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Cannon Fodder

Because sometimes, Slash fiction can be a bomb.

Welcome to our humble abode. We are Cannon Fodder.

Have you ever noticed how some people just can't write Buffy the Vampire Slayer m/m slash? We sure as hell did.

You've heard of Mystery Science Theatre. If you haven't, it's a bunch of funny robots making fun of bad science fiction movies.

For years, people have been doing this with fiction, because it's fun.

We decided to jump on the bandwagon. 'Cause we're joiners with too much time on our hands. What we're doing is Mystery Slash Theatre. So we're abbreviating it to M/T.

The Cast:

Pink Headed Troll
Hooch Naganooch
Frequently Asked Questions

The Stories:

Alex the Bounty Hunter by Amanda - Added 01/25/03
A heartwarming story of a cold blooded killer. PG-13.

Goldibuffy - Added 01/25/03
A gut-wrenching story by a suspected serial killer. NC-17.

Mr Harris - Added 02/15/03
We just LOVE Amanda here at Cannon Fodder.
Xander goes from Cold-blooded Hitman to Kindergarten Teacher.
Whoo hoo!
PG to where we got, we gave up before the NC-17.

Metamorphosis - Added 02/21/03
A Buffy/X-Men Crossover by Xandria.
Eventually NC-17. Apparently.

Death Sealed - Added 03/17/03
A very Caliadragon.
No rating given, but we dub it PG-13.

Sire and Childe - Added 04/17/03
A WIP fic that has nothing to do with the title by Anne.
It says NC-17, and it actually IS NC-17.
We are so impressed.

The Encounter - Added 07/06/03
A very special event. Spuffy fic. By...some 13-year-old girl, we're sure.
Rated PG. Because it's on
Special guest M/Ter and newest addition to the cast,
Hooch Naganooch.

You can be on our mailing list, too. Just send us an email, stating as much, and you'll know when all the Cannon Fodder updates are taking place. We've been on haitus because, well, YOU try reading the worst badfic in the world and keeping your sanity. When the PHT and Twist get out of the asylum, and Sister's doctor finally ups her medication, there will be new Cannon Fodder.

Disclaimer: We don't own the fictions or the authors. We are making fun of them, yes, but we are not doing so to be malicious. This is all in fun. The authors asked us to tell them what they thought (well, they told their readers...which we are...), and that's what we're doing. Please don't sue us. Wanna send us hate mail? Fine. THAT we can deal with. It'll probably end up posted and M/Ted though, so if you can't deal with that... don't send it!