Title: Detour

Summary PWP Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid–Seriously No Plot!

Rating NC-17

Warnings: Slash!

AN: Big thanks to Silentflux who made this possible!



Spencer Reid was not a naturally an exhibitionist; for that matter, neither was Aaron Hotchner. The two had been in a committed sexual relationship for 4 months. To the day, actually, which is how they found themselves sitting in the back corner of a small Chinese restaurant with Spencers foot resting on Aarons crotch. Spencer had spent several hours planning the exhibition and even remembered to wear slip on shoes and bring his own fork. It was worth it -- the look of shock on Aarons face as Spencer slowly started to tease Aaron with his foot was worth any price. Through out the meal he had continually worked his way higher, chatting and eating like he wasnt winding Aaron tighter and tighter. Eventually, Aaron excused himself from the table and Spencer counted to ten, placed enough money for the food and a generous tip, and then followed Aaron to the restrooms, intending to initiate phase two.

Aaron hadnt locked the door to the mens room and Spencer had to smirk, wondering if Aaron knew what was going to happen. Opening the door, he leaned in the doorway just taking in the clean lines of Aarons form as he bent over the sink to wash his hands. Without even turning around Aaron said, "so did you plan this whole thing out?"

Spencer smiled, "So confident that I followed you, eh?" Spencer stepped in and closed the door locking it. Faster than humanly possible the two were on each other. Having spent the better part of the hour winding each other up it took all of 1.75 seconds for Aarons pants to be around his feet and only another eighth of a second for Spencers to follow. Suddenly Aarons still wet hands were on Reids hips firm and warm lifting him up onto the sink. Reid was panting and trembling and entirely too impatient to wait for Aaron to fumble with the lube.

"Its okay." Reid gasped as Aaron fumbled with something to use as slick. "I prepared in advance." Reid watched as Aarons eyes widened with shock and then darkened with lust, pupils dilated into black holes. Aaron scooted Spencer down just a little on the sink, lifted one of Spencers legs over his shoulder and lined up and slid in. Spencer threw his head back, arching sharply before falling bonelessly back. It didnt take Aaron long to pick up a steady rhythm. Both knew it wasnt going to last much longer and as Aarons thrust sped up and became more erratic, Spencer snaked a hand down to tug once twice and a third time on his cock and came spasming with Aaron right behind him. Not quite able to stand up yet Aaron leaned forward onto Spencer who was folded a bit awkwardly against the back wall. Frankly, the whole position was highly uncomfortable. His butt was hanging down in the sink, chilly and damp with the faucet sticking into the small of his back and he was pretty sure that the soap dispenser was leaking in his hair. But Aaron was laying on him -- and in him -- in a complete state of abandon, which is something rarely seen, and therefore, all the more reason to cherish. Cleaning up was a little harder than anticipated but there was a bathroom with water, soap and paper towels which made Reid vow to himself to always plan his public sex acts in bathrooms.

The hostess met them as they were leaving the restaurant with their leftover food in doggie bags and a knowing grin. Spencer knew that he should wipe the I just got thoroughly fuckedgrin off his face, but then what was the point? He took the food and declined the fortune cookies; after all, he had all the good fortune he could take.