Title: Dirty Talk

Sequel to A Story About Nothing

Notes: umm can we say weird?

Disclaimer: They ain't mine, dag nabbit!

Pairing: Spike/Xander

Warning: Character Death

Rating: PG


Oh God, Pet!  That was bloody amazing!  Spike lay panting for unneeded breath next to a dazed Xander.  Xander panted too, but it was much more needed for him.


Spike lay half asleep, lazing in the afterglow when he felt something wet on him.  He opened his eyes in shock to see Xander nibbling his way down his chest.  Xander reached his goal of Spikes nether regions and started to suckle.  Pet I dont think youre going to get much out of that.  Even Vampires need to recover from coming three times.  So Spike was of course shocked when Littl Spike came to half-mast and then full mast at Xanders careful ministrations.  Blood ell, Spike groaned as Xander hit a sweet spot, I never been able to get it up before after what we just did.  How is this possible?


Xander pulled away from Spikes cock with a wet sucking sound.  I believe Heather had something to do with this.  Spike raised an eyebrow at this, "that does seem plausible pet, I just don't like the idea that she can interfere with our lives that much."


"Ahh but think of the benefits!"  Xander exclaimed.  Climbing up Spike's body and claiming his mouth.  Spike deepened the kiss making it a claim of dominance, one that Xander managed to win.  Xander reached over and grabbed Spike's red silk shirt.  Tying Spike's hands to the headboard.  Spike tugged and felt the firmness of the silk against his wrist, and knew that it would take some effort on his part to free himself, not that he wanted to.


Xander stared to nibble on Spike teasing him slowly, too slowly for Spike's tastes.  Perhaps it was time to change the game.  "Pet," Spike growled catching Xander's attention, "talk dirty to me."  This was a full out order.


Xander considered several possibilities, but decided on something truly wicked.  "Your skin is so smooth, siltly almost.  If you were individual little particles-Spike particles-" Xander laughs, the vibrations of his chest making Spike shake too, "you'd be a colloid*" Spike groaned, he didn't want to think too much about what Xander had said, he just let the words flow over him enjoying what it did to him.


"Of the Five Factors* time as been the best for you.  You were like an igneous* rock, hard and original, old soul.  Then you weathered for years with Angelus, becoming sedimentary*.  And me," Xander grinned down at him, "I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you become a metamorphic*."


Xander ran his hands down Spike's chest.  Pinching the nipples, "God your chest is so hard, it's like marble.  Your deceptive like marble too.  Marble weathers so easily, it seems hard and unforgiving, but give it a hundred years and it's lost its distinction.  Your so easily put into solution*.  You hide, pretending to be tough, but your really a soft rock, dissolving into carbonic acid*."


Xander slowly prepared Spike, slicking his figures and pushing them inside, hitting that sweet spot that he had discovered earlier.  "Of the Four Processes* I think this one is the most enjoyable.  Addition."  Xander hissed in Spike's ear as he slid inside Spike's tight hole in one smooth stroke.


Xander thrust harder and harder.  Panting and picking up the rhythm.  "By the time I've finished nailing your ass to the bed I will have broken all your aggregates*.  And instead of a clay film in a Bt layer*, you'll have a Xander film!"  Xander thrust once more, then spasmed, shooting into Spike, which triggered his release.


Xander lay on top of Spike, unwilling to pull out just yet.  "What the Hell was that!?!"  Exclaimed Spike.


"The best sex youve ever had?"  Xander asked, some how managing to pull off the innocent act.


"No!  Well alright, yeah it was that, but I meant the talking about soils!  I know I said dirty talk, but well really!"


"Liked that did we?"


"Don't know why it was a bloody turn on, but it was."


"Well you know Heather and her kooky soils classes!"


'Pet we're gonna get stuck together if we stay like this."


"What don't you want to polyvalent cation bridge* with me?"


The End


*Colloid-a substance that stays suspended in water when it's mixed in, not a solution.

*Five Factor-Five things that effect weathering of soils: topography (sunlight), parent material (parents, Angelus), organisms (Happy Meals with legs), time, and weather.

*Igneous rock-formed from magma, volcanoes and the like.

*Sedimentary rocks-formed from the weathering of other rocks, like sandstone.

*Metamorphic-rocks formed from pressurizing or heating of other rocks.

*Solution-some rocks are more soluble then others, marble easily goes into solution; granite does not, so when picking out a tombstone, get one that's granite.

*Carbonic Acid-is what marble turns into when it goes into solution.

*Four Processes- the four things that make soil: losses, additions, translocations and transformations.

*Aggregate-a chuck of soil held together by polyvalent cation bridging.

*Clay film- to make a Bt layer you must have a clay film coating.

* polyvalent cation bridging-type of bond that holds humus and clay together.


Butterfly in Cebuano (Philippines) is Alibangbang.

·          There are over a million described species of insects. Some people estimate there are actually between 15 and 30 million species.