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Welcome to...

Hi! Welcome to our page! You need to turn in all spare body parts at the door. We'll make sure you don't leave with them! Right now, our "Cannibalism Club" only has a few members. Our site is still under construction. I'm Agent M, the webmistress. If you have any questions or anything, E-MAIL ME!


*BE A HERO! EAT YOUR BEST FRIEND NOW!!! TO JOIN, PLEASE CALL 1-800-CANNIBALISM-IS-4ME OR 1-800-IMGONNA-EAT-ME-ABABY OR 1-800-IWANNA-BEA-CANNIBAL2 let me just say that none of these numbers are must pay .99 cents a minute for 20 minutes and ev'ry minute afta that is only .98 cents. all money goes to help pay for each registered member...i am not the brains of the club, please do not call me...if you have any questions please call: 1-800-Cannibals-rnt-xpected-2know-evrythin extension 1013 or 1121...

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*Not real number.