Demons of the Present IV

Summary: last part of Demons of the Present

Rating: PG

AN: this is the last story in the series for awhile.  It recently has stopped being fun writing in this series so I decided to retire it (so now in two weeks the plot bunnies will be pounding on the door with ideas for the series) but for now its finished and not a cliff hanger yet open for another story.


Gil was visiting Nick in the hospital a few days later, telling Nick about a case he had worked a year ago where a man had been blowing blood on the walls.  “So we thought that as it until we found silphid beetle and I knew that a crime had been committed.  Turns out the super killed his wife and put her in the water filtration tank.  Said she nagged him.”  Grissom shook his head in disgust, he had also watched as Nick reached for the pad of paper at the bedside before stopping in mid-motion.  He had been doing that the entire time Gil was visiting and Gil suspected that there was something Nick needed to say.  “Nick do you need something?”  Gil handed him the pad of paper.  Nick slowly took the paper and began to write, Gil moved his chair so that he was no longer facing Nick but shoulder to shoulder with him and watching as he wrote.  Gil was startled by what he saw but waited for Nick to finish writing.  When Nick finished his message read ‘thinking of transferring, don’t think I can go back undercover, scared, burned out lonely’ and Gil understood immediately all the things that Nick hadn’t said and all that was implied in his statements.  “Where are you thinking?”  Nick drew a question mark on the page.  Gil nodded thoughtfully.  “Well if you’re interested in being a CSI I can talk to Brass.  I’m sure there’s plenty of places available on other units of the police force too, I think that you should do whatever you think is the right move for you.  Whatever you decide, stay, go you have plenty of time too, still one more day in the hospital and weeks before you can really go to work.  Speaking of work I have to be going but I’ll come by and see you after work, we can talk about this more then if you want and maybe the doctor will be ready to release you.”  Gil leaned down and kissed Nick on the lips, he was about to pull away when Nick’s hand threaded around back and kept Gil’s head close not so that were kissing but cheek and cheek.  Eventually nick let him up and Gil smiled down upon Nick, “I’ll miss you too.”


Grissom was pleased to find out that Nick had been cleared when he got into work.  Nick had shown no evidence of abusing the girl and the foreign male material on the girl didn’t match Nick’s but it did have a 50% match to the girl’s own DNA indicating a family relation’s DNA, with Nick’s testimony and evidence of unenvolvement in the crime it was enough to get a DNA sample from the father and Greg was running it when Grissom came into work.  Time passed quickly after that.  Nick slowly recuperated at Grissom’s house and they talked about Nick’s transfer and finally decided together that Nick should try being a CSI.  Gil assured Nick that even if he hadn’t known Gil he still could have transferred in, after all Nick did have an undergrad in criminology.  Life certainly wasn’t perfect but it was a lot better for both of them than it had been in awhile.


The End

Butterfly in Mandingo (Ivory Coast) is vrievran.