Title: Apache Passions

Summary: Romance novels-to find out more read on

Rating: G

Notes:  This was inspired by my mom and her Romance novels, and keeping with the ‘Drunken Spike’ theme he’s, well, drunk.

Disclaimer: they aren’t mine, not even the book titles.

Warnings:  SLASH  UNBETAED  this insanity is form my mind only.  All the bad stuff is mine, but so is the good.

Pairing: S/X


Apache Passions, Moonlight Enchantress, Endless Passion, Unconquered, Darling Jasmine, Wildfir-, wait I’ve never seen that one before!”  Spike muttered to himself while perusing the book selection of the Harris household.  Spike would never admit it but after  reading Dru romance books for over a century he become addicted.  Harriet LaVell was one of his favorite authors.  He was impressed with the whelp’s collection he had every single one of them, and the newest one Wildfire which Spike thought wasn’t coming out for another month.  Spike picked up the and opened the cover.  His eyes widened at what he read:



          Another fabulous story!  I don’t know how you do it but you do it well!  I can’t wait for the next one!


Miranda, not only your editor but also your fan.


“Bloody Hell!  The whelp is Harriet LaVell!”  Spike immediately begun to calculate a way to use this to his advantage.




“Open up!!” Xander opened the door to reveal a somewhat inebratied Spike, somewhat, a voice in his head snorted, comepletly is more like it.  “Let me in.”


Xander knew that there was no arguing with Spike once he was in a mood and had a few belts in him.  Xander opened the door further and allowed the vampire to brush past him, his leather coat rubbing against his bare chest.  God that is not fair, Drunk Spike coming in here all edible and sexy and I can’t do a dame thing about it.  Spike plopped himself on the sofa and pulled out a book.  Xander looked closer at the title, it looked familiar-uh oh- Wildfire.  This was bad very bad.


“Pet, do think that this position is really possible?”  asked Spike, indicating a passage in the book.  “And three times, with barley any recovery time seems a little farfetched.”  Xander stared at Spike.  Damn that vampire and his ability to hold his liquor.  “Whelp I know all about it, you write porno!”  The vampire exclaimed, almost falling off the couch in his enthusiasm.


“It’s not porno!”  Xander exclaimed just a little perturbed. 


Apache Passions, face it pet, you write Native American porn.”


Xander stared at Spike, the way he said that, with the look on his face that was so serious, Xander couldn’t take it.  He burst out laughing.  By the time he had wound down he was on the floor with tears streaming down his face and hiccupping quietly.


“So pet what do you have to say for yourself?”  questioned Spike.  Xander looked up into Spike sapphire eyes and decided he didn’t have anything to say, just something to do.  He pulled Spike in for a passionate kiss that left the vampire in shock.


Xander discovered he did have something to say after all, “How bout I show you just how feasible that is.”  Xander indicated the book.  Spike couldn’t agree fast enough.

Butterfly in Hmong (Vietnam) is npau.