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Eevee Points Something Out

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My name is Eevee, and I would like to point something out about Jessie and James and their obvious feelings.

I apologise in advance: this will probably upset those amongst us who are overly sentimental, have a problem with the truth, live in romance movies, and don't like to face up to reality. Sorry if I insult you. I just did, didn't I? Oh well. You'll get over it. Or, no, you probably won't. But that's not my point. And a rant is not meant to please all. It is meant to make me feel better.

OK, so Jessie and James are in love, right? I know that, Roy knows that, pretty much everyone who isn't in denial of the fact knows that...they're full of pent up feelings for each other that will never come to light. Never the less, we, as fans, spend our valuable time writing Rocketshippy fanfiction, to amuse our friends, Romans and countrymen.

This is a very worthy occupation. I'm not getting at that.

The thing that REALLY gets on my wires is that writers don't think realisticly.

OK, so I'm not one for thinking up realistic plots. And I know in the past I've made dumb mistakes *ahem Behind Blue Eyes...that never made it onto this site, and with good reason*. But one thing I've always ben ridiculously fussy about is Jessie and James's relationship.

Here's my real point: even though Jessie and James ARE in love (you cannot deny it), they would never resort to long, poetic confessions to show each other how they feel. NEVER. Particularly Jessie. I can't count the number of times these lines (or similar) have popped up in an otherwise good fanfiction:

"...I love you too James. I'm just too proud, I could never tell you how I really feel..."

"We deserve a future. A life together, a family... all the things that other people have. We deserve that, James. Please don't leave me... I need you... I love you."

Apart from being enough to make you sick, this would never be said by either of them. Why?

Look at it from a normal person's point of view. I mean, you wouldn't suddenly go to your crush and start spouting rubbish about how proud you were, and how you felt you had to hide your true feelings blah blah blah barf barf barf.

It's not that I'm not sentimental. I am. Roy will vouch for me. I'll make her.





No one wants to read a fanfic full of gushy romantic slop that would never happen ever. It's not sweet, it doesn't make anyone cry, it's a load of pointless rubbish. You'd spend your time better typing out your shopping list.