Looking over our Jimmy’s life and works, we may be obliged to scream consistently for several hours at the writers of the show for putting him through such a hard time. As it is, they are responsible for his creation, so instead we should bow down to them and offer them much chocolate.
Eevee: You never offer me chocolate!
Roy:Anyway…here goes what we know of James.
Eevee: I agree. Somewhere along the line, someone got very confused when they thought that up, and it wasn't me.
Roy: Anyway…James also has a fetish for dressing up as a woman… but I’m sure that’s purely that he’s in touch with his feminine side. Nothing wrong with that.
Eevee: Of course not Roy, you just keep on believing that while I fetch the doctors.
Roy: Oo…and also pokemon is originally made in Japan, remember kids? And Japanese culture is different to English/ American/ General rest of the World culture. For Japanese people, if a guy dresses up as a woman it represents that he is evil and cunning… not that that is how I would describe James…and also that sounds like just another ploy to keep women from not voting…hello? We’re in the 21st century now. But that’s not the point. He can be a transvestite and nothing else. Since when does being a transvestite imply that you are gay? I’ve cross-dressed before and I’m not gay. (At this point Eevee would be interrupting if she was here, as it is… she is not…so ha.)
Eevee: I AM HERE!!!! YOU'RE JUST IGNORING ME!!!! *hits Roy with spoon*
Roy: Right…on with the story!
Look...it's James' "loving family".
James was brought up as the only son of a rich Southern American family (yet is mysteriously British), who were more for material value than sentimental. Poor old Jimmy was the cutest little boy anyone could ask for, and his parents treated him like dirt.
Eevee: How come he's British? I just don't understand...
All I can say is arrrrrrrrrrr....
His only friend and true companion was his pet growlithe, Growly, who loved him very much.
Eevee: I've got a theory that maybe that relationship wasn't all it seemed, I just haven't told you it yet.
Roy: With a longing for freedom and the outdoors that just didn’t suit his upbringing, James was a rebel, and his parents needed something to get him in line. Enter Jessiebelle, the evil bitch-monster of death, or a whip-happy Southern gal who looks uncannily like Jessie, but is definitely not. Annoying, and…did I mention evil? Jessiebelle comes into James life and infects it like a swarm of…swarming things… If he chooses to disobey her lessons on “good manners”, she takes him down to her torture chamber to “teach him a lesson” with a heavy whip and lots of screaming. Sometimes his parents were even known to be present, drinking tea while Jessiebelle tortured him. Some parents…grrr…
Eevee: Roy, you shouldn't get so worked up about these things, it's not good for your BP.
Roy: James has mentioned his grandpa sometimes…apparently he had a “marble-ous house”…but James seems to have liked him better than the rest of his family, so I’m guessing James did have some escape from his hellhole of a life at home. However, things eventually got too much for our Jimmy, as they would for anyone in his circumstances. He packed a few belongings and made to leave with Growly, but it was not long before James decided that it wasn’t fair to force this new hard life on Growly so he sent him back home, and carried on alone.
Eevee: Isn't that sweet? Maybe thre's something in your absurd liking of James after all...
Roy: Eventually he enrolled in Pokemon Tech to begin his education. Here, was where he met Jessie and from then on it seems they were inseparable.
Eevee: How can people think they're not in love?
Roy: They carried on as half way decent students, studying hard and so on until it came to the night of the final exams. They decided they had revised enough and partied all night instead. When they got their exam results back, they found that they not only had failed but that they had the worst grades in the history of the school. Humiliated, they moved on (presumably together) and went to Sunnytown where the two joined the Bridge Bike Gang. James came to be known as “Little Jim” or “Trainer Jim” for being the only member of the gang that needed trainer wheels.
Eevee: However, I believe he may have been called 'Little Jim' for other reasons...teehee...
Roy: Having been bought up the way he had, he’d never learned to ride a bike. But the gang thought of him as cute, and were fond of him as their own.
Little Jim's cyclin' along!
Eventually, Jessie and James left the bike gang and for some reason…whether they were forced or not isn’t known, they joined Team Rocket, the Poke-verse renowned crime organisation. Here they were teamed up with Meowth, and began their official life of crime. Good old Jim has remained whiny and sexy ever since.
Eevee: I wish I could afford to pay for counselling for you...maybe Fredwina could do it, she's pretty good with me and Kate and Barlow...
Kate: You've been getting counselling about us?!
Barlow: I'm the one who should be getting counselling, YOU set reindeer on me!
Eevee: Guys...this is James's bio, not a discussion room...sorry about that Roy...
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