Roy: may now be wondering what in God's name we have here! You are right to fear, oh, uninitiated people of the things secretly going on in the Pokemon World. Read on, and you may be forced to agree, or disagree to your heart's content with some of Eevee's and my extreme theories. We would like to point out, that although we are convinced of these things, they are unofficial, amnd therefore only our oppinion... Now with that out the way, prepare for exceedingly frightening trouble...
Theory 1: The Pikachu and Ash "Best Friendship"
Roy: Ever notice how very close Ash and Pikachu are? Jeez, with all the hugging and sappiness, these two are almost as bad as Jessie and James! Extremely disturbed at this whole prospect? You should be, but there is no doubting that something is going on there... For starters, how normal is it for your "best friend" to be a fat yellow rat named Pikachu? And have you noticed the abnormal amount of affection passing between these "best friends"? Ash treats Pikachu differently from his other Pokemon, like he's special or something. He never puts Pikachu in his pokeball, and is obssessive about cuddling and hugging him. This to me, tells of one screwed up kid. He shows more attraction to Pikachu then he does Misty. Which, even though I know the writers were trying to get something there, nothing of any interest ever happened. Ash remains romantiacally uninvolved. Or does he? Is Pikachu the real reason he chooses not to be with Misty? I suppose we will never know....
Run for the Hills at the Speed of Light!!!