Roy: Here we have Jessie's life story... or at least all the stuff we know. There seem to be a lot of gaps in the pokeverse as to people's history seeing as they probably couldn't be bothered but never mind.
Eevee: Does that irritate anyone else, or just us? Anyway.
Roy: Here is what we know of the red-headed temperamental one.
Eevee: Why can't the animators just MAKE THEIR DAMN MINDS UP?! RED, PINK OR PURPLE GUYS?! IT'S NOT HARD!!
Roy: She is handy at pulling random objects from thin air and using them as offensive weapons, and also has what you might call a bit of a short temper.
Eevee: You could describe it like that, certainly.
Roy: She would probably be described as the leader of the gang and she likes to have that whole tough girl attitude going for her. As for her age, which appears to have remained the same over the last few years as none of the pokemon cast ever seem to age, we are not entirely sure, but the generally accepted number is 17. Although some strange people seem to have it in their heads that she is 12, which does not add up... nobody has that kind of figure at age 12, not even me (Roy), the one who has had boobs since age 3.
Eevee: Roy, no one needed to know anything about your boobs. Also, another 'I dislike the animators' rant...why the hell don't they age? Anyone? No? OK, just ignore me then.
Roy: Anyway...Jessie grew up poor, somewhere that involved snow, and was brought up by her "Momma", Miyamoto, who was also a Rocket Agent. From what I can gather (although correct me if I'm wrong) Miyamoto was sent on a mission to capture Mew and while out looking, died in some kind of accident (avalanche?).
Eevee: I hear it was a suicide mission she got sent on by Madame Boss...does anyone actually know ANYTHING for sure? I blame the story writers entirely. But also the animators.
Roy: As to whether this was before or after Jessie was sent away to pokemon tech it's not clear.
Eevee: Because nothing is clear. Are they trying to establish mystery or something because it's very annoying.
Roy: But off she went, and there met James, a fellow student. It seems they hit it off.
Eevee: Ya think?
Roy: She seemed to be doing well until the night of the final exams when she and James decided they had revised enough and partied all night. When they got their exam results they found they had the worst grades in the history of the school. WAAAHHH!!! How terrible...why do they always get the bad luck?!?! Grrrr...
Eevee: I don't think it was bad luck. I think we should learn a valuble lesson from fail...simple as that.
Roy: Anyhoo...the two left Pokemon tech (assumingly together, and, as Eevee would like to think, already in a hot passionate romance that they desperately tried to conceal) and joined the Bridge Bike Gang in Sunny Town. Here, Jessie was admired and looked up to, known as "Chainer Jess" for her ability to swing a chain around over her head whilst cycling (-great life skills there, kids) or also just "Big Jess".
Eevee: *snigger*
Roy: At some point she and James left the bike gang, although we're not sure what the reasons were...
Eevee: Maybe they just sucked?
Roy:...and joined Team Rocket where they were teamed up with Meowth and have worked ever since.
Roy: And here's little Chainer Jess...swingin' her chain...
Roy: Somewhere along the lines (although we're not sure where exactly)...
Eevee: Because we're not sure of anything DAGNABBIT!
Roy:...Jessie attended a nursing school that was actually meant for Chanseys (but that we don't think she actually knew when she signed up).
Eevee: Maybe she didn't, then she found out, then she was all Jessie and too proud to admit she'd made a mistake...the possibilities are endless because the writers don't exactly give us ANY FIRM FACTS TO WORK WITH!!
RoY: As you can guess, it wasn't exactly easy for her to do some of the things oriented towards pokemon.
Eevee: Like Sing attack.
Roy: Exactly. James wasn't with her here, but she made friends with one of the Chanseys that was also struggling and they became great friends. When Chansey got through and Jessie didn't they parted sadly but promised to remain friends and Chansey broke her egg necklace thingy in two and gave half to Jessie to keep as a token of their friendship. (AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Ain't it sweet?)
Roy: And finally here's Nurse Jessie looking a little bemused...
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