but it worked to her advantage. 


They both quickly flowed into battled.  Each attack defended and each defense seamless.  This was a worthy opponent.  He managed to score her arm.  Maybe too worthy.  In the end he disarmed her and she knew that she was beat.  He lowered his sword, a show of mercy and pulled an ebony dagger from behind her back and lunged.  He had quickly knocked her out. 


She had been surprised when she had awoken; she expected to be dead awaiting reincarnation in another body.  But instead she found herself bound in a chair.  The ropes were loose enough or her body pliant enough for her slide out.  She had always appreciated the flexibility that yoga had given her, but never as much as she did now.  She whirled around when the sound of chuckling drifted to her ears.  No one had been able to sneak up on her in years.  Damian stood behind her.


He appeared to be weaponless, she wasn’t fooled, but she also wasn’t going to jump the gun this time.  There was more then demon to this, as evidenced to the fact she was still alive.


“I am impressed.  You are the closest anyone has gotten to killing me in many years.  I am not the evil person you seem to think I am.  But I think that you realize this now.  I am giving you two options.  One: you leave quietly and return to what ever you were doing.  Or two you stay and I teach you how to be better then what you are now.” He noticed how her body tensed.  “If you are thinking of attacking again, I must tell you that you will still lose.”


She forced herself to relax.  He was right, the first time was not lucky on his part, but on hers.  She would be defeated if she attacked again.  Leave quietly then.  Is that really what she wanted to do?  But could she really consider learning from a demon, a vampire?  Yes she decided.  Knowledge is to always be strived for and if you can find it in a demon then it is still knowledge.  Plus it was only a matter of time until she found a demon that could defeat her, and the next time it probably wouldn’t be as forgiving as Damian.


She bowed neatly at the waist and touched a hand to her forehead.  “I am willing to accept any knowledge that you are willing to teach.”


She was snapped out of her reverie by the wail of police sirens.  She slowly pulled off the side off to the side of the road.  She gently pulled the blanket that was draped over Damian to cover his face completely.  She carefully made sure that there were no holes and opened the door and stepped out of the car.  She stood waiting for the cop to approach her.  He was heavy, clearly out of shape, full of himself too.  Now she knew that it was a small town cop.  He leeringly eyed her up and down.  Ranee felt her skin crawl at his look, and fought the urge to chop his head, either of them off.  He was leering openly now, not even a pretense of something else.  She seethed inside but she maintained her cool exterior. 


“Well Miss-”




“Well Miss Ranee, I believe that level of tint is illegal.  I’m afraid that I’m going to hafta impound your car.”


Ranee bristled at his tone.  Condescending prick!  “I have a special permit.  It is friend’s car; he’s photosensitive and has special permission to have this level of tint.  He has been driving all night and is asleep in the passenger seat.  Here is the paper work.”  She hands him several papers that she had removed from the glove compartment earlier.  She had told Damian that one day a cop would pull them over.  She had been relieved when he had had a contact forge some papers for him.


The cop eyed her suspiciously.  Nothing ever happened in his town.  Some foreign and oddly dressed person shows up in jail, should liven things up a bit, ‘pecially since she’s drop dead gorgeous.  There had to be something to hold her on.  But no, all her paper work was in order.  He eyed her one more time, sighed and admitted defeat and sent her on her way.


Ranee climbed back into the car.  She sat for a minute, just sucking in huge lungfuls of air.  The looks he and given her, she shuddered, it was just like whe-no she clamped down on the thought.  She wasn’t going to go there.  Not today, and hopefully not ever again.


But against her wishes, her mind took her back.  Back to when she was a family asset a daughter to be married off the highest bidder.  There was one man Nasee that offered a ridiculously low price.  Not low enough to be insulting but too low to really consider, her parents might have thought about it if she was interested, but the truth was she thought the was disgusting.  He would leer at her and make her feel so dirty.  There we’re rumors that his last wife died mysteriously.


He wouldn’t leave her alone.  He was what would be called now a stalker.  Ranee’s parents had finally decided on a marriage arrangement.  He was a good man and it was a good offer, she was realistic in realizing that she could have done much worse.  It was the day before the wedding and she had gone down to the river to gather water for a bath when Nasee stepped out from behind some bushes.


“Oh it’s you.  Go away.  I am to be married tomorrow, so leave me be.”  He had gone into a violent rage.  Next thing I knew he had me pinned and was penetrating me.  In a weird way I can’t remember all the details, but others are crystal clear.  He smelled of sandalwood incense and he hand over my mouth tasted like curry.  But sometimes I can forget his face, sometimes. 


I was ruined after that.  The wedding was called off, and I would be cast away, an untouchable.  This was a fate worse then death, so the only option seemed suicide.  It was an honorable thing.  But my older brother was the one that came up with the solution.  I would be given as a sacrifice to Kali.  There I would have no name, no face, no rank.  I would live with honor. 


I was truly surprised when I received the kiss of the Goddess.  She cleansed me and made me whole.  After that I have devoted my life to her.  Doing work in her name.  Never settling down or staying in one place, with one person.  Until Damian, I left India, my home, the grounds of my Goddess to learn what Damian had to teach.


She looked over at Damian.  The things she did for him.  She started the car back up and headed back out.  The way things were going they might get their earlier then expected, at least if no other cops pulled them over.


Butterfly in Ewe (Togo) is dyekpakpa.