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Update #1 - 13th June 2002

Well folks, it's been a few days, and I am sure you have all been waiting anxiously for the first picture of my five foot something high bird's nest. Well, not being one to disappoint I have uploaded the very first picture of my mullet. It might not be much but it's a start! So, without further delay, here is Carl's Mullet, as of the 13th of June 2002...

Carl's Mullet 13/06/02

Disappointed? Oh come on, you weren't expecting a bush on my head this early on in the quest for the holy mullet were you? I for one, think that my mullet is coming along nicely. It'll make a fine looking mullet with time. And besides, the challenge isn't over until yuletide. At the moment, the baby mullet has a nice shape... it's just not long enough yet. Notice the way that the hair flows in all different directions? That's what gives me the 'I've just got out of bed' image. Makes for a good chuckle when you look into the mirror the next morning. The thickness of the mullet is also quite a major factor, look at how far it sticks from my head. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it feels all puffy on top. Kinda like it's been blow dried. AND since you lose most of your body heat out of the top of your head and feet, this puffiness is the equivilent of loft insulation... it keeps all my heat in. It does the same job as my socks do for my feet. And belive me, waking up at seven in the morning in a caravan at the end of the garden, makes use of this insulation.
Another aspect that I find quite pleasing about my baby mullet is the two fringes I have. If you look closely I have one fringe that comes over my forehead, which will soon meet my eyebrows. And I have a fringe that sticks up. Kind of like a quiff, minus the ten minutes gelling it up in the morning. It kind of looks like a rug sticking out from underneath a carpet. The side burns? Well, they have got their own thing going on right now. They have a life of my own... one of them keeps crawling itself into my ear... look at the photo closely and you'll see. Luckily I don't have an abundance of ear wax.

Any questions or queries that might be bothering you...
What's that white stuff all over my shoulder? Your guess is as good as mine.
Yes, I know I have a big nose.
And yes, I know my scalp shows.
Did I brush my hair this morning? No need! It styles itself over night.
The dark patches in my hair are not a trick of the light, it isn't even due to a bad picture... it's grease.
Who's bush is that? If you are referring to the one on my head, it belongs to me. If you are referring to the one behind my head, it's not a bush, it's a hedge and it belongs to my next door neighbour.

I hope you can sleep at night now.

Mullet of the Week
Well, enough about my own mullet... here is my mullet of the week...

World Cup fever has gripped the world, so what better to celebrate the World Cup in my own mulletey way, by pronouncing Chris Waddle, England's greatest ever mulleted player, as mullet of the week. Unfortunetly I couldn't use any of the current England players as mullet of the week as nobody has one (They're out of fashion!). Chris Waddle, if you're reading, we worship you and your mullet. Grow it back. That mullet has dozens of England caps folks! Chris Waddle, we salute you.

Own a mullet yourself? Have a friend that owns a mullet?
If you have a nice looking mop top on your head, I want to know about it! Send in your mullet pictures and I will put them up on the website. Even if it's just a little baby mullet, we all have to start somewhere.

More of my mullet coming soon...
more pictures of Carl's mullet will be coming soon! Including... a picture of Carl's Mullet sleeping in a different unusual place every week. It could be in the road, in a bin or down the toilet... who knows? I'm full of surprises! And it's all for your mulletey viewing pleasure!

Every Fish Has A Name?
I am looking for a name for the mullet... if you have one, e-mail me your suggestions so we can refer to the hair politely.

Please send pictures, suggestions, questions or even hate mail to me @ if you want to talk mullets, e-mail me.

The 'Favourite Extreme hairstyle' Poll
Who in all the seven seas voted for spiked over 100 times? I don't know how you did it, now I'm not anrgy, but if you admit to it, you won't be in too much trouble. Since somebody cheated to get spiked to win, I am hereby disqualifying spiked from the poll... making Dreadlocks the official winner of the poll. Here is this update's poll...

That's all for now... I will be back very soon, so add to your favourites and see more of the mullet.