Title: Still Waters

Summary: Gil and Nick explore their relationship while keeping the rest of CSI in the dark.

Archive: anywhere just let me know and my page: www.angelfire.com/weird2/butterflywings

Rating: R for mention of rape. (for now might be some NC-17 stuff later and that will have a special warning)

Pairing: Gil/Nick

Series/Sequel: Sequel to Hidden Depths (www.angelfire.com/weird2/butterflywings/stories/CSI.html )

Warnings: contains spoilers for all of current season, major ones for Snuff

AN:  As I admit my limitations for coming up with intriguing CSI plots I’m using what Gil and Nick did in Snuff (canon) and putting a twist on it.  Hope it twists enough for ya’ll.


Nick was excited.  It was his first night out in the field.  After the week spent at home ‘recuperating’ and the two weeks after where he just processed in the lab, he was really ready for field work.  Not that the last three weeks had been perfect.  There had been lots of nightmares, a few panic attacks (to his embarrassment one happened at work and another resulted in Grissom leaving work early to come home) and general skittishness out in public.  He still didn’t go out alone after dark, he always carried his gun when he left the house, some of the paranoid tendencies that he had had after his last attack came back with a vengeance.  Everyone at work had been really great, most even going so far as to flick the light when they came into the room so as not to startle him (except for Eckle who was the one that started the panic attack in the first place and now sported a broken nose and an even bigger grudge).  For Nick going out into the field on the day he chose symbolized him taking more control of his life.  Actually in the battle to exert control over his surroundings he had become almost obsessive-compulsive about the house and yard.  It drove Gil nuts, but in a way he was happy to put up with Nick’s  eccentrics as long as they weren’t harmful.  It was also unspoken that they spend most of their off time at Nick’s.


In fact their relationship mentally was going fine.  Both had become closer and learned more about the other in the weeks that they had been together then they had about most people in their life.  On the other hand their physical relationship was at a stand still.  All they had done so far was light necking, it had been a mutual decision to take things slow, one that they both found frustrating and exhilarating at the same time.  ~Enough time to think of that later, now I need to concentrate on this crime scene, and not that sound Gil makes when I nip right under his left ear….~  Nick visibly shook himself and got down to work on photographing the scene.  He didn’t however manage to erase the smile on his face, which Grissom picked up on and couldn’t help smiling in return.  Grissom approached him purposefully making noise so as not to startle him. 


“Finished with the photos?”


Nick nodded, “yeah, yeah I’m done.  You can move the box now.”  Nick waved a hand at body in the tool box from the back of some truck.  “You know Grissom most people try not to let ants into their spaces, now you’re carting a whole colony into work?  It’s gonna be nasty until we finish this case and fumigate.”


“Nick, they’re evidence.  Besides they’ll be kept in an enclosed environment.”


“Yeah well in my experience ants are crafty creatures that manage to get in and out of everything.  At least it’s not a nest of scorpions.”  Nick shuddered.


“Well I do have some experia- wait what do you have against scorpions?”


“Sometime I’ll have to share the stories that came from having a scorpion infestation for a summer.”


Grissom blinked in shock, “scorpion infestation in your home?”  Nick just smiled and walked off.




Nick was happy when the bugs were killed.  Back when he was younger, maybe 10 or so he had watched a special on ants, including the man-eating ones.  For weeks afterward he would have nightmares that ants were eating him alive and when he opened his mouth to scream they just poured down his throat.  Nick shuddered, he would never understand Grissom’s fascination with insects.  His first night of field work was more stressful then he thought and he was happy to be home, even happier that Gil was with him.  “That was a nice pick-up with the spur.  I don’t think it would have occurred to me.”


Nick shrugged, “I used to ride, a lot actually.  It was just out side your field of knowledge.”  Gil pulled Nick forward into an embrace kissing him, well passionately is clichéd but true in this case.  They stumbled their way over to the couch and spent, to them anyway, a very lucrative 20 minutes making out.


Breaking apart, both with silly grins on their faces, Gil said almost breathless, “you do realize that we’re acting like teenager’s making out on couches like all we’re made of is hormones?”


“Sounds like a good mid-life crisis to me.”


Gil groaned, “don’t remind me.”  Nick pulled him in for another kiss.


“You shouldn’t worry about it, I think you’re great and you look great.  Besides better late then never.”


“What mid-life crisis?”  Gil pulled back affronted.


“No, jeeze horny teenager that’s only made of hormones.”  Gil chuckled into Nick’s neck and they both felt assured by the normality, at least for them, which permeated the air.




The next day Nick was walking by a lab door when Warrick called him in.  Catherine and Sara were also present.  “Hey, Nick, I noticed you and Grissom are getting pretty chummy lately.  That’s a pretty nice assignment working with him on that ant hill that used to be a body, versus some nasty snuff film.”


Nick snorted, “yeah you would think so, actually those ants give me the heebyjeebys.”  Nick shuttered.


“Man, you are the only person I know that can say heebyjeebys and get away with it,” said Warrick.


Catherine looked at him a little startled by his dislike for ants, “what do you have against ants?”


“Just they’re these freakishly small creatures that hurt like the dicken’s when they bite, they can eat a man whole, I used to have nightmares when I was little about being devoured by a giant mass of ants.  They’re –they’re just so freakish!  Did you know that if you weighed all the people in the world and all the ants in the world the total would be about the same?  Tell me that isn’t freaky!”


Grissom came into the room, “I think I’m rubbing off on you.” Nick and Grissom both blushed, “Why else would you be spouting off bizarre insect facts?”


Sara exclaimed, “You mean that’s true?”


Nick pouted insulted, but not really hurt by their lack of faith, “I do know things, guys.  Things that Grissom hasn’t taught me.”


“Dazzle us Einstein,” Grissom said.  It was all in good fun and it help relieved some tension that had been building up from being in the field, around all those people.


So Nick took a depth breath and began to speak, “you being in love

will tell who softly asks in love,


am i separated from your body smile brain hands merely

to become the jumping puppets of a dream?   oh i mean:

entirely having in my careful how

careful arms created this at length

inexcusable, this inexplicable pleasure--you go from several

persons: believe me that strangers arrive

when i have kissed you into a memory

slowly, oh seriously

--that since and if you disappear




ask "life, the question how do i drink dream smile


and how do i prefer this face to another and

why do i weep eat sleep--what does the whole intend"

they wonder. oh and they cry "to be, being, that i am alive

this absurd fraction in its lowest terms

with everything cancelled

but shadows

--what does it all come down to?     love?     Love

if you like and i like,for the reason that i

hate people and lean out of this window is love,love

and the reason that i laugh and breathe is oh love and the reason

that i do not fall into this street is love."


E.E. Cummings.”


They all stared and blinked, unsure of what to say Grissom finally spoke, “Umm Nick?  What was that?”


“What do you mean what was that?  It was a poem by E.E. Cummings, seemed appropriate.”  Grissom blushed.


Grissom cleared his throat, “yes well we got a match on our face reconstruction.”


Nick looked, well pleasantly surprised, “really?”


“Yeah, really.  Now c’mon we have a ranch to visit.”


Nick paused on his way out the door.  “Ranch?  Which ranch?”  Grissom was already gone and Nick jogged out, calling after him, “what ranch?!  Grissom?”  Catherine, Warrick and Sara just exchanged looks.


“One of these days I’m going to remember to ask him about this bizarre English knowledge of his,” Sara said.


Warrick waved his hand, “probably had week long series about famous authors on A&E or something.”  Sara couldn’t help but giggle, which got Catherine started and before the three knew it they were all shaking with laughter.




The sun was just risen when Nick, Grissom and Brass showed up at the ranch where the victim had worked until he had gone missing.  Nick sighed, “I can’t believe that we’re at the Las Vega Ranch.”


Brass looked at him in puzzlement.  “Why?”


A mirthless chuckle escaped from Nick’s lips, “You’ll see.”  The three approached a scene where a group of cowboys watched a man practice riding a bucking bronco.  A man approached them.


“Howdy, I’m Pete Banson, but most people call me—Saint Nick!?!”


Brass eyed the man like he’d lost his mind, “most people call you Saint Nick?”


Nick just sighed and turned to face Brass and Grissom, “he’s talking about me, I did some work for Petey, back about 5 years ago.”  Nick walked up to Petey and pulled him into a hug.  “It’s good ta see ya man.”


“Sure is, Saint Nick.  I didn’t know you were back in Vegas.”


“Oh yeah, well I’ve lived here for 2 years actually.  I work for the Las Vegas crime lab actually.  We ah, found a body out in the desert, Randy Traschel, do you know him?”


“Oh yeah hired him about two years ago, guys called him Stumpy, ‘cause of , well ya know…”


“The Down Syndrome?”  Grissom asked.


“Well yeah I guess, he was a good worker though, came in mucked out the stalls, didn’t complain or anything, disappointed when the little guy just up and disappeared on me.”


“Hey, Petey, ya mind if we take a look around?”  Nick asked.


“No, no problem, look all over the place.  Real sorry to hear he’s dead.”


Nick and Grissom were walking into the barn when Grissom said, “Saint Nick?” and raised an eyebrow at Nick.


“Don’t even go there, Gil, just don’t even go there.”




Grissom had left the barn after questioning Vasquez, the man that replaced Randy on the ranch.  He had finished up and was going back inside the barn to see if Nick was done when he heard two men in there talking.


“Look, Rattison, I left rodeo work because it was just a hobby.  I just did it for the money.  My real passion is helping people.  You don’t help a hell of lot of people by riding around on some bull.”


“And picking around corpses is helping people?  You’re a cop out Stokes.  Everyone else might’ve thought you were the best thing since BBQ, but you and I both know you dropped out because you couldn’t face me.”


Rattison, I don’t have the time or the inclination to do this.  You think whatever you want, I got what I came for.”  Grissom was waiting for Nick outside the barn.


“Let’s get Brass and leave okay?”  Nick just nodded, looking a little pale.


Nick slid into the backseat of the Tahoe and was surprised when Grissom slid in beside him.  Even more so when Grissom signed, ‘are you okay?’


‘Yeah, I think so.  Situation just shook me up a bit.  Being alone with Rattison.’


‘I would have come in you had needed me too.’


‘You heard?’


‘Not deaf yet.’


‘That’s just great.’


‘Nick it’s okay for you to be afraid.  It’s only natural.  Look I just have one question: Saint Nick?’  Except instead of using the sign for Saint and Nick’s sign name he made the sign for Santa Claus.  They both burst out laughing.


Brass glanced into the rearview mirror and shook his head at the site of Gil Grissom laughing so hard he was crying.  He would never understand that man.

Butterfly in Kikongo (Congo Brazaville) is lumbebeba.