Any questions or queries that might be bothering you...
What's that white stuff all over my shoulder? Your guess is as good as mine.
Yes, I know I have a big nose.
And yes, I know my scalp shows.
Did I brush my hair this morning? No need! It styles itself over night.
The dark patches in my hair are not a trick of the light, it isn't even due to a bad picture... it's grease.
Who's bush is that? If you are referring to the one on my head, it belongs to me. If you are referring to the one behind my head, it's not a bush, it's a hedge and it belongs to my next door neighbour.
I hope you can sleep at night now.
Mullet of the Week
Well, enough about my own mullet... here is my mullet of the week...
Own a mullet yourself? Have a friend that owns a mullet?
If you have a nice looking mop top on your head, I want to know about it! Send in your mullet pictures and I will put them up on the website. Even if it's just a little baby mullet, we all have to start somewhere.
More of my mullet coming soon...
more pictures of Carl's mullet will be coming soon! Including... a picture of Carl's Mullet sleeping in a different unusual place every week. It could be in the road, in a bin or down the toilet... who knows? I'm full of surprises! And it's all for your mulletey viewing pleasure!
Every Fish Has A Name?
I am looking for a name for the mullet... if you have one, e-mail me your suggestions so we can refer to the hair politely.
Please send pictures, suggestions, questions or even hate mail to me @ if you want to talk mullets, e-mail me.
The 'Favourite Extreme hairstyle' Poll
Who in all the seven seas voted for spiked over 100 times? I don't know how you did it, now I'm not anrgy, but if you admit to it, you won't be in too much trouble. Since somebody cheated to get spiked to win, I am hereby disqualifying spiked from the poll... making Dreadlocks the official winner of the poll. Here is this update's poll...
That's all for now... I will be back very soon, so add to your favourites and see more of the mullet.