Still Waters part 2


The next day when they drove in together for work, Sara was just exiting her own vehicle.  She hadn’t known that Grissom was still spending so much time with Nick.  They did seem to rely on each other a lot now, though.  She wasn’t that surprised when Nick was placed with Grissom on the assignments.  She also didn’t mean to over hear their conversation but she couldn’t help it.


“So Saint Nick, are you going to pull off a miracle today?”


Nick rolled his eyes, “Grissom” he growled, “aren’t you always the one saying trust the evidence?  Well we have plenty, we don’t need a miracle.”  Grissom clapped him on the shoulder.


“That’s the right attitude Nicky.”


~Saint Nick huh?  This could be fun.~




It was around midnight when Warrick, Sara and Catherine decided to take a break and have ‘lunch’.  This was of course when Sara decided to share what she had heard.


“So what if Grissom and Nick rode into work together?  I think the friendship is good for both of them.”


Warrick nodded, “I have to agree with Catherine, Sara.  What with Grissom always smiling, we even get the occasional laugh out of him.  They both seem a lot happier if you ask me.”


“Yeah I guess you’re right.  What I really want to know why he called him Saint Nick.”


“Who me?”  They all spun around in their chairs to stare at the man leaning casually in the doorway.  Nick just grinned.  “If I tell you how I got my nickname will you promise not to spread it around?”


The three people were eager to hear this tidbit from Nick’s past and quickly agreed.  “Well I got it in high school actually.  I was kinda well-known because of my parents and they had always taught me to be, well proper, is the only way I think I can describe it.  I was well known for my politeness.  All the fathers were happy to have their daughters date me because they knew I wouldn’t try anything.  I never pushed or anything.  But the culmination into getting the nick-name was when I went to this horrid chick –flick 9 *times*.”  Nick shuddered.  “Oh God, I don’t even remember the title, but it was *bad*.  When my girlfriend of 3 months found out how much I hated it she said that I should be given Saint hood, and it just stuck.  Everyone started calling me Saint Nick, which is way better then what they called me in grade school.”  Nick grabbed a sandwich out of the refrigerator.  “I’ve got to go we’re fixing to do a time line based on the depth of rust.”  Nick sketched a quick wave.


Grissom walked in almost moments later, “have you guys seen Nick?”


“Yeah he was just in here, grabbing his lunch out of the frig.  I think he was heading down to the lab.  Said you were looking at depth of rust to figure out a timeline.”


“Okay, thanks.”  Grissom was ducking back out when Sara called him in.


“How did you know about Nick’s high school nick name?”


“What?  Saint Nick?  I thought that was his rodeo name.  I’ll have to ask him about that.”  Then Grissom was gone.


The three stared at the empty doorway.  “Rodeo?  Do you suppose he was a clown?”  Sara Asked.




“So Randy disappeared 17 months ago and he was killed 17 months ago.  The broken spur is a match to Rattison’s old spur.  He has a new tool box on the back of his truck.  Not to sound biased, but the evidence suggests he did it.”


“It does way more then just suggests, Nicky.  I think we need to go back to the ranch.”


Nick groaned, “I thought you might say that.  Sara was asking me about whether I was a Rodeo clown or something like that; I wonder where she got that idea?”  Grissom just looked innocent, or tried to anyway; the little smirk at the corners of his lips gave him away.  “Just as I suspected, we go not only to find a murder but for you to find out embarrassing stories about me!  Well I’m on to you Grissom.”  Nick punctuated his words by poking Grissom in the chest.  Then they both burst into laughter.




After testing the bull horns found in the back of Rattison’s truck and finding them positive for blood Brass arrested Rattison and took him down town.  Nick had ridden back with Brass in the front, but for legal reasons no one could ride in the back with Rattison, so Nick was going to swing by and pick Gil up once he got back.  So that was how Gil found himself leaning against a sun weathered fence and chatting with Petey.


“So Nick used to ride in rodes?”


Yessir.  Good ol’ Saint Nick, natural born horse person that lad.  When he came through looking for work, I dunno about five years back I didn’t think he’d be of any use.  Turned out to be one of the best horse breakers I’ve ever seen.  Told him I’d hire him if he passed the interview.  He goes, ‘fair deal.  What’s the interview?’  I told him ta see what he could do with the herd of horses I had at the time, I dunno about 30 head herd.  Shrugged his shoulders and slid into the fenced area.  It was the damndest thing I ever saw.  Walked right up to the head stallion and grabbed it’s face stared it straight in the eyes and then blew in it’s nose.”  Petey shook his head with disbelief.


Grissom’s brow wrinkled in confusion.  “I don’t get it, what’s so special about that?”


“Boy son, you really don’t know nuthin’ ‘bout horses.  He was establishing dominance over ‘em.  Most people trick ‘em, or bribe them with foods, Saint Nick just walked in there and in horse language said ‘look here I’m the boss now so do as I say.’  Corse I hired ‘im on the spot.  Best damn hirin’ I’ve ever made.  Sorry ta see him go.  He waz just a’ passin’ through really.”


Nick’s car pulled in next to the two, “well speak of the Devil,” said Petey.


Grissom finished, “and there he’ll be.  It was nice to meet you Petey,” Grissom shakes his hand, “just wish it could’ve been under other circumstances.”


The ride home was spent in silence, both comfortable enough in the other’s presence to not feel a pressure to talk.  Nick spent an hour outside doing yard work, Grissom remembered how much Nick cared about his yard back during the incident with Nigel.  Nick had been walking around, pretty much in shock from what had happened when he walked outside, presumably for some fresh air.  Grissom had been on the porch as well when Nick had come out and so he had witnessed the scene that had become infamous at CSI headquarters.  Nick had been standing there staring out at nothing when two rookie cops were complaining off to the side about these bushes with berries on them and how the berries were getting everywhere.  Grissom had watched amazed as Nick just seemed to wake up and frowned down at the two men tromping in his front bushes.  “What the heck are you two doing?”  The two police men indignant about the berries and some civilian questioning them, “look you don’t know nothing about policing, leave that to us.”  “Excuse me boys but the only thing you seem to know how to do is ruin my blueberry bushes.  Now if you want to find the air vent it’s behind the third bush on the back wall.”  Apparently Nick had some kind of sixth sense about his yard because Grissom hadn’t even known there were people over in the dividing shrubs until Nick had called out, “Hey watch my apple trees!  And be careful or you’ll get clothe lined!”  After that Nick had scurried about making sure the evidence was collected but also checking to make sure that people were being careful.  It was evident then that Nick put a lot of work into maintaining his yard, that work had only increased since then.  Grissom decided that if Nick felt better when in control of something like his yard, that he wasn’t going to complain, no matter how weird Nick could get about it.  Besides, when Nick got really hot he’d take off his shirt.


Nick and Gil were eating cereal and watching the morning news on the couch when Gil said, “I have an appointment next week to see an audiologist.”  Grissom sounded depressed about it.


Nick smiled at him, not in sympathy but in love, “Gil, even if it’s the worst case ever and nothing can be done to fix it and you go completely deaf, I’ll still love you.  We’ll figure something out for work.”  Gil looked away from Nick, unable to meet his eyes, Nick placed a gentle hand on Gil’s cheek and turned Gil’s head until they looked each other in the eye.  “The only way deafness can defeat a person is if they let it.  Together we won’t let it.”  Something just snapped in Gil because suddenly his eyes were overflowing and he was sobbing into Nick’s shoulder.  Nick rubbed Gil’s back mumbling nonsense in soothing tones.  Eventually the tears tapered off and Gil looked at Nick, not saying thanks with his voice, but with his eyes.  Nick replied by kissing him.


What Nick had meant as a short thank you kiss had turned into a ttttthhhhhaaaannnnkkk yyyyyyyyooooooouuuuu kiss.  Nick found himself desperate to touch Gil’s skin.  Slowly to make his intentions obvious he untucked Gil’s shirt and slipped a hand underneath.  He moaned as Gil breathed lightly into his ear and chuckled into Gil’s neck when Gil bucked into him moaning from when Nick had tweaked his nipple.  Nick unbuttoned Gil’s dress shirt for better access to his chest and grinned around the nipple he had in his mouth when Gil started babbling non-sense.  Gil was just untucking Nick’s shirt when the phone rang startling the two so much they almost banged head together.  Gil reached over and plucked the vibrating phone off the stand, “Hello?...No.  No.  I’m sure.  No problem.”  Nick looked questionally at Gil, “wrong number.”  Gil sighed and looked at the clock.  No doubt about it, the mood was completely destroyed.  Gill rubbed a hand across his head.  “We better get some sleep before our next shift.


Nick nodded knowingly, “yeah, you’re right.”

Butterfly in Kikuyu (Kenya) is kihuruta.