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The Life and Works of Meowth!

Roy: Here we have the story of what we know of the life and works of Meowth! Our favourite talking, villainous cat!

Roy: Meowth is a criminal cat with attitude, the Macavity of the pokeverse, although slightly less scary.

Eevee: Macavity? Roy, you've been listening too hard in English.

Roy: He's lovable and sarcastic with a licence to scratch...or more like fury swipe.

Eevee: According to some sources that's the only move he knows, which makes sense, because otherwise he would have learnt Pay Day by now: the easy way to get rich!

Roy: He, like Jessie, is fond of his weapons... that being his claws, and is not afraid to thrash at will. However, despite the tough outside, he's really soft at the centre.

Eevee: You make him sound like a caramel or something.

Roy: And though, he, Jess and Jim have their little and large bickerings, they prove over and again that their friendship is golden.

Eevee: Like the egg that that goose laid in that crappy fairy tale...

Roy: Meowth even says himself that they are the only people in the world that ever really cared about him. ain't that sweet?

Eevee: It is, it is, no one can deny it!!!

Roy: Meowth is also a master chef!...?

Eevee: HELP US!!!!

Roy: Anyway, Meowth was abandoned as a kitten (How cruel! Poor wonder he's a little screwed up!)

Eevee: I have no patience for those who are cruel to Pokemon. I like Team Rocket but that doesn't extend to some of the meaner members and their tendacies to be nasty to poor defenseless Pokemon. It's like cruelty to animals: it's jut sick.

Roy: And before long, the call of fame and fortune beckoned to him and he set off for hollywood. Here, he joined a cat gang-type thing, led by a Persian. Then he met Meowzie, another female Meowth owned by some rich dudes or something to that effect. He fell head over heels for her, but she just looked down on him disdainfully. She liked her rich, loaded human better than any street Meowth. (Meany.)

Eevee: Riches are only as deep as your wallet.

Kate: Does that even mean anything?

Eevee: No.

Roy: She didn't deserve Meowth, but he was too lovestuck to see how cruel she was so he tried to impress her, by becoming more human. He taught himself to walk and talk like your average human... and believe me it was painstaking work.

When he returned to Meowzie, however, she just put him down again, telling him he was a freak. Grrr...she's the freak, if I were a Meowth I would see what a hunk he was...and how sweet. Some people and/or Meowths are just stupid.

Eevee:'hunk' Roy? I hope you didn't mean that.

Roy: Aaaarrrrr...don't be shy, Meowth. You know it's the truth.

Eevee: *to herself* She meant it.

Roy: After this let down...Meowth went in search of something else. He joined Team Rocket to get rich, and for a while, was the boss's top cat. But soon the boss got bored and replaced him with a Persian. The world is full of meanies! This began Meowth's grudge on Persians, and helped decide him on never evolving, but remaining in his unevolved form.

Eevee: Good on ya Meowth!

Roy: Anyhoo...

With Meowth's downgrading, he was put with Jessie and James to make up the trio we all know and love! Things turned out okay in the end then. Rock on Meowth!

Eevee: *sings Hit Me Baby One More Time*

Barlow: Did that really have something to do with Meowth?

Eevee: No, it's on my playlist and I decided you deserved my brilliant rendition of it.

Kate: Nobody deserves Britney.

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