Hey Guys.  I wanted to get a lot of time passed in this piece, sticking with my attempt to follow cannon (even though I’m throwing it out the window in the next story and the last one that I have planned actually) and include the next new epi in Brackish Times, my next story.  *Bounces* While I plan to stick with my more serious plot lines, I’m planning some fun and silly surprises, I hope you guys like the changes.



Boiling Point 5


Gil shifted and then shot up realizing he had fallen asleep in the hospital chair.  Then he realized moving was a bad idea when pain shot through neck because of a crick.  When he looked at his mother he realized that she was awake and smiling at him. ‘Mom?’


‘Even now you are still my baby boy.’


Gil blushed but didn’t look away, ‘Mom!’


‘I find it amazing that you can make that sound indignant.’


‘I learned it from you.’


‘That you did.  So when are you busting me out of here?’


‘I heard some time tomorrow,’ Gil glanced at his watch, ‘wait today.  Probably some time this afternoon.  I was hoping to take you home and help you get settled in and then fly back the day after tomorrow.’


‘Your job?’


‘I still have time if you need me here, but it’s not just my job.  I’m seeing someone.’  Gil had the grace to look embarrassed for not telling his mother sooner.


‘I thought you had given up on personal relationships like that.  If you even realized they existed in the first place.’


‘Well I didn’t plan it, it just kinda happened.  One thing, promise not to freak out?’  She nodded thoughtfully, she could tell this was important to Gil.  ‘I’m dating a guy.’


Of all the things she had expected, that was not one of them.  ‘Do you love him?’




‘Does he love you?’




‘Then I’m okay with it.’


Gil let out a sigh of relief, ‘God, you’re a great Mom.’  She just smiled knowingly.




After hiring a home nurse to help rehabilitate his mother until she could live on her own again had been a hard thing to do.  He had offered for her to come live with him, but she would have none of it.  So he had to get started doing the best that he could.  It seemed his mother would only put up with the therapist if she was temporary.  Barring a relapse the therapist was pretty confidant that she would on her own again in no time.  They were just lucky to find one that knew sign language.


So that was how Gil found himself 11 am on a Tuesday at Nick’s place hoping to have a hot a steamy reunion with his lover.  He was surprised when Catherine and Warrick were there.  Even more so when he found out Nick wasn’t there.


“What do you mean he’s in the hospital?”


“While you were gone Nick got sick, he has a pretty bad case of viral meningitis.  The doctors think he should be able to come home tomorrow.  But they want someone to stay with him.”


Grissom waved their concerns away, tired from lack of sleep and the flight he didn’t have the energy to deal with anything but the fact that Nick might have died, “I’ll with him, I practically live here anyway.”  They both looked questioningly at Grissom but he either ignored it or didn’t see it.  “So are you guys bringing him clothes?”  After Grissom put back the jean and t-shirt that Catherine and Warrick had picked out and exchanged them for sweatpants and a button up shirt they left for the hospital.


When they arrived Grissom marveled at the ability of doctors to make all hospitals look alike.  He almost turned to the right to see if his mom was still in her room.  He walked in on Nick chatting animatedly with Sara and Greg.  Surprised to see Grissom Greg was the first to speak up, “well hey there big guy, whatcha doing back so soon?”


Gil and Nick stared at each other trying to say silently with there eyes all the wanted to say out loud and with their bodies, “well my mom’s a lot better she’s at home getting rehabilitation and will hopefully be fully recovered in a few weeks.  She doesn’t take loss of independence well.  So I hear tell that Sara saved Nick’s life.”


Nick beamed widely at her, “Yeah if she hadn’t beeped me and insisted I come to work I might’ve just passed out in the house.  No one would’ve missed me there at the house and I would’ve just died quietly.”


Sara didn’t feel quite so jovial about her supposed life saving.  “Well you could’ve also died on the drive over you don’t even remember getting to site.”


Nick shook his head, “could have but didn’t.  What could have happened is not what happened and we should all just be thankful and move on.”


Gil was still reeling from almost losing his mother and now he had to deal with the possibility that he might lose Nick too.  “Could you guys leave us alone for a few minutes?”


Sara eager to assuage her guilt eagerly said yes and the way that Catherine consented made Gil suspect that she was figuring something out, but at this point he didn’t care.  He just wanted to be alone with Nick.  Once the others left Nick and Gil glommed onto each other, neither said anything but they both communicated, simply basking in the presence of the other.




It was a couple of weeks later when Gil woke up with a shout, as he had been since Nick had been in the hospital.  He couldn’t shake the fact that Nick might’ve died and he wouldn’t have even known until Nick was dead.  His nightmares had been consumed with this idea.  Nick sleepily looked up at Gil, ‘again?’  Nick didn’t wait for a reply he just pulled Gil into a hug.  Some how something that was just suppose to be comfort turned into something more.  ~Not that surprising it’s not like I’ve been up for much lately and that was a bad, bad pun, it’s a good thing this only in my head…~ then Gil nibbled on his neck just so and he lost his train of thought.  The way in which Gil thru himself into it tipped Nick off, “I’m here Gil, I’m alive.”  And what had been slow and loving turned fast and loving…..


A few minutes later Gil and Nick were grinning at each other, “so that was a blow job?”


Nick’s smile widened, “That was a blow job.”


Butterfly in Lao is meng kabeua.