Hey ya'll sorry this is so short. I just got Nintendo game cube and Metroid Prime. I've been busy playing an watching my sister play, I just have one thing to say: I beat the Parasite Queen! Yes oh yes! Sorry still giddy. Anywho this is for Debbie, for such lovely feedback and Franny as we wouldn't want any real people to go to the hospital over a fic.

Boiling Point part 4

Gil arched into Nick’s hand on his back, tilted his head to the side to allow Nick better access to his neck. “Ohh right there.” Gil moaned at the feel of Nick against him. Nick suddenly pulled away. “No Nick don’t stop.” Nick didn’t responded. Gil turned around and saw Nick’s lips moving but heard no sound. Instead of signing at him Gil instead tackled him to the bed. Gil smiled at the grin spread across Nick’s face, and pinned Nick’s hands above his head. Gil was busy plundering Nick’s mouth when he felt a strange vibration. It felt like....his pager. What a terrible time for a pager to go off! He opened his eyes ~when had I closed them?~ To find that Nick wasn’t there and his hotel bed unbearably empty. He reached for his pager attached to his waist band and clicked it off. Apparently his mom had woken up.


Catherine stalked into the Clark County ER, she spotted Sara and Warrick standing over by the soda machine. As she walked over there she prepared to ream Sara out by taking a deep breath. Then she promptly broke into a fit of coughing that doubled her over. After ruining her righteous indignation and her dramatic entrance, not to mention sapping her energy and anger. Rubbing her head tiredly she said, “Sara, what exactly happened?”

Sara looking contrite and worried softly replied, “I screwed up. We needed another person to process a crime scene and I called Nick. I just thought since you were sick that Nick wouldn’t mind giving up his day off. I didn’t know he was so ill. He was standing right in front of me, and I was chewing him out for arriving so late when he just collapsed. The doctors haven’t told us anything yet. I called a couple of the night shift guys and had them take over the crime scene.

A doctor walked out into the waiting area, “Stokes? I’m looking for Nick Stokes family?”

Warrick spoke up, “over here Doctor.”

All three headed over to him, anxious to hear how Nick was. The doctor looked doubtfully at the three, “You’re Mr. Stokes family?”

Warrick shook his head, “Nick’s family is in Texas. We’re his co-workers. We’re all cops if you’re worried about anything like that.”

The doctor relaxed a little. “Well, none of you will be able to see him right now, but he should be fine. He has viral meningitis. I’ve never actually seen a case get this bad before. Usually they come into the hospital before it becomes this sever. It’s a good thing that he passed out at work. If he had been alone he might not have made it.”

“What exactly is meningitis?” Catherine asked.

“It’s an inflammation of the lining in the spinal cord and brain. In this case it was caused by a virus. Viral meningitis is usually less severe then bacterial meningitis. We’ve managed to get the swelling under control and fluids in him. He’ll have to be here for at least two days for monitoring. But barring any relapses, I think your friend will be fine.”


By the time Gil had gotten to the hospital his mother had already fallen back asleep. He sat patiently at her bedside waiting for her to wake up and when her eye lids started to flicker he rubbed her hand and signed, ‘mother’ until she woke up completly and her eyes focused on Gil.

‘Gil. Where?’

‘Hospital. You had a stroke. The doctor says you’ll be fine.’

‘Good. Home?’

‘Tomorrow.’ Gil watched as her eye lids dropped closed and then snapped open. ‘Rest. Regain your strength.’ And she did.

Butterfly in Lamba (Zambia) is ici-pempele.