Boiling Point 2


Warnings: MAJOR spoilers for BLOODLUST.


Nick and Gil had been eating out when Grissom got paged.  Checking the message, Gil knew he had to get out there.  That was one of the good things about seeing someone from on the team, they understood about having to leave suddenly.  Nick grabbed Grissom’s arm as he started to leave.  “Grissom, if you need help on this call Sara.”


Grissom startled says, “Why?  I thought we were giving her time to adjust?”


Nick smiled at Grissom, for all that he could read people sometimes he could be blind to the people in front of him.  “I just think that if you worked with Sara alone she would feel better about what’s happened.”  Grissom nodded reluctantly and left with no more words said, but something that spoke even more thoroughly, a kiss.  Nick brushed his lips with his fingers, ~damn if Gil gets any better at that he’ll kill me.~ 




Sara arrived at the scene, pissed as hell.  ~Why doesn’t he call Nick?  They seem real close right now.  But no he pages me!~  His words didn’t make her any less angry, that is until the quietly spoken ‘I need you.’  Then she melted and could no longer be mad at him.  ~Damn that man!~  But she couldn’t smiling at the fact that Grissom wanted her!




Warrick had just come from visiting Sara when a bundle of papers came sliding across the floor in front of him and slamming against the wall.  He reached down and picked them up peering sideways into the lab to stare at Nick as he slammed his fist against the desk.  Warrick straightened and walked in.  “I think the desk won,” and dropped the papers in front of Nick.  “You threw them I believe.”


Nick sported a wire grin, “Yeah, sorry man.  Just this case, it’s kicking my ass.”


Warrick clapped Nick on the shoulder, “You just have to show it who’s boss.  There’s always evidence man, you just have to know where to look.”


Nick shook his head ruefully, “I think I must be looking in all the wrong places.  Well there’s always the refrigerator.”


“Huh?”  Warrick frowned, it was a bank robbery, where did a refrigerator come in?


Nick smiled, humor in his eyes, “nothing, man, nothing.”




Nick, Grissom and Sara were sitting around the lounge.  Nick had managed to solve his case about the same time as Grissom and Sara had solved theirs.  It turned out that the bank robber had not escaped from the back entrance but in fact had climbed through the bathroom and out through a vent in the roof.  By tracking the evidence that he left behind in the bathroom, vents and on the roof nick was able to figure out that he was holed up in an old meat packing plant.  They found the money stashed in the freezer.  Nick was telling them about his catch when Grissom’s phone rang.  Because of the quiet of the room Grissom was able to hear his phone ringing this time and answered.  “Grissom….Yes…No..No…I understand…I’ll be there right away.  Treat her as best you can.”  Grissom stared at the closed phone a bit in shock.  He looked up at the two people in the room.  “My mother had a stroke.”  The desolation in Grissom’s voice was heartbreaking for Nick.


Nick stood and tugged Grissom to his feet.  He pulled Grissom out of the room and down the hall.  Grissom docile followed Nick, Sara also trailed along wondering what Nick was going to do.  She halted abruptly when she realized she couldn’t follow as they had retreated into the men’s room.




After Gil had dried his face from the wet paper towel Nick had run over it he turned back to Nick who had waited patiently for Gil to compose himself.  “You should go.”


“I can’t just get up and take off.”


Nick stared Gil in the eyes, “yes, you can.  It’s your mother Gil.  Everyone will understand, it’s a family emergency.  Catherine will be back tomorrow.  Tonight’s shift is almost over.  Go and be with your mother.”


Gil smiled at Nick his eyes watering.  “Thank you.”  Gil gently placed a kiss against Nick’s lips.  The passion that had controlled the kiss in the restraint was gone, replaced instead with the gentlest of love.  “I’ll call or text message you when I get the chance.”


Nick smiled at Gil wrapping him in his arms, “I’ll call and get you the next ticket out.”


Nick watched forlornly as Gil walked out of the bathroom and what felt like out of his life.

Butterfly in Kwanyama (Namibia/Angola border) is onanga.