Title: 1000 Miles
Author: Goddess Heather
Email: plamodesmata49@hotmail.com
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: S/X
Date: 11/30/01
Category: Alternate Universes
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys.  Wish I did, oh the fun we would have!  The
song that Xander sings is Blink 182's Adam's Song.
Notes: This was orginally Snippet, 'cause I didn't think I'd be continuing it,
but all the lovely feedback convinced me.  So now it's really been named.
Summary: Lindsey is actually Xander's brother, so what happens when the two
estranged siblings meet?
Warning: violence, hurt/comfort


"I don't see why he has to stay here."
"Angel, he just quit working for an evil law firm, he can't stay at his place,
plus this way you can keep an eye on him."
"Cordy, come on," there was a distinct note of whining in his voice.
"Look, his friend or whatever should be here some time today, you can wait that
"Fine, I'll be in the training room." Angel was fixing to stride out, but just
as he was turning to go a very familiar voice sounded in the lobby of the
"So, how is everyone today?" There standing in front of the doors was Xander
Harris. Xander turned and walked over to Lindsey, "Linds, are you okay?" This
was spoken quietly, much too quiet for Xander. Lindsey just nodded in shock.
Xander started running his hands up and down Lindsey's body in a methodical
checking that appeared to be well practiced. Lindsey held his arms out and up
at the appropriate places, apparently also well versed in this ritual.
"I'm okay."
"Good." The word was short and clipped, it seemed that since Xander has
determined that Lindsey was okay he was going to be angry at him. His right
hand can up and smacked Lindsey up-side his head.
"Ow," Lindsey said rubbing his now hurting head. "What was that for?"
"Six years and not a peep! Not one word, or way to contact you incase of an
emergency, or death." This last part was said quietly.
"Death, who died?"
"Andy, died, I bet you couldn't even tell whether I was Andy or Alex. You've
been gone a long time Lindsey, things have changed I've changed. I live in my
own apartment, I have a good job, I have new friends, I graduated high school,
I buried a friend and a brother, and dealt with a missing one. I rushed here
from the funeral of one of my friend's mother, who was like a mother to me too.
You can't just pop back into my life and say "I'm sorry Alex, I didn't mean it,
Alex, I won't do it again, Alex." You don't even know that I go by Xander now,"
this last part seemed to deflate him. His anger left him as fast as it had
"But everyone deserves a second chance, even you. But you have to earn it.
Starting right here by telling me the complete truth on what's been happening
in your life."
Lindsey nodded and began his story.  "When I first left it wasn't by choice. I
had just graduated from law school and made a high score on the bar exam,
Wolfram and Hart had offered me a lot of money to come work for them, at the
time I had no knowledge of what they did. I though this was my chance with the
amount of money they were paying me I pay off my loans and get a decent
apartment, including a second bedroom. Xander you've got to believe me I was
going to get you and Andy away from there, I was."
Xander seemed to soften, "Why didn't you?"
"It was our parents. I told them I was moving to L.A.
and that I wanted to take you guys with me. They
were," Lindsey pauses trying to find the right
phrase, "not pleased to say the least. Dad became
enraged, I'm not sure why, it was bad Alex, real bad.
It was like the time when he came back after
getting fired, maybe even worse. I was in the hospital
a week before I could leave, Wolfram and Heart
picked up the bill for it just like that."
"And just like that I turned my back on you and Andy, and I'm so
sorry. I was deluding myself, telling myself that you
were older now and could handle Dad's drinking
and Mom's shit, that you could depend on each other
much better than you could me. Working with
Wolfram and Hart I soon figured out that their evil
went beyond the simple lawyer type. It was like
standing in quick sand, you didn't even realize you
were until you were already up to your waist and
there was nothing you could do. I admit Angle offered
me a hand out one time, I almost took it, I
should have. I finally got out, but I had already sunk
up to my neck, I don't know if I'll ever get all the
residue off of me. There that may not be all the
details but that's what's happened. Tell me, please,
how did Andy die?"
"You worked for an evil law firm, but you've suddenly
had a change of heart?"
"It was a long time in coming. Please, tell me."
"Andy died 5 and a half years ago, about six months
after you left. I had been over at Willow's, I don't
really remember why now, but when I got in it was
still light out. It was so creepy, quiet, like death.
I got scared and started to call for Andy I found him up
stairs in the bathroom, I think he wanted easy
clean up. He had slit his wrist and up his elbow." All
of this was told in a quiet monotone. Except for
this last part which cracked. "There was blood
everywhere, he was, he was still alive. I rushed to
him to try and keep his blood from spilling more, to stop
him from dying, but it was hopeless. I can still feel
his cold hands sticky with blood. His lips were blue
me he told me that he was sorry, but that he
couldn't take it anymore, and that he never meant to
hurt me. He was worried about whether I'd be
okay. He was worrie-" Xander broke off and started to
cry silently, havening learned how not to make
any noise living in his house. Lindsey enveloped
Xander in his arms crying and saying over and over
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I should have been there."
The Angel investigations team was speechless.  Wesley stood with his mouth
agape in complete shock, Cordelia was trying to match the image of Lindsey evil
lawyer to that of the vague recollections of Xander's gangly quiet older
brother, Gunn was just flat out confused and Angel was the first one to break
the silence.
"Lindsey and Xander are brothers?! Now I know why Lindsey
was so annoying...he's like Harris!"  Cordelia smacked Angel on the arm.
"Can't you see that they're bonding?"
"What I can't understand is who he is.  This Xander guy, is he the same guy
that you used to date?"
"Yes."  Replied Wesley.
Gunn was incredulous, "You used to date *him*."
"NO!  I just thought that you were talking about Cordelia and you actually
thought I would have dated Xander Harris!?!"  Now it was time for Wesley to be
"Hey!  He wasn't that bad!"  Exclaimed Cordelia defending her old choice of
Lindsey and Xander had both managed to calm down some what and were registering
the rest of the room.  They watched as the crack team of detectives know as
Angel Investigations broke down to petty bickering in just moments.
"Alright that's enough."  Everyone ignored Angel.  "I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH!"  The
room became so quiet that you could hear Angel breath, not that he need to, he
was just so discombobulated that he was panting in the aftermath of his
"Geez, chill out Deadboy."
Lindsey turned to Xander, "You know him?"
"Yeah, not that I have the fondest memories of him or anything, but we've met a
time or two."
"Deadboy?"  Gunn asked with a snort.  "That's pretty funny."  The said dead
person glared at him.
"If you ever call me that, I'm cutting your pay."
Lindsey's neck was about to get whip lash with the amount of turning he was
doing.  "Deadboy?  You know about vampires?"
"Umm, yeah, I'm guessing you do too?"
"I'd call him a blood sucking bastard, so yeah I guess he knows about them."
Angel smirked as he said it.  Cordelia glared at him in turn.
Cordelia decided that the banter/insult level had been filled for the night and
to take matters into her own hands so she could get some much needed rest.
"Okay, Xander, Lindsey you're staying here, Angel get their bags Gunn show them
to a room and I'll order dinner, and Angel your paying."  Everyone remained in
place staring in shock at her.  "Now, people!"  Everyone scrambled to do as
they were told.
After a filling meal of Chinese and gossip between the two groups about resent
news of what was happing in their lives.
"So, she broke up with.  I was hurt at first, but we sat down later like adults
and talked about and decided to stay friends, just not orgasm friends."  This
statement caused everyone to stare in shock.
"Hey, man, ya just don't say things like that so so -help me here Cordy."
"Balsa.  Geez Xander, indiscreet much."
Xander just stared at them.  "That was nothing.  Anya never learned to be
subtle.  She thought sex and people's sex life was a normal topic of
conversation.  After dating her it's a lot harder to get embarrassed though.
Actually I always liked the way she wasn't afraid to talk about anything, it
reminded me of a family member I had, he always said that if you couldn't talk
about it you should be doing it."
"Oh, Uncle Henry?  Yeah, he was pretty cool."  Lindsey snickered, "I remember
the time where Andy asked how come you guys were identical, which led to where
babies come from which led to the sex talk.  Gods, when Uncle Henry gives a sex
talk he gives a sex talk."
"Yeah, everything from diseases and protection to how orgasm is achieved."
"Oh boy, remember when you mentioned homosexual relationships."
"Yeah, that was- oh that was so funny when he-" Xander breaks off because he
was laughing too hard to speak.  Lindsey had joined him in it and Angel,
Cordelia, Wesley, and Gunn just stared.
"Yep, they are definitely brothers," declares Angel.
"Okay, I have a shoot tommor- Hey!  Xander do you want to come to my shoot?"
"Yeah, sure sounds like fun!"
"Yeah right you just want to ogle some movie stars!" declares Lindsey.
"Do not."
"Do too."
"Do not."
"Do too."
"Do not and I know what your middle name is so you'd better agree!"
"So!  I know your middle name and we're back where we started!"
"You forget Lindsey these are my friends, they already know my middle name, so
"Well, boys that was one of the most childish displays I ever seen, and I for
one am ready for bed.  Xander bright and early at 6 AM."
"She is kidding isn't she?"
"Welcome to Hollywood," Gunn said.
"WAKE UP!!!!!!"
Xander jumped about two feet in the air and since he was sitting in a car it
resulted in him smacking his head.  "Jeez, Cordy if you ever decide to stop
acting you could become a drill sergeant."
"Yeah I could so don't you cross me."
"So what are you shooting?"
"It's um, it's a commercial."
"For what?"
"Orange Clean."
"Oh, yeah the professional construction worker's clean."
"You know it?"
"Yeah Cordy I am a construction worker."  Xander rolled his eyes heaven ward.
"Oh, I always thought they just said that, not that it was actually true."
"The stuff is great!  I use a 2:1 solution for my clothes, it even got out
Znoer blood!"
"Really!  Too bad they can't use that for the commercial."
Cordelia walked briskly through the mass of people that all apparently had
better places to me and had to get there quickly.  Xander craned his neck in an
attempt to catch a glimpse of a movie star.  Wow he thought this is so
Two hours later he was cursing this thought.  This defiantly wasn't cool.
"Okay that was great, wonderful," here it comes-"but this time when we do it
let's role camera."  Xander felt like his eyes were about to bug, they hadn't
been taping all this time!  He tuned out Cordelia, it had been cool the first 4
times or so but now he didn't know if he'd ever by Orange Clean again even if
it was the only thing that got out Znoer blood.  So being quite busy ignoring
the 77 take of the commercial he noticed that the construction for the set was
quite shoddy made.  He studied the wood more closely, "Jeez what did they use
third grade lumber and striped screws?" he muttered to himself.  He watched as
the boards in front of him creaked and gave an ominous groan.  His eyes
widened, the set was dangerously close to breaking and there were several
people that could very well get hurt when it happened.  "Everyone off the set!"
He yelled at the top of his lungs.  "Get off the set!"
Cordelia paused in the middle of her line.  "Xander have you gone nuts!?!"
"The set's fixin' to collapse so if you don't want to be pulling splinters out
of your butt for a week then I suggest you move it off the set!"  Cordelia's
eyes widened and she hurriedly started to move the extra's off when a crack
resounded through the room and suddenly everyone couldn't move away fast
enough.  The set continued to creak and groan then it stared to shake and one
skimpily clad girl lost her footing and fell.  Xander saw this and noticed
Cordelia wouldn't have enough time to reach her and jumped carefully onto the
platform.  He sensed that he didn't have time to move slowly and dashed across,
scooped the girl up and just managed to be missed by the backdrop of the set
collapsing right where the girl had been.  He watched as the dust settled and
turned back to the girl he saved and said jokingly "They must not have used
Orange Clean the professional construction worker's clean."
The director had been standing there in a state of shock when he realized that
they had been filming the whole including Xander's line.  "Cut and print!
That's a wrap!  Young man I want to talk to you!"  Xander gulped he was in
trouble now.


Xander and Cordelia came rushing into the hotel lobby
laughing, talking and falling all over each other.
Wesley walked out of the office with yet another old
and probably dusty tome, "Angel I think that this
bears further loo-", Wesley stopped in surprise at the
sight of Cordelia and Xander.  "Good Lord!  Are you
two drunk?!"  He exclaimed.  "It's not even happy hour
yet."  Xander and Cordelia stared at each other for a
few seconds and then broke into another round of
"That is one of the oddest sights I've ever seen, and
I've seen weird," Gunn stated.
"What's going on?"  Asked Lindsey as he entered the
Angel indicated the now giggling pair on the floor,
"you tell me, he is your brother."
Xander started to inhale large lungfuls of air.  "You
won't believe what happened to us!"  Xander exclaimed.
"It was so hilarious, the look on Xander's face!"
Cordelia broke into another set of giggles.
Xander frowned down at her, "It wasn't that funny," he
"I beg to differ!  Guys, Xander was getting terminally
bored at my shoot when he noticed the shoddy work done
by the set builders.  Well, he shouted a warning so I
got as many people off as I could, but one girl
tripped and fell, she never would have made it if
Xander hadn't run out and grabbed her.
"So, Xander has this girl wearing practically nothing
in his arms, with all this destruction around him and
makes this crack about Orange Clean, what was it?  Oh
yes, 'They must not have used Orange Clean the
professional construction worker's clean.'
"Then the director calls out, 'Young man I want to
talk to you!'  Needless to say, Xander freaked out.
The look on his face was classic panic!  So the
director storms up and pulls Xander into this hug.
And goes, 'Bless you boy!'  I think Xander almost had
a heart attack!"  Finally Cordelia couldn't take it
anymore and broke down in another fit of giggles.
"Really?"  Asked Lindsey.
"Yep."  Xander stated proudly, "he even offered me a
another acting job!"
Cordelia's laughter suddenly stopped.  "What!  He
offered you another acting job?! Jeeze, you save some
people, make a witty remark and suddenly you're an
up-and-coming actor!  You've been here less then a day
and you're getting job offers!  Life just isn't fair!"
"Actually Cordelia I told him I couldn't do it."
"What!  Are you crazy?!  Why would you pass up a
chance like that?!"
"I have to go back tomorrow and I'm happy being a
construction worker.  I'm good at it, the pay is
excellent and I've friends at my job.  Why mess with a
good thing?  I did however give your name, told him
about some of your exceptionally good acting that you
did in High School and he said he'd think about it.
So did I do good?"  Xander said with cocky grin.
"Really?  He really said that?"  Xander nodded.  "I
guess you did do goo- wait, what stories did you tell
him?  If it was anything embarrassing your dead meat!"
Lindsey decided to come to his brother's rescue.
"Xander, maybe you should get a shower and change.
We'll be leaving for the club in a little while."
Xander took the offered out and hurried up the stairs.
"Gee, why are all of you guys coming?"
"The show is usually really entertaining."  Gunn said
with a snicker.
Lindsey glared at the snickering team of detectives.
"What they aren't telling you is that it's a demon
karaoke bar."
"But not demons as in your bringing me to be
sacrificed, demons, right?"
"Right, it's a truce zone.  No fighting."
"Whew.  That's good."  Now that the eminent threat of
being eaten was gone, something else occurred to
Xander.  "Am I supposed to sing?"
Lindsey looked like he was about to answer but instead
said, "We're here."
Xander stared in shock for a moment before gained his
composure. He noticed a green demon with red horns
coming toward them.  "Xander, this is the Host, Lorn,"
Lindsey indicated the green demon, "Lorn, this is my
little brother, Xander.  Xander, go with the Host
he'll hook you up.  Hey," Lindsey turned to the Host
before he could leave, "later, Xander and I want to do
a couple of songs, I'm leaving town and I wanted to go
out with a bang."
Lorn nodded, "That's cool, I'm sorry to see you go.
C'mon, let's get ya set up."
Lorn and Xander walked away, Xander shooting a last
look over his shoulder at his brother.
Cordelia watched them go.  "I wonder what song he'll
choose," she said as they settled themselves around a
Lorn came onto the stage, directing his gaze over the
audience.  "We have a special treat for you tonight,
for those regulars out there, Lindsey's brother
Xander, whose saying goodbye."
Xander came out onto the stage, looking nervous, the
music started and he sang into the microphone.
"I never thought I'd die alone
 I laughed the loudest who'd have known?
 I traced the cord back to the wall
 No wonder it was never plugged in at all
 I took my time I hurried up
 The choice was mine I didn't think enough
 I'm too depressed to go on
 You'll be sorry when I'm gone
 I never conquered, rarely came
 16 just held such better days
 Days when I still felt alive
 We couldn't wait to get outside
 The world was wide, too late to try
 The tour was over I'd survived
 I couldn't wait till I got home
 To pass the time in my room alone
 I never thought I'd die alone
 Another six months I'll be unknown
 Give all my things to all my friends
 You'll never set foot in my room again
 You'll close it off, board it up
 Remember the time I spilled the cup
 Of apple juice in the hall
 Please tell mom this is not her fault
 I never conquered, rarely came
 But tomorrow holds such better days
 Days when I still feel alive
 When I can't wait to get outside
 The world is wide, the time goes by
 The tour is over, I've survived
 I can't wait till I get home
 To pass the time in my room alone
Xander sang the last line again with no musical
accompaniment.  The last note was held, and slowly
faded into nothing.  A tear slowly wound it's way down
Xander's face and he whispered into the mike, "Andy,
you're not forgotten."  Xander walked off the stage.
The silence was broken with applause, demons and
humans alike stood on ovation.  Xander walked with his
head down and blushing.  He sat next to Lindsey, who
had more then one tear on his cheek.  The LA team
stared in shock, except for Gunn who really had no
"Xander, that was beautiful.  A fitting goodbye."
Lindsey reached out and grabbed Xander's hand and
squeezed.  "Thank you for helping me say goodbye too."
Gunn turned to Xander, "Dogg, that was cool."
Xander beamed a smile at him, "thanks."
"Wow Xander that was amazing!"  said Cordelia.
"You sang with such emotion, it was truly incredible,"
said Wesley.
Lorn came over to the table, "That was fantastic, I
hope you come back sometime.  So wanna know your
"What are you talking about?"  Xander looked at him
Lorn looked at the group. "You didn't tell him?"
Lindsey looked at his brother. "Xander, Lorn gets a
psychic connection to the people that sing and is able
to read their future.  Kinda tell them if they're on
the right path, or if they're at a crossroad which way
to turn."
"Oh.  Okay I guess.  I'm not at a crossroad though."
"No, you're not," Lorn spoke up.  "You're right where
you need to be.  I can tell you an answer to something
that's been bothering you, though, he does.  Be good
to him, just because he can't say it doesn't mean he
can't feel it.  He has insecurities just like the rest
of us."
Xander beamed at him.  "I know, it's nice to hear it
once and awhile, even if it isn't from him."
Xander turned to Lindsey, "So do you still want to go
out with a bang?"
"I don't think I can top that, let's just get out of
this town, and Angel's hair."  Xander nodded.  Lorn
walked away to the next customer and the party left.
"Xander, what was Lorn talking about?"
Xander could see how Cordy and Wesley turned and
looked interested, Gunn just looked a mite curious and
Angel, looked like, well, Angel. He gave them all a
secretive smile, "Wouldn't you like to know."
"Well I for one don't care Harris."  Angel stated.
"Too bad Deadboy. It's about someone that you used to
know quite well."  With that secretive statement
Xander skipped off and Angel froze, staring at
Xander's back.
Xander sat at the wheel of his car, it may have been old and used, but it ran
and he had paid for it himself.  "There's a few things you should know about
"Xander, I know Sunnydale is the Hellmouth."
Xander grinned at his brother, "That's good to know
but not what I was gonna say."  Lindsey looked
puzzled, but kept quiet.  "There are certain rules in
Sunnydale.  One:  take protection if you go out at
night.  Two: there's always time to consult books.
Three: the Slayer, Buffy, only sees good and evil
never shades of gray, so be careful."
"That's it?"
"That's it.  Oh, and my lover is a vampire, but don't
worry he can't hurt you."
"WHAT!?!"  Xander just grinned.


"This is where you live?" Lindsey asked looking around the street. It was almost on the wrong side of town, but not quite.

"Yeah, it's a pretty sweet location, rent's cheap 'cause we're close to where the demons live, but I live with a demon so he's happy to be this close. It was kinda a compromise thing. C'mon." They climbed the stairs to the top floor.

"Why didn't," Lindsey took a heaving breath, "we take the elevator?"

"It has a tendency to break down and trust me that you don't want to know some of the stuff that's happened in there," Xander said with a fond smile. Xander unlocked the front door to his apartment.

"Honey I'm home!" Lindsey scrambled back in shock when a blur of bright blonde hair and an apron came running up to Xander. Lindsey watched in shock as the man in the apron (and nothing else) picked Xander up (which looked rather odd seeing as Xander had a few inches and several pounds on the other man}. The blonde man finally put Xander down but only after planting what appeared to be a knee-melting kiss on him. ~Good thing Xander wasn't actually standing up~ mused Lindsey.

Now that the two had separated Lindsey was able to get a good look at the man that apparently held his brother's heart ~or at least his penis.~ Lindsey whistled mentally to himself. ~At least Xander has good taste in men, physically, anyway. Don't know about the demon part. The man, demon, whatever obviously cares about Xander.~ And Lindsey had a feeling that Lorne was talking about his man in front of him when he gave Xander his reading. ~If this is who Xander is meant to be with, then well I better make nice.~

"Hi, I'm Lindsey, Xander's older brother." Lindsey held out his hand to be shaken.

"Spike." Spike reached out and shook Lindsey's hand and then hit him with a right hook. Lindsey heard a faint howling in the background, but was more focused on the pain in his head.

When he opened his eyes again Xander was leaning over him and Spike had brought an ice pack. Lindsey looked questioningly at the ice pack and was half tempted to refuse just on the principle of the matter ~and you know when I start bringing principles in that something really weird or unfair happened.

Spike rolled his eyes at Lindsey's indecision. "Look, I'm sorry mate, but I needed to know if you were still human, plus you really deserve it for deserting Xander like that! Do you know how many times he's almost died! Almost killed him a few times myself. So take the bloody icepack, it's a small price to pay for what you've done." Lindsey had to admit that Spike was right. ~Damn hot too~, but he didn't really want to give in. He saw the pleading look in Xander's eyes and decided to do it for him. Lindsey sighed and took the proffered ice pack, wincing as it hit his eye.

Lindsey turned to glare at Xander. ~Which is probably not gonna be my best showing with this ice pack covering half my face. "I thought you said he couldn't hurt me." Xander winced.

"Well, Spike has this chip in his head preventing him from harming humans. Anytime he hurts a human he gets the 'Migraine from Hell'. We just wanted to make sure you were still human."

"I guess I did kinda deserve it." Now that things had calmed down somewhat (as it still felt like a 400 pound man named Bubba was doing the Macarena in Lindsey's head) he had a chance to look around. The apartment was actually quite nice. With hardwood floors and earthy toned paint with some really comfortable looking leather furniture in the living room. The place wasn't nearly as big or as pricey as his old apartment, but he liked it better here already, ~Well maybe I'll relocate to the leather couch~.

"So now that you aren't an evil lawyer, isn't that kind of redundant Pet?, what are you going to do? I know that there are a lot decent demons here that need representation. They're not evil just looking to make a decent living."

Lindsey looked thoughtful. "I don't know. I hadn't really thought past making it out of L.A. alive. I guess I really don't want to go back to being a lawyer right now. I don't really need a job, I have plenty of money saved up. I was getting a whole lot of money and Wolfram and Hart provided the apartment and furniture. Just another way to make us dependent on them I guess."

"Well, if ya want I can always get you a job at the construction site. I'm the interior carpentry leader" Xander said smiling proudly. Lindsey's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's great! I'll think about it, give myself a few days to adjust to life without Wolfram and Hart."

Lindsey, Spike and Xander spent the whole night talking and catching up with each other and in Spike and Lindsey's case learning all about someone brand new to them. 7777777777777777777

In the next few weeks Xander, Spike and he had fallen into a routine. Lindsey and Xander went to work, Spike trained them, Lindsey in defense. While Lindsey didn't fight on either side he did need to be able to defend himself; afterward the training Xander and Spike patrolled and did the Scooby thing.  Spike and Xander usually brought home a couple of movies and they stayed up and did their own Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Lindsey really liked Spike and Xander, they were good for each other, but there's only so much one man can take. At least he was getting used to the sex sounds. So in an attempt to gain a life outside of work ~A novel idea for me~ and the apartment he found himself at the Expresso Pump. It wasn't Caritas, but then again he wasn't Lindsey the Evil Lawyer ~Anymore anyway~.

He had brought his guitar in hopes that the singer was good and would let him play too. He wanted to stay out of the apartment for at least two hours to give Spike and Xander some alone time, something the couple had been sadly lacking since Lindsey moved in. A slightly older man entered the Expresso Pump with guitar in hand, ~That must be the singer now.~

Lindsey closed his eyes and let himself be taken away from callused hands and an apartment that was just a little too small for three people and everything that went with them. He let the music wash around him, he felt himself letting go of some of the recent past, washing some stains from his soul. Instead of the abrupt landing into reality that even the most experienced singers bring about, this one managed to coax you out of the world that he wove with his voice, almost as if convincing a cat to come down from a tree. He had to find out more about this mystery singer.


He walked over to the Mystery Singer’s table.  “Buy you a cuppa?”


The Singer started a bit, “Ah, why yes that would be quite lovely.”


Lindsey waved the waitress over and waited as the Singer ordered, and then ordered a plain black coffee for himself.  Coffee was never about taste for him, Lindsey liked it strong enough to put hair on his chest, left over from his cramming law school days.  “That was some pretty amazing singing you did.  I’m surprised you haven’t gone pro.  Do you write any?”


“Well, singing is more of a hobby,” the Mystery Singer removed his glasses and cleaned them on the hem of his shirt.  ~Oh how cute,~ thought Lindsey, ~he’s discombobulated by my compliment.~ The Mystery Singer replaced the glasses on his face and resumed talking, “and any decent musician has scribbled down a few verses, but I’ve never written anything really good.


Lindsey nodded, “music has always been a form of escape, a way to escape my head for a short time.”


The Mystery Singer nodded emphatically, “yes that’s it exactly!”


“That’s why I’m here tonight.  I’m living with my brother and his lover right now, and they really needed some time alone.  Plus the sex noises were starting to get to me.”


The Mystery Singer choked slightly and drained his tea to try and cover it up, not that it worked.  “Yes, well my break is almost over….”


“Wait!  Is there um, anyway that I could sing a song with you?”  He lifted his guitar case, “I even brought my own guitar.”


“That would be very nice.  What would you like to sing?”


“Ever heard of Lou Reed?  ‘Walk on the Wild Side?’”




“Sounds like someone had a good time,” Spike smirked.


“Sure does.”  Xander listened to Lindsey sing as he unlocked the front door.


Lindsey walked in singing, “take a walk on the wild side


Candy came from out on the island

in the backroom she was everybody's darling


 But she never lost her head

even when she was givin' head

She says, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side

said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side

and the coloured girls go

 Doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

 doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-”


“That’s an interesting song mate,” Spike said with a grin.


“Gah!  What are you do doing sitting there in the dark?”


“Enjoying the stars.”  Lindsey looked closer as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, and they did in fact appear to be just sitting together looking at the stars.  They looked utterly content.  Usually that would be a slightly sore spot for him, but not tonight!  Tonight he was walking among the stars.


“So spill, bro, you’ve obviously met someone.”


“And what a someone he is.”  Lindsey smiled again dreamily.


“Hey!  Hey!  Younger brother here!  Requiring information!”


“Well he’s English, and he has a beautiful voice.”


Xander got a funny feeling in his stomach, “what’s his name?”


Lindsey paused, “we never actually exchanged names, but I got his phone number!”


“Sure that’s always the best thing to yell when masturbating, 555-7789!”


“Spike!”  The brothers exclaimed at the same time.



"Walk On The Wild Side"

 album _Transformer_ (Lou Reed, 1972) soundtrack _Times Square_ (Various Artists, 1980) written by Lou Reed


 Holly came from Miami F.L.A.

hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.


Plucked her eyebrows on the way

shaved her leg and then he was a she

She says, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side

said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side


Candy came from out on the island

in the backroom she was everybody's darling


 But she never lost her head

even when she was givin' head

She says, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side

said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side

and the coloured girls go

 Doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

 doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

 doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

 doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

 (Doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)

 (doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)

(doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)

 (doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)


 Little Joe never once gave it away

everybody had to pay and pay


A hustle here and a hustle there

New York City is the place where they said

Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side

 I said, hey Joe, take a walk on the wild side


Sugar Plum Fairy came and hit the streets

lookin' for soul food and a place to eat


Went to the Apollo

you should have seen him go-go-go

They said, hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side

 I said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side

all right, huh


Jackie is just speeding away

thought she was James Dean for a day


Then I guess she had to crash

Valium would have helped that bash

She said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side

I said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side

and the coloured girls say


Doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo

(Doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)

 (doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)

(doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)

(doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)

(Doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)

(doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)

 (doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)

(doo, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo-doo)






Things were perfect.  Lindsey’s job as a construction worker had progressed to full-time employment, he was getting progressively better at the self defense that Spike was teaching him, and things were progressing well with his lover; and he was completely on edge about it. ~I guess I’m just waiting for the other shoe to fall. Possibly the whole shoe store.~


He was meeting Giles at the Expresso Pump, where they had first met.  It had become their ‘place’.  But Lindsey couldn’t get over this whole foreboding feeling he felt.  He wasn’t sure what it meant, but he knew something life-altering, was going to happen soon.  He was right.




Lindsey and Giles were sitting at a table in the Expresso Pump when Giles cell phone rang.  ~Here it comes,~ “Yes.  Yes I see.  Oh dear, that would be a problem.  No I’ll meet you at the Magic Box.”  ~Whoa the Magic Box, but that’s where Xander and Spike meet for the Scooby meetings.  They never mentioned Giles!  Just the ex-demon, red and blondie, the Slayer, and the Englishma- oh crap!  Giles is the Englishman!  Well this certainly explains the snickers.~  “Lindsey I’m afraid I must leave.”  Giles broke Lindsey out of his reverie


“Oh no wait I’ll go with you.”


“umm I don’t think that—“  Bugger all!  How do I get out of this one?


“I know vampires are real,” said Lindsey. 


Giles eyes widened, “oh well in that case, come along.”


The trip to the Magic Box was spent in silence.  Both Giles and Lindsey were lost in thought.  Giles wondering about how Lindsey knew of vampires, but more importantly how he knew that's what Giles emergency was.  Lindsey was busy pondering the implications that Spike and Xander knew he was dating Giles, someone they knew, and not saying anything.  So some time passed and they had arrived.


Giles turned to Lindsey, "before we go in, are you a demon?"


"What?  No."  Lindsey shook his head.


"Are you evil?"


"Not currently."  Giles gave Lindsey a 'you'd better explain that right now look'. 


Lindsey raised his right hand, "evil hand issues."


Giles shook his head and cleaned his glasses, "we'll have to talk about this later, right now I think there's more urgent things that need to be done."  


"Why do you meet at the Magic Box?"  Lindsey asked as they walked in.


"Well I own it."


Everyone in the Magic Box took notice when Giles and Lindsey entered. 


"Giles, Glor-"


"Who?  Giles, this isn't a good time to be bring in new people."


"umm well Lindsey offered his help, and he already knew about the existence of vampires."  Giles, didn't even want to bother with the hullabaloo that would be caused when he told them that they were dating.


Xander and Spike walked into the main room from the basement oblivious to what had been occurring upstairs, "I'm telling you that the original gun on Star Trek was a salt shaker!"


"Well, whelp, you've gone and proved that you know more Star Trekk trivia then me.  Can't say I'm that up set about it.  May-"  Spike stopped in shock causing Xander to run into him from behind, not that he minded.


"Hey what's holding up the lin-dsey?  What are you doing here?"


"Xander.  I suppose you were going to tell me anytime now about how you already knew Giles."


"Ummm, yes?"


Buffy stood up, "whoa whoa whoa, hold it right there.  I want some answers right now."


"Who is Lindsey?  How does he know about vampires?  And how can he help with Glory."


Xander spoke up, "Lindsey is my older brother, you remember him Wills?  He worked for a law firm that dealt with the supernatural, and I don't know if he can help with Glory."


Everyone turned to Lindsey, "who's Glory?"


Everyone sighed, "well there goes one hope."


Spike spoke up, "Glory is a Goddess.  She's loo-"


"Wait a minute, you guys mean Glorficus!"  Lindsey stated.


"You do know about her?"


"Yeah, it was one of the files in special projects, she was banned from her home dimension into the body of a mortal."


"Oh we already knew all that."


"Do you know who the mortal is?"


"Wait you know the person that Glory is trapped inside?"


"Yep.  I also know how to send her home without this key thing.  That is all she wants, right?  To go home?"


"yes, well, actually."


"Wonderful!  I can do this.  Okay, I'm gonna make up a list of things that will be needed, and the book where the spell is.  While you guys are working on that I'm going to set up a meeting with Glory."


"Wait you're just going to waltz right in and talk to her?"


"No!  jeeze do I look suicidal?  I'm going to set up a meeting through her flunkies."




Spike and Xander sat in the training room of the Magic Box.  There really wasn’t anything that they could do, so they sat there in silence, comforted by simply being in the other’s presence.  They both knew that it wouldn’t be long before Giles tracked them down and lectured them both.  Xander broke the silence, “do you think that we could get Lindsey to loosen Giles up a bit?”


“Dunno Pet.  Lindsey certainly is working for light now.”


Xander laughed, “I think it’s for purely selfish reasons, Glory’s gone and he gets more time with Giles.  Not to mention the appreciation that Giles will show,” Xander said with a grin.


Spike nodded, lecherous grin spreading across his face.  “Fancy a bit fun while we wait?”


“Ewww!  Spike I’m not having sex with you, when we know there’s a strong possibility that Giles might walk in a see us!”


“Well I appreciate that.” 


Xander wapped Spike, “You knew he was there!”


Spike shrugged, “maybe I did and maybe I didn’t.” 


“Yes well, this is beside the point...”


“Well, Rupes what is the point?  Hmm?  Is it that you’re worried about me abusing the Whelp here?  That I’m somehow making him do this against his will?  Tricking or something?  Well, first off, do you have faith in Xander?  I still have the chip in me head, ya know, and none of that matters ‘cause I love ‘im.”


Xander and Giles jerked, Xander wrapped his hand around Spike’s, and leaned in, whispering in Spike’s ear.  Spike stood up quickly, “Well Rupes, we’re off!”  Spike exclaimed.


Xander and Spike never made it out of the Magic Box because Lindsey returned.


“She said yes!”  Lindsey exclaimed.


Buffy sulked in a corner, “I just don’t like this!  She could ambush us or something.”


Giles turned to Buffy, “Buffy it’s really quite simple, I can’t believe that we didn’t think of it before.  Glory wants the key, but she only wants the key to go home.  If we give her another way to go home, she doesn’t need the key.”


“It is bloody brilliant Ducks.”






Everything went off without a hitch.  The witches chanted, herbs were burned, a portal was opened, Glory went through, they waited a few minutes and Ben was tossed back out, never to change into a woman again, unless he underwent some serious surgery. 


Buffy got over the fact that Giles was dating, but still hasn’t recovered from the fact that he choose a man.


Lindsey looked back on his life in L.A. and how happy he is now working for the side of light and realized that his journey that started with just one step, was well on it’s way to completion.


Spike and Xander still haven’t come out to the rest of the group and Lindsey loves to torment them with little comments hinting at it. 


Dawn gets into normal adolescent mayhem, For American kids, not Sunnydale. 


Willow and Tara, are still happily living in Gaysville (little did they know that it now had a population of 6 and not 4).


Anya moved to New York and married a stock market man, last they heard she was pregnant with twins.


How L.A. reacted to all this is another story (perhaps called the sequel?).


Butterfly in Basque is tximeleta.

·          Many butterflies can taste with their feet to find out whether the leaf they sit on is good to lay eggs on to be their caterpillars’ food or not.