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They Should've Gone To Specsavers...

Roy: Hello people, and welcome to mine and Eevee's place for questioning the most questionable choices of eyewear...which strangley enough, no one else seems to have picked up on.

Eevee: I think we're too observant...I mean, usually people focus on the story, not clothes and hidden meanings ROY!!!

Roy: Well, I think the clothes and hidden meanings are more interesting than the story!

Eevee: That's true. There's always a sickening moral in the story....anyway....moving on...

Roy: Let's get visual!!!!

Eevee: This is a collection of some of the most awful eyewear you may ever see with your lickle eyes, dubbed affectiontely: They Should've Gone To Specsavers!

Roy: And we would just like to take a moment to disclaim Specsavers...erm, we don't own it...or it's catchphrase... but I'm sure they will enjoy the extra advertising and not sue us as we were nice and disclaimed them...just in case someone... for some odd reason though that we owned Specsavers.

Roy: It's not just the mask that's frightening me here, folks...

Eevee: Who are these people, and what did they do with Jessie and James?

Eevee: Apart from the fact James is growing a Meowth, what exactly are the purpose of those spirals? Surely he can't see a thing through those...things...

Roy: Ahhh, but maybe that's the whole point, to make you think that so he can let his hands wander and make it seem by accident if you know what I mean...hint hint Mr and Mrs Married-Couple...

Eevee: Ohhhh....I feel a bit of stupid brain coming on....

Roy: ...0_0

Eevee: This is dodgy in many ways. Roy, care to elaborate?

Roy: Urrrr....well, urrr...James is just trying to find himself after spending his childhood being restrained and tortured by the evil bitch monster of death... and as for Jessie...I think James chose the top that emphasised her cleavage to the ultimate level.

Eevee: .....Roy, I er...I actually meant the glasses...

Roy: Oh...errrr...

Eevee: Moving swiftly on...

Roy: Dr Jessie tries to examine...but fails due to the blinding power of her disturbing specs and bonks her head instead!

Roy: All work and no play make James a dull boy. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Eevee: ?

Eevee: I actually think this is a very hot pic of James, and I'm not a James worshipper...ahem...*cough*ROY*cough*.

Roy: what do you mean hot? It's HOT HOT HOT!!! But we do have to say...take the dodgy sunglasses off , we can see your GORGEOUS eyes!!!

Eevee: Riiiiiiiiiigh--t.....

Eevee: Who else is glad that she's taking them off?

Roy: Life's tough when you don't go to Specsavers...

Roy: They look very excited here...hopefully not about their specs...

Eevee: They've probably seen someone else with good glasses and are shocked and amazed! "Wow! Decent glasses! Where do they get them from?!"

Eevee: In fairness, this pair aren't that bad and make her look sort of professional....ish...

Roy: But James outshines her in his very dashing headband!

Roy: Wake up Neo... Baywatch is on!!!

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