The Life and Works of...Team Rocket!!!
This is the place to find out about the lives and works of our favourite TR agents. Plus a list of all the other Rocket agents we can think of. So sit back and prepare to be astounded...maybe...
Members of Team Rocket:
- Jessie: The bossy female 3rd of our favourite field group
- James: The sweet male 3rd of our favourite field group
- Meowth: The talkative feline 3rd of our favourite field group
- Cassidy: The female half of JJM's rival group
- Butch: The frog throated male half of JJM's rival group
- Giovanni: The boss
- Domino: Gio's blonde haired, annoying right hand agent
- Mondo: (From the CD drama) Jessie, James and Meowth's right hand man( or teenager).
Main Biographies
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