


<p>*Plip Plop*
<p>*Plip Plop*
<p>"Aw soddin' hell!"
<p>Spike sat up and wiped his face off. His new digs had been leaking. Again.  Was it really so much to ask for a dry crypt in California? 
<p>~My luck. I pick the only place with a water table problem.~
<p>He slid off the stone top and knocked over one of several empty  bottles of Jack Daniels. Running a hand through his hair, he looked around. No more full ones. No more money either. 
<p>~No booze. no money. No un-life to speak of and one dead Slayer.~
<p>He wiped the back of one pale hand across his eyes. He was sick of crying. Sick of damned near everything. And hungry. Very hungry. he sighed. No point in trying to hunt.
<p>He ripped off his damp shirt and flung it away. Rummaging around his found his only other spare black t-shirt and threw it on. Grabbing his coat, he stalked out into the night.
<p>~Nip over to BookLad's and see if he's got a left over pack in the 'fridge. And or a spare bottle. Or 4~
As he walked along, he realized it had been... a week? <more less? hell who can tell time in a bloody bottle?> since he'd seen anyone. Since.... He dashed at his eyes again.
<p>~STOP IT! You are NOT some weak twist! She's gone and there's nothing you can do about it!~
<p>He scanned his surroundings as he walked. ~Gonna be lots of nasties soon. Soon as they realize the Slayer's dead.> He smiled his first truly wicked smile in a week. <Goody. Playtime soon.~
<p>He walked a bit straighter, prouder, feeling a bit of the Big Bad seeping back into his bones, and made his way to Giles'.

<p>Spike pounded on Giles’ door.  It swung open, “Spike.”


<p>Spike tried to smile, but it faded as he caught a whiff of the alcohol  off of Giles. ~Looks like i'm not the only drowning my sorrows.~
<p>He ran a hand through his hair, messing it up further. Giles looked terrible and he knew he probably did as well.
<p>"Safe to come in?" He asked quietly. "I..um.. I'm out of..." He trailed off. ~Out of my mind, coming here.~ "Sod it." He whispered and turned to leave.
~They won't want yer bloody useless arse around anymore, Spike.~


<p>Just before Spike turned to leave, Giles saw something in his eyes.  
It reminded the Watcher of how he felt --  desperately in pain.
<p>He put out his hand before he realized what he was doing.  "Come in, 
Spike.  If you're hungry, I've some blood packets in the fridge."
<p>Spike stepped in and shut the door.  It felt ...odd... to have Giles reach out, physically and ...well a touch kindly to him. He took a few steps further in, unsure if he should follow or just go sit down on the couch.
<p>~Great. Now I am standing in the foyer like a fuckin' lost sales man. Argh!~
<p>He started to head into the living room, when Giles came back with a mug of blood. He blinked. He knew Giles only did that under duress, like the whole bathtub beddown.
<p>~Shake it off, Spike! Grr remember? Big Bad... oh who the unholy hell you kidding?~
<p>He crooked a smile and took the mug. "Er, thanks. Was what I was missin' at the crypt. Kinder taped out right now." 
<p>He started to take a sip and stooped. "Have I missed any demon uprisin's or End Of The World goings on?"
<p>~Have you needed my sorry arse? Anyone else die?~
<p>Giles retreated into the kitchen, not sure if Spike was following him into the flat.  He grabbed two packets from the fridge, and the largest mug he could find.
<p>Normally, he found the task distasteful, but at the moment he had no problem preparing the blond vampire a meal.  The blood was warm in seconds and he headed back toward the door..


<p>Giles sat down, deciding on honesty.  "I've been rather out of things this last week, so I wouldn't have any idea the world is about to end again this year."
<p>He gestured toward the couch.  "Sit down, Spike."
<p>Spike sat. Very strange Giles not knowing what was going on.  <p>~Roight. You smelt him. Surprised much? No. and ew...Scooby talk.~
He watched Giles carefully, feeling strange having a cuppa on the couch instead of in the tub.
<p>As he did this he noticed that he'd left the snack treats and milk glasses out.  Waving his hand toward them, he said, "Although Xander did stop by, as you can see.  Or rather.. I should say, the Xanders."
<p>His brow furrowed in puzzlement, he continued.  "Xander seems to have split into his separate aspects once again, though I don't understand why or how."


<p>Spike almost spit blood. "Wot? 2? How the.. roight you don't know."  He shook his head and quickly gulped his blood.
<p>~2 Doughnut boys? Must be Apocalypse. Shoulda stayed at the crypt.~
<p>"Where are they now? I mean... you let them leave?" Spike  asked. "Should I..er... go find...aw never mind, he's a big... they're big boys, I guess."
<p>~Spike to brain..shut up please.~


<p>Giles thought about it. Did he want Spike, of all people, going to look after Alex and Xander? Alex seems more than capable of taking care of them both, and yet, could it hurt? 
<p>He looked at Spike and was surprised to see the confusion, worry and hurt there. All trying to be hidden by infuriating over-coollness that Spike always... his behind. Giles mulled that over. How could he have missed that? Because Spike, chipped or not, was a vampire and, therefore, an enemy.
<p>~One day, perhaps the day you die, you will stop being so surprised.~ He thought.
<p>He ran a hand over his face,, still feeling a touch muddled by alcohol, multiple Xanders and whatever mischief the spell the girls had tried on him. ~Bring back some of my youth? Not bloody likely. Still tired.~
<p>"Er, perhaps.." He began. "You could just make sure they got home safely? And one, you should be able to figure out which, prefers 'Alex' over Xander. And take some more of the blood, I am sorry about letting it..."
<p>Spike waved a hand. "Lettin' it go, for now. We've all been a bit...out of it, eh?" 
<p>He stood and went to the kitchen and grabbed out a few more pack of blood. He smiled at the idea that, even in his grief, Giles had been thinking of keepig him fed. ~Or, more likely, just hadn't dumped 'em yet.~
<p>He stalked back to the living room. "I'll go make sure the welp...welps haven't gotten their bums busted by sommit. But mind you," He shook a finger at Giles. "Things aren't just gonna get better 'round here. Only worse."
<p>With that, he whirled, coat flapping, and headed out.


<p>Spike made his way along the streets of Sunnydale. He could smell Xander... Xanders scent faintly. It was weird. Wiggins as the Scoobys would say. Two scents, every much Harris, but one was sharper, almost like a feral cat. Made him want to growl and rut about a bit. The other was fear-laced, spicy but sweet. That one made him want to grab, take and hold. He shifted his jeans a bit and smiled ruefully. 
<p>~Down Spikey, not the time to give into undead hormones. No matter how bloody long it's been since you've had a good throw down. Or bad throw down. Or any bloody throw down.~
<p>Still, his mind drifted. 'Nummy treat' he'd smarmed at the boy once. 
Too true, for sure, but not his. He stopped. Wait a soddin' minute. 
Where the hell was the Demon twist? Shouldn't she be taking care of her, now double, paramour? He growled. If she wasn't with him... them... and it didn't seem like she'd made an appearance at the Ex-
Watchers.... He didn't want to think about it. Not his problem. He told Rupes he'd check on the boys and that's what he was going to do. If the Vengeance demon was there, then goody. She could take care of them. 
<p>He chuckled at the idea of what Anya's face would look like when she saw two Xanders. ~Probably start askin' fer  three-some. Wouldn't mind a bit o' that meself. Aw stop it will ya? 1 week after and all you can think about it sex with the whelp? Time fer undead counseling, it is.~
<p>He walked on until he saw the lights from the ice cream parlor. The scents veered there. No surprise. He'd seen the lad scarf down enough of the frozen goody while he was tied to that sodding chair. 
<p>He glanced in the window. Yep, there they were, scarfing away. He shook his head at the sight of them both. Rupes had been right, he could tell there was a big difference in them, just by how they held themselves.
<p>He opened the door and went in. No need for an invitation to a public shop. They seemed to have them built right in. He went to the counter and started to order a shake, when he remembered the lack of funds. Well he would just get the boys to buy him one before escorting them home.
<p>He headed towards their table. "'Ere, Harris." He called. 
<p>Then a familiar scent hit him. He stopped and looked at the man in black leather at a near by table. His mouth fell open. It couldn't be... must be just one of those things. Everyone has a double somewhere, Xanders doubly so perhaps. But this bloke smelled as much like Giles as the other Xander smelled like ..well.... Xander. He just looked.... younger, naughtier, and oh Gods below.., tastier. It couldn't be. But the nose never lied. Could it?
Was... that... Giles? He remembered shifting through some old pictures, once, in the spare room at the Ex-Watcher's. He'd been left tied in the tub, but could still hop about and did when Giles left. Bored and even more bored, he'd hopped around and well.... been nosey. 
<p>There had been a few, small few, pictures of Young Rupert as Ripper, the Rouge Warlock. This man, black leather aside, looked dead on. 
<p>"Ripper?" He said. <Oh bloody please let it just be some toff who smells and looks like young Giles.>


<p>Ripper nearly choked on his ice cream. The *last* thing he expected to hear out of anyone around here, was his name. Well there was, perhaps the person who cast whatever spell had been cast to bring him here...Maybe this was the person.
<p>He turned and looked. A pale and thin young man with bleached out punk hair. Head to toe black complete with leather duster. And damned tasty cheekbones. He knew he would remember this gent if he had met him back in his time. He smirked internally...his time and PLACE. 
<p>"Can't say as I have met you before. Think I would have remembered." He let his eyes travel up and down the newcomer. "You the one who brought me here?"
<p>Alex and Xander got up and flanked Spike, facing Ripper.  "So," Xander said.
<p>"Spike" Alex nodded his head in Ripper’s direction. 
<p>"Whose your friend?" Xander asked.
<p>"Aren't you gonna introduce ""us""?" They said in unison on the last part.
<p>Alex grinned evilly at Spike while Xander had a goofy smile and mischievous eyes.
<p>Ripper leaned back in chair his slightly, aware that somehow the two delicious brunettes had determined him to be a threat.
<p>"Why don't I introduce myself, since I've no bloody clue as to who any of you are?"
<p>He stood up and crossed his arms, unobtrusively feeling for the stake tucked into his jacket.  The blond one was just pale enough to be dead..
<p>"My name is Rupert Giles, but I prefer Ripper."  He pointed at the twins.  "You would be Pinky and Brain?"  He had over-heard the conversation, and recalled thinking that he would have shot his parents if they had named him that, dear gods! Rupert was bad enough!
<p>He looked at the blonde.  "And you're Spike?"
<p>Ripper waited, completely tense.  Something was rotten in Sunnydale, and it wasn't him!!
<p>"Oh stone th' crows." Spike muttered. 
<p>What could possibly happen now? 2 Xanders, 2 Gileses...er something like that. And the whelps were flanking him like some sort of RAF dogfight maneuver. If 2 Willows came in the door, he was out of there in a not-heartbeat. 
<p>"Yeah, I'm Spike." He tucked his hands in his duster pockets and tried to get his 'undead cool' back. "Pinky and Brain here are Xander and Alex." 
<p>Ripper filed the names away, and made a mental note to
figure out which one was Xander, and which was Alex.
<p>~Way too creepy talking in unison. God, I hope the Ex-Watcher and Ripper don't start doing that. Bbrrr~
<p>He shot a look to the Harris on his left. "As much as the old sod looked like he needed a rest, I think we *all* need to go see the Shopkeeper right about now."
<p>~Can't wait to here how this happened. Didn't look to dammed bad as Ripper, Rupes. What happened?~


<p>Ripper shot a look at the one called Spike.  "Who is this 'shopkeeper'?  And why would we need to see him?"
<p>He was feeling quite belligerent now, and wanted nothing more than to get out of the ice cream parlor and away from these three.  He was getting shivers down his back, shivers that told him that the situation was way over his head.  The way he felt now was like what he'd felt when he'd first met Ethan Rayne..


<p>Weirdness, which, on deeper reflection shouldn't bother him anymore, but it had reached overload levels in Spike. *This* was *not* the way he had planned his night going. He had just wanted to check on everyone, make sure that they were still breathing. See what had happened to Dawn, make sure the Witches were still alive, as well as the whelp.
<p>He did not need a stubborn, freaked-out Ripper giving him shit.
<p>"Listen, sunshine. The Shopkeeper is Rupert Giles. You, got it?" He snapped at Ripper. "So *we*..." He pointed at them all. "Go see him. Now. You wanted to know who brought you here? Well he's the man who could find that soddin' piece of information out."
<p>Ripper stared open-mouthed at Spike for a moment.  //Rupert Giles?!?  
NO-it has to be a coincidence.  There's no way.. But, I have to know.//
<p>Suddenly determined, he turned and picked up his bags.
<p>He looked at the Xanders. "And you two. I know what happened and yer comin' back with us until I can get you home."

<p>He glared at all three, daring someone to defy him.


<p>Ripper slung the backpack on and transferred weight of the shopping bags to one hand.  He wanted to keep his stake hand free.  "Ready when you lot are."
<p>The conversation had started to bore Alex, that was until Spike presumed to start ordering Xan and him around.  "I don't think so, Bleached Wonder.   We aren't going anywhere with you and the junior G-man!  Especially not back to Giles'..."  He looked over the vampire's shoulder at his twin.  ~Not taking orders from Fangless!  Besides nothing for us there right now, but frustration.  No answers.  Why should I help him out!?!~  Harshly, he turned his gaze back to Spike and continued.  "You wanna wear the white hat, and rescue the poor little lost, then you go to Giles'.  Me?  I don't have time for this." His tone gentled as he looked at his brother again. "Xan?"
<p>Xander felt torn.  He wanted to go with Spike.  Spike meant protection from demons, Giles meant safety, plus his curiosity was up.  ‘What happened?  Why was there another Giles running around, and several years younger to boot.’  He wanted to know, but curiosity killed the cat and he would follow Alex to hell and back.  They were blood.  He stood with his brother.  
<p>Alex stepped away from Spike, ignoring the vampire, and held out his hand to his twin.  "Come on, little brother.  Five'll get you ten. It's a Wil's botch-a-rama.  You wanna finish your ice cream?"
<p>Xander stared at Spike and Alex in their stand-off.  He knew it would make Spike mad, but he couldn’t turn his back on his twin.  The very thought of wandering the streets of Sunnydale without him was terrifying.  “Yeah, I’ll finish.” Xander stared at Spike and Alex in their stand-off.  He knew it would make Spike mad, but he couldn’t turn his back on his twin.  The very thought of wandering the streets of Sunnydale without him was terrifying.  “Yeah, I’ll finish it on the way.”  Xander took Alex’s hand and licked his cone.  Chocolate makes everything better.  


<p>Spike stared back at... Alex...oh yeah.. he's gonna be trouble. He knew he was one second away from growling gameface at the challenge in the dark eyes. In fact, he was growling a bit. 
<p>"Fine. Whatever. It's your life..." He looked at Xander, nearly cowering next to the other. "Lives. Do what ever ya want."
<p>Ripper had watched the heated exchange between the twins and Spike, not saying a word.  //There's magic in the air,//he thought. //Too much magic.//  The twins positively reeked of it, but he couldn't tell why, yet.  So many questions, and no answers promised to make themselves known.
<p>He motioned with his duster. "Ripper. Yer still with me. Let's go."
<p>He stalked out of the ice cream shop trusting Ripper to follow him.
<p>He jogged after Spike, and quickly fell into step with him.  "May I ask why you became so alarmed when you saw me?  I realize that this shopkeeper shares my name, but that could be simple coincidence.."
<p>Ripper wasn't sure if he would get an answer, or if he really wanted one.
<p>"It's no coincidence, mate. I've seen pictures of Rupes when he was younger. It's you. You're him.  Dunno how, but I am willing to bet a months blood supply that either the Witches or some other spell flinger is involved. Maybe even that other bloke... Rayne."
<p>Ripper blushed at even the mention of Ethan Rayne.. He and Ethan had been much more than fellow occultists..  But wait -- Spike knew of Ethan?!?
<p>"So.. you know about Ethan.  I suppose this means that this Rupert 
Giles is some version of me."
<p>He smiled a wicked sideways grin at Ripper. " 'Course, I always fancied knowin' more about Ripper.. you. Book Lad goes all red and quiet whenever it's brought up. Right hellion I bet you are."
<p>~And not bloody bad on the eyes, either.~
<p>Ripper laughed at that.  "I suppose you could call me that."  He shook his head.  "After the things I've done to survive after leaving the Egyhon group, you could call me just about anything and have it ring true."
<p>//So that means the Giles Rupert here hasn't told anyone what REALLY 
went on between him and Ethan, or me and Ethan..  Whatever..//  
Ripper was curious now as to what the Giles Rupert he would soon meet 
was like.  From what it sounded like, Ripper had grown up into a 
stodgy, old priss.
<p>Ripper laughed at that.  "I suppose you could call me that."  He shook his head.  "After the things I've done to survive after leaving the Egyhon group, you could call me just about anything and have it ring true."

<p>He fell into a disturbed quiet, just thinking about his recent past.


<p>"Yeah I bet there are some tales Rupes wouldn't want know." Spike grinned. "An' I know what you mean. Never thought I'd be doing some of the things I have to survive. Not lately anyways.  If you call it surviving." 
<p>Ripper gave a little ghost of a chuckle, and nodded.  He didn't know if he could call anything of the last year surviving.  Oh, he'd had food, and shelter, but precious little else.  He pulled out his own smokes, and lit one, needing the familiar feel.
<p>Spike fell silent as well, lighting another smoke. What hed'd done... too little too late and starving as well. Fuck it all. Some un-life for a former member of the Scourge of Europe. He glanced over at Ripper and saw him in a similar funk. Maybe it was his tiem with the Scoobys rubbing off on him, or maybe it was his last week in hell, but he was worried.
<p>~Outta time, outta place. Guess I'd be a bit on the upset and half barmy side if it was me.~
<p>" ‘Ere, you gonna be alright?" He asked. 
<p>"I-I guess so..  I just keep thinking that I never would have seen myself doing anything like what I've done in the last year.  I mean.. two years ago, I wouldn't have robbed a man looking for a cheap trick and stealing his credit cards.." He gestured to the clothes he was wearing.  "Hell!  I wouldn't have even looked like the cheap trick he wanted..  That's how I've been making it in London, you know, being that cheap trick."
<p>Spike contained his surprise. The *last* thing he ever expected of the former librarian was the time as a rent boy.  ~Hidden depths to you, Rupes. Gotta hand it to you..~
<p>There was so much self-loathing in Ripper's words, and he suddenly felt vulnerable.  He struggled to put his smart-ass mask in place.
<p>"I'm sorry.  You probably don't want to hear about my life since Ethan and Egyhon.  I'm sure you've your own problems that need dealing with." He hadn't succeeded in hiding his pain, much as he wanted to.  Ripper shook his head violently.
<p>"Please, just forget everything I just said.."
<p>Spike stopped at the edge of Giles' walk. He knew that tone of voice very well. He'd been using it on himself for the past week.  
<p>He smirked at Ripper.  "Pet, I am actually very curious to hear more about yer life. Trust me on that one." He stamped out his smoke on the sidewalk. "And it's nice not ter have to worry about my own kit bag of troubles."
<p>Ripper gaped at Spike.  Why anyone would want to know about his past was a mystery to him.  Ah well..  This Spike intrigued him as well.  
Maybe as he divulged his history, he could ferret out some of the other man's as well.
<p>He took the smoke from Ripper's fingers and stamped it out. "This Giles doesn't smoke, sorry, Pet."
<p>"He doesn't??" squeaked Ripper.  He'd been on a pack a day for nearly five years now!
<p>He cocked his head and gave Ripper a measuring look. "I don't know what's on in yer head. Can only imagine. But listen, if they bothered to help me, they can help you. No matter what ton of shit you got goin' on. And I'm not gonna ferget what you said. Can't. Me brain don't work that way, m'afraid." A small smile crossed his face. "But I will let it go. For now. Right? C'mon. Let's see what happened when you see you, eh?"
<p>Ripper nodded, knowing all too well what that determined looked meant.  He was sure he'd worn a look like that many times, himself.
<p>He stepped up to the door and knocked.


<p>The young man bit his lip nervously.  What was this Rupert Giles like??
<p>Giles opened the door.
<p>Oz watched him go to the door with relief. He just knew that Giles would have asked him what was going on.
<p>"Spike!  Are the twins with you?"  He noticed that there was only one person with the vampire.
<p>Oh yeah. That was the smell of cigarette's and dry dusty things, but the only other person he could smell was...Giles.
<p>"And who would this be?"  Giles peered at the figure, and gasped when his features came into focus.
<p>Oz stared, dropping the book to the floor. I hope that wasn't expensive or cursed...
<p>"Oh, dearest gods!"


<p>Well, that explains why I can only smell Giles and Spike.
<p>"Huh." Same old Hellmouth, it never stops.
<p>Ripper echoed the words on a groan.
<p>//This is what I turn into?//  He gave the other Rupert Giles a thorough, exasperated once-over.  Glasses, starchy clothes, short hair..  He'd become his father!
<p>At this moment, Ripper wanted nothing more than to sink into a hole in the ground.
<p>Giles turned to Spike.  "Please, tell me this is nothing more than a horrible coincidence." 
<p>Oz stared from further back in the room. As if Giles hadn't had enough shocks and now that...that *vampire* had done *this* to him. 
<p>The ex-Watcher could think of nothing more horrifying than to be confronted by his past, literally.
<p>How was he going to help him stop drinking when shocks like this turned up? A younger, rougher version of Giles stood there in front of his version.
<p>The..the boy standing before him was everything he'd ever wanted to forget, an all to vivid reminder of the life he'd shared with Ethan Rayne.
<p>Ripper closed his eyes, as if to shut out the image of his future.
<p>It looked to Oz as if both Giles were in shock, while *Spike* looked ready to laugh! Somehow Oz just knew it was all *his* fault. 
<p>Oz began to growl.
<p>"Spike..  Can we leave now?  You've made your point.  There's no way this man can NOT be me, in the future anyway."
<p>Spike tried very hard to keep a grin off his face and failed. This was better than Passion re-runs! He shoved his hands into duster pockets and rocked back on his heels. 
<p>Oz picked the book back up and carefully placed it back in the shelf. And as he listened to Spike, removed his clothes. No need to ruin another lot.
<p>"Found him in the ice cream shop while I was lookin' fer the twins. Who, by the way, want nothing to do with yer truly, so’s I expect Alex.." He pulled a face. "Is taking Xander home. Bleh." He said to  Giles.
<p>To Ripper he said, "Sorry. I know it's a bit of a shock. But there ya go. Life's odd that way. Musta been the Watcher drek he got into. You  want to leave then we will. But I dunno where you wanna go... me  crypt's kinda damp at the mo."
<p>Oh yeah, the vampire did it on purpose all right.  Closing his eyes, Oz concentrated on that part of his body that made him Change.
<p>He suppressed a giggle. Giggles were not very Big Bad. He'd not quite  counted on the looks of shock and horror the Gileses were giving each  other but they were priceless.  He wished he'd had a camera.
<p>Poor Giles was devastated, just look at the expression
on his face. 
<p>To them both, he said "Look, I know it's freaky. Lookin' fer me own  bloody double at this point, but just thought you both should know,  right?"
<p>He stopped and listened... 3 heartbeats... he sniffed... who the hell  was that? Smelled wild and almost feral.... like a...His eyebrows raised. "Got comp'ny?"
<p>It looked to Oz as if both Giles were in shock, while *Spike* looked ready to laugh! Somehow Oz just knew it was all *his* fault. 
<p>Oz began to growl.
<p>Damn. The vampire had picked him. Ah well. He had changed all the way now anyway. Growling, Oz leapt towards the startled vampire.
<p>Giles barely heard the growls through his shock, but he opened his eyes just in time to see Oz going after Spike.  AND Oz had changed.
<p>"Oz!  No!"  Not thinking at all, Giles leapt between Spike and the werewolf.
<p>"He's one of us, now!"  Giles yelped as he found himself grappling with an armful of angry wolf.
<p>Ripper had watched in horrified fascination as the wolf charged for Spike.  He'd known that werewolves existed, but never seen one before..  Then his mind started working, and he, too, stepped between Spike and the wolf.
<p>Truth to tell, he was more than a little relieved when it was the older Giles that ended up trying to actually hold off this Oz..
<p>"Spike, what do we do now?" Ripper asked.
<p>'WE bloody well do THIS!" Spike said, and shifted to gameface.
<p>Spike had heard the growling and dismissed it. He wouldn't make that same mistake twice.  He shoved Ripper out of the way and tore Giles and Oz apart.
<p>Ripper gasped as Spike's face shifted.  //He is a vampire!!//  He backed himself up against a convenient wall.  Wishing he could click 
his heels together three times and just GO HOME!
<p>"Out of the way, Rupes!" He snarled. He shoved him towards his younger self. "My job, remember?"
<p>Rupert careened toward Ripper, and the younger man caught him.  A 
little dizzy, Rupert managed to say, "Don't hurt him, Spike, please.."
<p>Confused, OzWolf struggled. Pack Leader said he was...Pack member? But...he smelt like death! He was the Enemy!
<p>Ripper meanwhile stared at the face of the man so close to him.  There was no denying that this was him, some thirty years into the future.  Oh, there were age lines galore, but Ripper couldn't lie to himself.
<p>OzWolf whined. The Enemy was not acting like that at all. He smelt like death but acted to protect the pack leader and the one who smelt like him.
<p> chip actually pinged just a bit, as if trying to decided if Spike meant harm. It must have concluded he didn't as no searing pain ripped through his head.
<p>OzWolf snarled in confusion. If he was protecting, he must have been accepted into the pack. But he was the Enemy!
<p>He squared off towards the snarling werewolf. "Right, puppy. You think I'm gonna let you tear up Giles? Don't think so. Scratch him and yer a throw rug! You want me? We take it outside, away from the humans."
<p>What was he saying anyway? OzWolf tilted his head to the side and watched him make those noises used to communicate.
<p>The younger Rupert stared at the two combatants, not sure if he could 
do anything.  //That's right, Ripper, just throw yourself between two 
supernatural beings.//
<p>And now the other, who also smelt like pack Leader, also stepped between him and the Enemy. But...not Enemy? 
<p>Spike growled. He didn't really *want* to hurt Oz, but he sure as 
hell wasn't going to just *take* a beating. 
<p>OzWolf began to panic. If pack leader said the Enemy was not the Enemy, then what? He was confused but didn't want to hurt the pack leader.
<p>"Then call the dog off." He snarled. "Or I will do more than hit his bloody nose with a newspaper!" 
<p>But if the Enemy was not the Enemy then why hurt the pack leader? why did the Enemy grab him like that?
<p>Giles shifted his gaze to the werewolf.  "Oz, please, change back.  There's no reason to fight Spike.  Please.."  He stumbled over the word, suddenly feeling very broken and wanting a drink oh so badly.  "Come back, Oz, change back.  I need you.. to change back."   What had happened to make Oz change?  Why had he attacked Spike?
<p>OzWolf turned to stare at his pack leader. Now he was making those noises humans make. OzWolf liked his voice, it was soothing.
<p>He reached out an entreating hand to the wolf.
<p>Ripper looked over the living room, but didn't find what he wanted.  "Do you have a tranquilizer gun?"
<p>This other one's voice was almost the same, as good.
OzWolf like his pack leader's better though.
<p>Giles turned to him in surprise.  He'd nearly forgotten that the boy was there.  "What?"
<p>Their voices sounded good together, though. And now
the Enemy…other pack member was quiet he was calming
<p>"A tranquilizer gun," Ripper repeated slowly.
Why had he gotten so upset anyway?
<p>"Oh.."  Giles closed his eyes and tried to think.  Did he still have one, or was a trank gun one of the things lost when they blew up the high school.  "No, not anymore."
<p>Oh yes, his other self had seen a threat. But the threat wasn't real after all.
<p>OzWolf yawned. Time to let his other, human self out, then. He would understand what was happening.
<p>Giles looked back at the werewolf.  //Come on, Oz.  I know you change back..  Please..//
<p>Oz moved slowly in front of the Englishman and began the Change back.  
<p>Back in his human form, he inspected himself. Glaring at Spike as he remembered why he had changed, he moved closer to Giles, in front of him.
<p>"You tried to hurt Giles!"
<p>Spike's mouth dropped open, fangs and all. "I WOT?" He exclaimed.
<p>He morphed back to normal visage and continued to stare confused at 
Oz. "You tell me how knockin' on th' bloody door counts as trying to 
hurt Rupes? Here I thought I was doin' the right thing by bringin' 
Ripper over and... aw sod it!"
<p>"He was upset and you were laughing!" Sniffing, Oz could smell the vampire's confusion. He was telling the truth? 
<p>He then blinked. Oz was dangly bits to the wind. His eyebrows rose into his hairline almost. "Nice navel ring, Pup."
<p>Oz looked down at himself. Oh yeah. Clothes. He smiled back up at the confused vampire and stretched.
<p>"Thanks. I got it in Nevada." He walked slowly over to where he had put his clothes. It's not as if they were important or anything, he didn't care who saw him naked anyway. 
<p>Giles gulped, suddenly faced with an amazing view of Oz's ass.  He forced his eyes to focus on the back of the young man's head, and tried to get his brain working again.  When it finally did kick into gear, he processed what Oz had said.  
<p>He heard Giles make a small noise and looked over his shoulder. The Englishman was staring at him, his ass anyway. Turning back, Oz slowly bent over. After all, he did have to reach down to pull his jeans up. 
<p>Did that mean that Oz had changed in an attempt to protect him?  If so, what did THAT mean?
<p>He swallowed, and was finally able to speak.  "Spike has been helping us quite a bit since you left, Oz."
<p>"Ah" Oz began to see, a little. Spike was helping, but he was still evil.
<p>Ripper piped up, still standing beside Giles.  "Spike brought me here so that we could figure out WHY I'm here."  
<p>Oz looked at the younger version. Yeah. Good looking, but he liked his version better. 
<p>Spike resisted, barely, the urge to stick his tongue out childishly at Oz.
<p>"Things have changed." He said to him, instead.
<p>~And have they. God, someone shoot me will ya? That actually pleased me.~
<p>He gestured to the older version of himself.  "Obviously, this is neither my time nor place.  Earlier this afternoon, I was in London and it was 1977.  Now, I don't know exactly what year it is, but I do know that this is Sunnydale, California."
<p>"1977..  That was just after I left Ethan and the others.  I was twenty-three.."  Giles mused.  He gave Ripper an inquiring look.  "But what were you doing in London?  I immediately went home after Ethan and I went our separate ways."
<p>I knew it! Giles and Ethan, hey? So at least Giles is interested in guys. What am I thinking? I've only just figured out I am. Well, apart from Dev, anyway. that's kinda a mutual thing though, does it count as being gay if it's your best friend?
<p>Ripper blushed and looked away.  "It doesn't matter what I was doing!  But.." he looked back at Giles.  "How were you able to return home?  Father disowned me after that entire mess."
<p>Giles' eyebrows crawled into his hairline.
<p>"Why don't we all sit down?  There's a lot to figure out."
<p>I'll say. I wonder if this is the spell Willow did?
That would explain the blushing, anyway.
<p>Spike rolled his eyes. He wanted a smoke. He wanted to go back to his crypt. He wanted a drink. Well, more drinks. Several more. Anything to get the weird feelings out of his head. The pain, he could barely deal with. Or not deal with, depending on how you veiwed his past week. Drunk and hungry and crying. 
<p>The bit of the old fire, facing off with Oz, that he thought he could deal with as well. Made him feel....grrr. Possibly still useful.  Just possibly not the complete fuck-up he had come to think he was lately.
<p>The feral scents and faint traces of lust... that was something different. Alex and Xander's scents had come close to making him nuts and now... oh well. Ripper's weren't helping. All new leather and the tiniest touches of old London.... He wished he could get a head cold right about now.  Block them all out.
<p>"Right." He said and took out a smoke. He stuck it, unlit, between his lips and slouched down in an armchair. 
<p>Giles would snap at him about smoking or throw him out. Either or... Ripper would light one too. 
<p>Oz wrinkled his nose. He knew vampires had a stronger sense of smell too, why would Spike want to smoke?
<p>~Give this a bit an' then go make sure the... heh.. twins are all right. Hmmm Alex has a nice growl on him for a human. Nummyboy Xander looked like he was ready to cry. What is up with that?~
Giles perched on the couch and ran his hands through his hair.  He would have snapped at Spike, but he saw Ripper lighting up too.  Ripper just looked at him and took a long drag, daring Giles to say something. 
<p>Oz stayed silent, watching them all speak. When Giles sat down, he sat next to him, close enough to feel his body heat.
<p>The ex-Watcher sighed, and fetched an ashtray.  "I stopped that nasty habit after I went home, you know."
<p>And he smelt really good too. All fresh and clean, unlike Spike and Ripper. Though both versions had the alcohol around them, too. 
<p>Ripper barked a laugh.  "Well, I didn't get to go home, thank you very much."
<p>Ripper though, Ripper smelt like youth, and smokes, and sex...with lots of different partners.
<p>"Yes, so I gathered.  Tell me, why were you disowned?"
<p>"You mean you weren't?"  Giles shook his head, and Ripper sucked on the fag as if it would save his life.  He held the smoke in for a long moment, then released it. 
<p>"When Ethan and I broke- parted ways, he wasn't too thrilled with me.  And he was didn't have a pot to piss in.  He had some pictures.. of me in various sexual indiscretions.  Ethan sent them to Father, threatening blackmail.  Dad solved the problem by disowning me.  That was ten months ago.  Since then, I've been living in London."  Ripper stubbed the cigarette out viciously, wishing he could do the same sort of damage to Ethan.
<p>Boy, Ethan was scum to do that! No wonder Giles was so mad at him when he turned up. Willow had told him about Halloween and he had seen for himself how the adults were with those chocolate bars.
<p>Giles buried his face in his hands.  This was more than he wanted Spike, Oz, or anyone to know.  "You mean you didn't get them when you left the house?!?  They were in his nightstand, where he kept all of his pornographic material!!  Er.."  He looked sideways at Oz and Spike, having unwittingly given away a yet another clue as to his history.
<p>Go Giles! Smart to do that! But why didn't Ripper? 
<p>"So, that's where we differ.  We're living each other's what if."  He gave a sardonic smile.  "One small thing.. and our paths diverged."
<p>Ripper thrust a thumb towards his bags.  "I need fresh air--I'm going to talk a walk.  Don't expect me back anytime soon, but I'll leave my bags here."  Then he was out the door, head bowed so no one would see the tears in his eyes.
<p>Oops. Ripper smelt sad, and Oz could smell salt too.  That would suck. One simple action meant that his life would be totally different.
<p>Giles sat in stunned silence.  That young man was living out the life he would have had if he hadn't remembered the pictures at the last moment.  He'd literally been at the threshold of the house he and 
Ethan had shared when the thought of them had popped into his mind.
<p>Giles looked sad, too. Oz moved even closer, almost sitting on top of him. He promised to help Giles, and he would, even from himself if he had to.
<p>Then he remembered the spell..  "Gods.. If I ever let Willow and Tara do a spell again, it'll be too soon.  I'm more than half tempted to perform a binding on them!!"
<p>"So it was them. When I saw Willow earlier the place stank of magic." Oz said. And maybe a binding would be a good idea.
<p>And THEN he realized that Ripper had just walked out into the Sunnydale night.  "Damn..  Spike, would you do me a favor and make sure he's all right.  He seems to trust you.  If you don't want to, I'll follow him."
<p>"If you do go, I'll go with." No way was he going to let Giles go alone out there!
<p>Giles gave Oz a weary smile.  "Thank you, Oz.  I appreciate that."
<p>Smiling back Oz replied "You asked me to be there. I said yes." Oh hey, I got him to smile again. Good.
<p>He gave the young man a squeeze on the knee, then looked back at Spike.
<p>Oz decided to go for it and leaned on Giles, almost sitting in his lap. Giles is...comfy...I'll sleep well in bed with him. 
<p>Oz shot up at that thought and moved away, staring at him. And now I'm wanting to sleep with him already?! Attracted yes, lust yes, now this?! What is going on with me?! He frowned, and put an arm around Giles for comfort as he moved back close to him again.
<p>Oz shot up at that thought and moved away, staring at him. And now I'm wanting to sleep with him already?! Attracted yes, lust yes, now this?! What is going on with me?! He frowned, and put an arm around Giles for comfort as he moved back close to him again.
<p>"I'm sorry to have asked you to follow Ripper.  You really don't have to.  I'm sure that baby-sitting my younger self isn't at all what you want to do right now."
<p>Heh, if only you could smell what I can, Giles, Oz thought before putting his head down on the Englishman's shoulder and shutting his eyes. Making the Change at will was handy, but it was tiring. 
<p>And there was the not understanding humans too, but Oz was sure that could be worked out. Giles could figure it out.
<p>Giles went still when Oz put his head on his shoulder.  He knew that he was attracted to the young werewolf, but did this mean??  No.. it couldn't, could it?
<p>Feeling the Englishman stiffen Oz frowned a little and moved his arm up, holding onto Giles. He thought he had seen signs of Giles liking him, maybe he was wrong and really upsetting him? Maybe he should leave, go back to Dev's?
<p>He put an arm around Oz's waist, refusing to let his mind wander down that particular track any further.  Well, for right now anyway, what with his younger double wandering Sunnydale alone and unaware of just what cohabitated the town with the humans.
<p>Feeling Giles move his arm around him made Oz feel safe. For the first time in months, he felt as if he could sleep without dreams. That'd be nice. No Initiative, no Wolf, just Giles. Yawning, he rubbed his face up and down Giles. 
<p>He waited for Spike's answer, hoping that the vampire would agree to look for Ripper.  Giles wasn't sure he could take another dose of what if.
<p>Oz wished Spike would answer Giles already. At this rate he would have to wake up to protect Giles properly if the vampire decided not to go look for Ripper.
<p>Spike sighed. "Yeah yeah, don't get yer knickers in a twist. I'll go keep an eye on him."
<p>~Well well, looks like Dogboy and the Watcher are getting quite cozy.~ Spike raised his scarred eyebrow. ~No wonder the pup went a bit off.~
<p>Oz kept still as Giles moved. Maybe it was just something about Spike that seemed to annoy Giles like this? They'd have to work on that, get Giles to relax more. 
<p>He threw himself up out of the chair and lit his smoke before heading out after Watcher the Younger. "Ta kids. Don't wait up." He said over his shoulder.
<p>He paused at the end of the walk and slumped his shoulders. He wasn't sure he wanted to be given 'guardian' status just yet. The Whelp... whelps were one thing. He.. ok so he didn't know what the deal with 2 of them were... but he knew Xander... er.. He threw up his hands in frustration. There were two of them and at least one of them seemed to know how to keep his head out of his arse. And they were a reasonably known quantity.
<p>Ripper, on the other hand, was Giles but not quite. One of them took the path less traveled, the other went home and became a Good Little Watcher. Well at least Ripper didn't know what a failure Spike was. 
<p>Right, time to find Ripper. He took a few sniffs and headed off.
<p>Spike followed the scent of smoke, new leather and.., Ripper. Yeah, that was fast becoming a different scent than Giles. Giles smelled dusty, like old magic, and tea and a touch of alcohol. Pleasant to Spike, but not as...vital as Ripper smelled.
<p>A salty tinge reached him as he saw Ripper sitting against a tree. Too weak and faint for blood, had to be... He could see his shoulders working... yeah, tears.
<p>~Aw great! One bloody thing that makes me stupid!~
<p>Dru found this out early. Whenever Spike didn't want to do something, she'd tear up and stick her lovely lower lip out. To Spike's ever growing horror, it worked. All the time. He would try to move mountains to keep her from crying. He had to be the world's biggest vampire pushover. Certainly was the most emotional.
<p>He walked silently up and sank down next to the weeping younger man. He propped his arms across his knees and waited, keeping a sideways look out over the park. 
<p>He wondered if he could chalk this crying jag up to the situation or whatever had made the life of this Rupert Giles divert from the Sunnydale version. Blackmail about one's sex life, in 1970's London, had to be... terrible, he guessed. London, for all it's loose nasty ways, still had it's collective head up it's arse. Look at what happened to Oscar Wilde, Joe Morton. And if anyone asked him if he kept up with the Literally of England, he'd spit.
<p>He couldn't stand it!  "Ripper." He said quietly, placing a hand on one of the heaving shoulders. "Er, know this will sound stupid, but it will be alright."
<p>Spike didn't even notice he'd slipped back to his old accent, cockney gone in this weird and quiet moment.
<p>Ripper jumped when he felt the hand on his shoulder.  "Spike!!"  
<p>He blinked and frantically tried to wipe his face dry.  Then the words registered.
<p>Ripper laughed bitterly.  "If only I could believe that.  For over the last year, my life has been one big screw up.  Everything that I've chosen to do, has been the wrong path.  Especially since Ethan-"
<p>He broke off and looked away.  He wouldn't do it.  He wouldn't say the words.  That would make it too real..
<p>"Screw ups. Now that's something I can understand. Made several myself in the past year or so." Spike nodded.
<p>~Like the whole Gem thing, like letting Dru get away, like letting those arsewipes put this thing in my head, like Buffy...~
<p>He bit his lip, not wanting to think about it, but not really being able to stop. Maybe someday...
<p>Then another realization dawned on him.  "Spike, what happened to your accent?"
<p>"Wha...? Oh hell. uh.." Spike realized what Ripper meant. He'd lost the cockney and went back to 'William the Bloody (awful poet)' speech again. Completely embarrassing.
<p>He shrugged. "it's nuthin'. Not really lived the life of upperclass twit accent in ... oh over 120 years. Kinder dropped it."
<p>Ripper looked at him, not sure he understood.  And yet, it was interesting, to be able to entirely change how people looked at you simply by changing your manner of speaking.  He said as much, and patted his pockets for a handkerchief.  After all that crying, his nose was as stuffed as a turkey dinner.
<p>Spike smiled. "Yea, changed *alot*. If anyone was still alive from back then, they wouldn't recognize me." 
<p>~Alive? HA! Those you didn't eat right away! Never knew what hit 'em.~
<p>He looked at Ripper. "An' as far as wrong paths go... get yer chin up. Like you better'n Stuffy the Slayer Watcher back there, mate."
<p>That elicited a laugh out of the young man.  "So you think he's a prude, too, eh?  I'd almost say that everything I've gone through lately was worth avoiding becoming THAT."
<p>"God, he's so.. British sometimes." Spike laughed. "Complete with heavy duty chains for the bath. That was fun...not." He grimaced.
<p>Ripper's eyebrows rose into his hairline.  "Sounds kinky," he quipped, with just a hint of his devil-may-care attitude returning.
<p>Spike snorted. "Giles and kinky. No. Think not. Not that it wouldn't have been a bad thing, but I hate getting staked."
<p>Finally, he found his handkerchief and blew his nose, rather noisily.  He grimaced.  Not pleasant, that feeling that one was going to blow their brains out into a small square of cotton.
<p>Ripper became serious.  "I suppose you want to take me back there," he said quietly.  He looked at Spike with pleading eyes.  "Please don't.  At least not yet.  I don't know how much I can take of Wanker the Watcher right now.  Especially Wanker and Wolfie dancing around each other."
<p>He ran a hand through his hair.  "How long have they been dancing around the bed, anyway?"
<p>"Wanker and Wolfie? Like that." Spike mused. "Wait... how long.. never to my knowledge, mate. Guess Wanker was was *very* glad to see 
Wolfie back. Think the Pup got back tonight, near as I can tell. 'Course they didn't have time to do anything before I found you and the Wonder Twins. Came from Wanker's place."
<p>Ripper chewed on that for a moment.  He'd have to do something about the situation between those two, if they didn't take care of it themselves tonight.
<p>Spike turned to look at Ripper ~Goddamn, his eyes are almost as bad as the Whelps!~
<p>"I don't want to go back there meself. Don't rightly fancy another go-round with this Feralness nor watching them get snuggly."
<p>He stood and extended a hand to Ripper. "Not much to do at night on the Hellmouth. Whatyer say we go get a drink? It's that or go pester the Twins. Or patrol, which I'm not inclined to do right now."
<p>"Patrol?" Ripper asked, then he laughed.  "A drink sounds good right about now, but the Twins..  They were interesting.  Quite edible.."
<p>He waggled his eyebrows, forcing his doldrums to the side.  "Your choice, Spike.  Do we go corrupt ourselves with drink, or do we try and corrupt the twins?"
<p>~Corrupt! Nummies now!~ Spike's brain screamed and did a jig. ~When did we ... *I* start that? Oh yeah... chair, rope... yergh. A bit of nasty will make you fell better! Oright! Shut up!~
<p>"Corrupt sounds good to me, mate." Spike grinned. This Giles was going to be much more fun. "We can always grab a drink later."
<p>Ripper laughed and lit a cigarette.  "A drink to celebrate corruption?"
<p>"Heh, yeah. Works for me." Spike smirked
<p>He headed off in the direction of Xander’s latest abode. "Just one bit. They got split tonight. One of them seems a bit jumpy. Xander. 
Guess the personality got all sorted around." He shrugged. "Alex, he seems like the ...heh... nastier of the two. No telling what kinder mood we're gonna find 'em in."
<p>~And me and Alex are gonna have to come to some sort of...understanding. Oh yes.~ 
<p>The young man jogged after the vampire.  "You mean there was only one  of them?  How in the seven hells did they get split??"
<p>Then, "Alex must have been the one calling the shots at the ice cream parlor then.  The other one seemed too timid.."
<p>Spike slowed. letting the younger man catch up. "Yeah only one Xander Harris. Really one's enough, I'd say. Wonder what his chit's gonna do when *they* get home?" Spike laughed. "As for how they got split...I have no bloody idea. Happened before, Little Bit, that's Dawn, told me about it. Some artifact or something. Dunno 'bout tonight though." 
He grinned wickedly "Should be fun ter find out, eh?"
<p>"Oh.. he's with someone?  And this has happened before?  Gods, this 
Sunnydale positively reeks of magickal goings on!"
<p>"Yeah.. Ex-Vengance Demon named Anya. Human now. Nice bit of alright, really. An' it's the Hellmouth, magic comes with the whole soddin' package."
<p>He drew in a lungfull of smoke, exhaling out his nose. "Timid.. yeah that has to be Xander. Alex would be the growly one. S' why I think the personality got shuffled around. Not enough to go 'round more than once I guess. 'Course timid can be tasty. heh."
<p>Ripper snorted.  "Yeah, it can be..  If you can manage to get past the virgin on her wedding night act!"
<p>Like you could bite him. Like I mean biting! Over the Slayer already are we? NO...gggrrrr.. fuck you!~
<p>Spike's brow furrowed as he continued his internal war. He loved Buffy, but she was gone. ~A bloody week! Hey! Seen lots of death thank you!~ And they would have never gotten together, not with Spike being who he was and Angel being all Mr. Noble. It was an obtainable goal. That still hurt.
<p>He clenched his jaw to stop from tearing up again. ~She's gone. Move on dammit.~
<p>The young man saw the look on Spike's face and put a hand on the vampire's arm.  "Something else is bothering you.  'Fess up."
<p>He had a feeling that Spike wouldn't.  Anyone raised British would die before telling someone else about their emotions.  So, he decided 
to dangle a bargain out there.  Especially seeing as how he'd gotten more understanding out of this stranger than he'd gotten out of anyone he'd ever known.  Ripper's little mental voice whispered //But you didn't want to tell anyone.//  To which Ripper replied  //Stuff it!  He needs to talk, maybe more than I do.//
<p>Out loud he said, "Fess up and maybe I'll tell you why I'm really upset about this entire deal with me and Wanker."
<p>Spike started at the touch on his arm. He hadn't realized he'd slipped so deep into his own thoughts. He looked at Ripper, into his light eyes and saw a desire to understand. Question was, could he tell him? 
<p>~Why not? He's here an' got his own bit of baggage. S'not like he's gonner run off an' tell the Pouf or somethin'.~
<p>"Someone close to us all died a week ago. Someone I... cared about. Buffy. She was the Slayer." He barked out a sharp laugh. "Right, not like you know what a Slayer is. Or do you? Dunno what you got in yer head over or under the Wanker."
<p>Ripper cocked his head to one side.  "Dad's a Watcher.  In my world, Dad had actually Watched a certain Slayer by the name of Amelia.  I was probably all of twelve at the time."  He shrugged.  "She was a pretty bit, but that prettiness got her killed.  Too many monsters too a liking to her looks."
<p>~Yeah... Like me. Why are they always pretty? Powers that Be want them to die?~
<p>He shrugged again.  "Dad wasn't too torn up about it.  He'd only been assigned to her for a few months when she finally got her throat torn out..  That's when I decided that I didn't want to join the Watcher's Council."
<p>The young man was silent for a moment.  "I'm sorry about your loss.  I'm sure she was a good person."
<p>Spike snorted. "She was a mouthy little airhead. But she was good at it." ~And you, the monster, fell, didn't ya?~
<p>He took a drag and shook his head. "Anyway. Why, 'sides the whole 'not my time and place and sure as hell not the man I wanted to be' thing, does this deal upset you?"
<p>Ripper laughed bitterly and walked a little ahead of the vampire, trusting Spike to keep up.  The moment of truth had come and he didn't really want to have to look the other man in the eye while he said his piece.
<p>"The pictures I told you all about..  That isn't the real branching point for me and the other Rupert Giles.  They were simply a consequence of what happened before that."
<p>He rubbed his eyes, trying to erase the sting of the tears that already threatened.  "It was a day or two before I left Ethan..  I can't remember exactly how long it was before I could bring myself to stand, much less walk out of that house."
<p>"Ethan had gone off to convene with the other Egyhon groupies..  I wasn't feeling well, so I begged off.  That evening he came home, drunk on the power high he gotten.  He'd forced Egyhon to reside within his body for nearly an hour, something none of us thought possible."
<p>Ripper cleared his throat and focused his eyes forward, refusing to look in any direction but ahead.  His voice became mechanical as he tried to distance himself.  "In his state, he.. I don't know.  I only remember now that he wanted sex, and I was still feeling piss-poor.  
I said no, and he didn't like that answer."
<p>He shoved his trembling hands into his pockets.  "He hated that answer so much..  He r-ra-- forced me."  A tear fell unbidden down his cheeks.  "I don't even remember packing, or walking out of the house.  I hid for a week, figuring that a week was long enough for him to lose interest.  I could go home then.  But, when I called home, Dad blew his stack at me about Ethan trying to blackmail him.  Then he disowned me.  He didn't want a faggot for a son."
<p>He grit his jaw, and tried to force the images away.  "I stayed in London then, and managed to avoid Ethan and company."
<p>The tears were practically streaming down his face by then, but still Ripper kept walking.  If he just kept concentrating on his footfalls, he could keep the memories at bay.
<p>Spike stay half a pace behind while Ripper told his tale, his own woes shoved back at the sudden shift in the young man's voice. He wasn't completely surprised by what had happened. Forcing a Chaos (I think) Demon into your body didn't exactly make you a charming companion. And Da Giles sounded oh so wonderful as a father. And why was he, Spike, getting  upset over this?
<p>~Your Mum's last Gent come to mind? Or the first time you truly pissed Angelus off? Or the last time he was around? Least you had something to fall back on last time. Your a soddin' vampire. Ripper is human and lost. Sucker for a sob story aren't you? This one, yeah.~
<p>In all his time as a vampire, rape was one thing he never much had the stomach for. Corrupting some young nummy yes, forcing anything but blood out of them, no. He was cruel and violent, had his share of death and destruction, but rape was not part of his game plan. 
<p>~Twisted code, but it's mine.~
<p>He moved up to Ripper's side, chewing the inside of his cheek. After a long moment he put a hand on the man's shoulder and looked over at him. "Might not believe this, me being what I am, but I understand."
<p>Ripper managed a small smile and once again his handkerchief made an appearance.  He wiped the salty wetness from his cheeks and exhaled loudly.  Then he shrugged, but he still couldn't look Spike in the eyes.
<p>"I don't know why, Spike, but I thought you might.  I don't even know what to do anymore.  I didn't know anyone in London except Ethan and the others, and there's nothing to go back to any way."
<p>At the same time, Ripper didn't know if he could make a place for himself in this world.  Especially if he were to be confronted everyday by Rupert Giles the Older.  
<p>"Anyway, thank you for listening.  I think maybe I needed maybe I needed to talk more than I thought."
<p>Spike sucked on his teeth. "Yeah, think ya did. S'not good to let things fester." 
<p>Ripper finally snuck a look at Spike's face, and was relieved to see that there was no hint of poking fun..
<p>~Oooh Thank YOU, Dr. Laura! Hn... there's a witch who needs eating. Paint her up like a drag queen and take 'er to a gay 
bar. I wouldn't have to do a bloody thing... heh. OW! Ggrrr!~
<p>He rubbed the back of his head ruefully. Stupid chip. 
<p>"As for what to do, don't worry 'bout it. There's always a need for helpin' hands with stakes 'round here. And maybe the Witches can figure out how to send you back, if you'd want to go. And, I might add, you are takin' this all pretty well, considerin'. Yanked outta time and home, stuck goin' walkies with a vampire. You bein' Watcherkin an' all, surprised I haven't gotten staked yet." 
<p>He sniffed and smiled.  "Well, I've definitely wielded a stake before..  As for going home.."  Ripper shook his head.  "I don't think I really want to."
<p>He grinned. "Stronger than you think, aren't you? You'll figure it out and you'll have help. Now, you still wanner go harass the Harris's?"
<p>This last bit gave Ripper pause.  On impulse he planted a peck on Spike's cheek.  "Thanks, Spike.  And, yeah, let's go give the twins hell."
<p>Spike blinked, touching his cheek where the kiss had landed. A crooked grin crossed his face. Noone but Dawn had ever just done something so spontaneous and sweet to him. If he could have spared the blood, he would have blushed. 
<p>Ripper smiled shyly at the look on Spike's face.  //You'd think no one had been nice to him in a while.//
<p>~Aw come on! Honestly! You'd think you'd just gone out on yer first 
date! Right. Big Bad, grrr.... heh.~
<p>"Yeah," He said, still grinning. "Let's go see what the Babes in the Woods are up too. God, I hope we haven't missed the look on the Demon Chit's face."
<p>He hooked an arm in Ripper's and headed to the apartment.
<p>The young man waited patiently by Spike's side, not sure if he should say anything to the twins, or let them sniff him out first.  He mentally shrugged..  He'd play it by ear, since things were odd anyway.
<p>"Right. We're here." Spike said, smiling wickedly at Ripper. "And if things get...er... too much, say the word an' we're outta here,off for that drink."
<p>Spike reached out and... stopped for a second, head cocked. There were only 2 heartbeats inside. ~Wot the hell? One scampered off or is Anya not home?~
<p>He knocked.
<p>Alex turned and jerked the door open.  ~Speak of the devil and he shall appear.  Could be good... Could be bad. Well, at least it's not Anya.~  
<p>He twisted his lips into a parody of a smile, filled with equal amounts of annoyance, interest, and lots of teeth.  "Oh looky.  Looky."  He stepped to the side letting Xander get a clear view.  "It's Fangless and the junior G-man.  In the neighborhood boys?  Not enough traffic to play in?"
<p>"Spike?  Ripper?  What are you doing here?  Why aren't you at Giles, figuring out how to get Ripper home?”  <Why are they here?  What could they want from us?  Why isn't Anya?  Why can't the stupid Hellmouth leave us alone for five minutes?>  Xander didn't think he was up for another head trip ala Spike tonight, especially after having his hopes dashed.  Life just wasn't fair sometimes.
<p>Xander glanced at Alex, his twin almost seemed relieved that it was Spike and Ripper, he couldn't be happy that it wasn't Anya, could he?  Hadn't he loved Anya with all his soul?  This was something that needed to put aside and dealt with later.  Right now he had to deal with Ripper and Spike.
<p>Spike grinned at Alex, showing just as many teeth and just as much insincerity. "Plenty of traffic here." He smirked.
<p>He indicated Ripper. "As for why we aren't drinkin' tea with Old Rupes, Wolfboy is back in town. Seemed to come over all funny when I brought Ripper over. Thought I'd done this and was hurting Giles. Bit of nastyness and it upset Ripper here." 
<p>~There is no way I am tellin the Whelps about just what upset Ripper. His story. And doesn't Alex look all fangs and fur himself. Nice.~
<p>"Giles dunno anymore about how Ripper got here than what to do with 
you lot. And seein' as he and Wolfboy were getting snuggly, we hit the road. Came to see old friends." He grinned at Alex again. "An' introduce Ripper 'round proper, in case he stays on. You gonna let me in or what?"
<p>Ripper spoke up.  "Not that I'm really sure I want to go home anytime soon..  London was great for getting me fucked over.  Don't think I can stomach too much more of that."
<p>He stood back, a little behind Spike, eager for a little trouble, but not wanting to rain on Spike's parade.
<p>~Nope, no Anya. Interesting. Let me in Whlep, so I can get a better look.~
<p>Xander watched as his twin and Spike exchanged, well it wasn't pleasant but at least civil conversation.  He could tell from the way that Ripper and Spike talked that more had been going on then a walk to Giles.  They obviously had made a connection, plus vague mentions of Ripper's past were made and Spike didn't seem the least surprised.
<p>"Oz and Giles... Snuggly?"  Alex chuckled to himself.  "Bizarro world.  Though,  both got 'have experiment with our sexuality' pretty much stamped on their foreheads, but the two of them together? "  He snorted.  ~Huh, wonder if Oz does it doggy style... ~  He shook that image from his brain, and looked at his twin with a raised eyebrow.  ~Well?~
<p>Xander met his twin's eyes and gave a slight nod.  He knew exactly what his brother was about to pull.  He could really get into this having a twin stuff.
<p>With a smile and a wink, Alex turned back to the hallway duo.  "Gonna camp on the ...."
<p>Xander finished the question. "Doorstep all night or what?  Can you hear..."
<p>"The property value plumment?  Yes, I can."  Alex finished without looking at his brother.
<p>Alex motion to Spike and Ripper to enter as the twins spoke in unison.
<p>""Get in here. You’re invited.  Enter Casa de Harris.""
<p>Spike strode in. " *That's* bizarro world." He said indicating the twins tag-team/simultaneous speak. 
<p>He flopped on the couch, no way was he ever sitting in an armchair around a Harris again. "An' I wouldn't say snuggly. More like feral 'My Giles, hurt him an' I'll rip yer lungs out' thing. Little pup actually though he was gonner attack me." He shrugged.
<p>Ripper followed Spike in after a moment of thought.  He hovered near the door though, not entirely sure of HIS welcome.  
<p>The way the dominant twin, Alex he thought, was looking at Spike definitely affirmed the vampire's welcome here.  He, himself, was an entirely different matter.
<p>Spike, continuing to look at Alex, waved a hand to Ripper. "C'mon in. S'oright."
<p>Ripper stepped further into the room, hands tucked deep into his 
pockets.  Very slowly, he moved to the couch and perched on the edge 
of a cushion.
<p>He would have died if he'd known how reminiscent of the older Rupert 
Giles that was.
<p>He took a subtle deep breath. Anya's smell was fainter than he 
thought it should be. <Figure that out in a bit.> He grinned more at 
Alex  <My my, think you're the next Big Bad don't you pet? Growl at 
me again, an' I'll show yer.>
<p>Ripper turned his thoughts from that uncomfortable area, and allowed his eyes to rest on the twins.  //Definitely creepy, that twin-speak thing.  Do all twins do that, or is that a result of they're having been a single entity not too long ago?//
<p>He looked both twins up and down. The same. Hair, face, body. Just the look in the dark eyes was different. Xander's had the air of bolting anytime now, thanks. Alex's held brash challenges. Either one was a tasty thing. 
<p>He winced. ~Forgotten your declarations of love to Buffy already? My my she must have made quite an impression. Sod it you. A bit of fun isn't a bad thing. He was afraid, however, that the hardly ever spoken William brain-voice may be right. Too soon maybe.
<p>Then he looked at Alex again. <Maybe not. Fun's fun after all. Not 
plannin' on pickin' out curtains here. Not even plannin' on the nasty right now. Unsettle maybe. That Whelp, version 2.0, needs it.>
<p>He grinned at Alex, showing lots of teeth. 
<p>Just one question left.... where was Anya?
<p>Spike rubbed his chin. "So, wot th' hell happened to you lot tonight?  I mean, 2 of you, now Ripper 'ere..." He grinned. "Sounds like somethings comin' up eh?"
<p>~Anya Anya Anya..were's the Anya? An' damn! Do they have to smell so good? All bloody 3 of them?~
<p>Ripper looked around, terribly curious about the person the twins had been.  He was a little surprised that the place didn't show more of it's other occupant, the girlfriend.  This late at night, he would have expected her to be home.  //And having hysterics at her boyfriend being split in two..  Or maybe enjoying that.  I know I would be.//
<p>Speaking softly, he said, "Spike said you have a girlfriend.  Is she at work?"
<p>Alex growled.  Literally.  Xander watched his twin freak.  He could feel the pain building in his own chest just at the mention of her name.  But Xander was well acquainted with pain.  Sure it felt a lot stronger now, without that hint of anger to temper it, but that just meant that he and Alex needed to balance each other.  He reached out and stroked soothingly down his twins arm.
<p>Ripper jumped in startlement at the growl.  He blinked at the twins, trying to process this reaction.  "I'm sorry.. Did I say something wrong?  I didn't mean to offend.."
<p>Alex started at the feel of Xander’s hand on his arm.  He hadn’t even realized that he was growling, he had been in his own little world or hate.  *God, I shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near any kind of alcohol ever!  I need to talk about this later with Xander.  But right now I feel like going out and pounding something evil.  I wonder if Spike’d be interested in going out on a little jaunt?*
<p>Spike, already watching Alex, nearly growled back. He knew his eyes flicked yellow for a split second. He put a hand out and on Ripper's arm. Anger from one, pain from the other. Strong on both counts.
<p> “Anya left.  She’s gone.”  Xander could hear the whimper in his voice.  *Gods above!  When am I ever gonna be able to get these emotions under control!  I feel like a hormonal woman!  Crap!  There’s no way I’m pregnant, is there?  Weirder things have happened, but I can’t deal with this, we’ll just assume not unless further evidence presents itself.*  Xander decided that he needed some comfort and that his twin needed something to do to forget, so he dove (practically) into his twin’s arms for a hug.
<p>"Oh.."  Ripper breathed in sudden understanding.  "I'm sorry.  I know it won't help much, but I'm sorry."
<p>"She wot!?! Why?" The force of the near shout and the feeling of confused anger took Spike by surprise. "Left? Just like that then?" 
He shook his head and realized he'd stood up. 
<p>~Grip, Spike, get one. NOW. Must be the twins, getting to you.~
<p>No, no it wasn't. It was the looks on their faces, yes. But it was 
also the strange sense of betrayal as well. Hadn't they all dealt with enough with Bu... The Slayer dieing and Dawn being gone?
<p>"Stupid bint. Treated her like bloody royalty you did." He said to the twins. He could feel a growl starting in his own chest and tamped it down. "yeah, sorry as well."  He finally said, echoing Ripper.
<p>Xander turned and looked Spike in the eye, still wrapped in his brother’s arms.  He could see the sincerity in his eyes.  “Thank you.”  He mumbled, so quietly that he doubted that anyone heard him.
<p>~And now, yers truly wants to fucking kill something. Worry about why later. Fuck, I need a fag.~ He pulled out his cigarettes and ... didn't light one. Harris hadn't been to keen on him smoking in the basement days.
<p>Alex grinned at his little brother.  He felt his anger dissipate, or at least become buried as he concentrated on his twin.  He noticed Spike taking out a cigarette, and was about to say something about him smoking in his apartment, and how he should know that they hate it when he stopped.  Spike didn’t reach for his lighter.  The angry comment died an early death, what did come out rather surprised him.  Ya can smoke out on the patio.”  He nodded his head in indication of the glass doors that led to the outside.

Butterfly in Deri (Afghanistan)   is showparak.