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Second Guardian

Written by: Blaze

Chapter 3

Emerald and Knuckles crept along until they reached the core. (Just picture sa2’s…yeah I’m creative) The master emerald was in the center of the room giving off a freaky glow…
“The maser emerald…” Emerald muttered.
Knuckles looked at her suspiciously.
“I want to see something….”
He said walking towards the huge emerald leading her to follow.
“The master emerald will burn any living thing that touches it other then its guardian..”
Emerald did not like where this was going.
“So….go ahead….touch it….”
Emerald hesitated and put her hand on the facet. Nothing happened. Knuckles bellowed a cry of joy.
“I can’t believe that this bat can be capable of protecting the master emerald…”
“Why me?” Emerald asked completely confused.
“Well, the master emerald works in strange ways….In other words, I am as lost as you”
Emerald stepped up to him.
“I want to tell you something…..”
“What is it?”
“Well, you have saved my life on numerous occasions…and even if you did not I.. ’Phew’ um…Knuckles…..I….uh…I feel….”
“What is it?” Knuckles asked.
“I love you…”
Knuckles blushed furiously. Emerald sighed.
“Well,….I guess I am safe…” said Knuckles.
“I kinda…”
“Shut up…” Emerald said. She was almost close enough to kiss. They both leaned forward…. And then……
“What are you doing?” demanded Blaze. 

He was not very happy with them because they lost him. “We uh…and then screw it…”
Suddenly Eggman’s voice came over the intercom.
“HA HA!!!!!!” And everyone rushed to find Eggman.


Eggman sat at his throne with a cage holding sonic and tails on both sides of him.
The team rushed into the room.
“ Let them go Eggman!” shouted blaze.
Eggman giggled with glee.
“ If you want them you are going to have to defeat me first…”
Knuckles looked around the room.
“ What? No tricks?”
Suddenly Blaze hit and knocked out Emerald with the blunt end of his spear. Knuckles looked at Blaze the same way he looked at Rouge a few minutes earlier.
His stare was cold and dead…this was truly not Blaze.
Knuckles punched at him but Blaze dodged and hit him.
Knuckles was suddenly attacked with a stream of attacks. He dodged left and right with Tails cheering him on. Then, he punched him in the stomach…hard. Blaze gasped for air and leapt towards Tails.
And stabbed him in the throat . He fell over dead.
“TAILS!!!!!!!” sonic wept over his dead companion.
Knuckles was reviving Emerald. She came to and trained her gun on Blaze… Who was all of the sudden normal again.
“NO!” Blaze yelled… “ Its me! Blaze!” He yelled desperately.
“Blaze is dead…” Emerald muttered firing.
Blaze fell over, not dead, but stunned. The bullet had hit his arm.
Eggman could see his plans had failed…again.
He pushed a few buttons and disappeared magically. (Ohh….such great details)
“ Well, that blows…” Knuckles muttered.
Emerald began to laugh hysterically
“ Yes…it does blow huh?”
She came to and helped up Blaze. Sonic was a little teary eyed but ok. And they rushed out of the hidden base just as the building exploded. ---

Emerald now lay next to Knuckles. The bed that had once served as one bed now served as a bed for two. (No nothing happened you perv) “ Knuckles…..”
He awoke.
“Were you serious about me living with you?” Knuckles nodded and kissed her. Emerald was happy and safe. They had beaten Eggman and was comfortable. She sighed and drifted off to sleep.


Gene finally lay back down in his bed grimacing with pain when his left shoulder hit the mattress. “ Oh Rouge….I miss you so…” He thought these things for a few hours until he finally cried himself to sleep.


Rouge stooped down watching gene. “I can’t believe that Eggman did that to me…”
She felt her blood boil.
“I’ll get him…and that bat….if its not the last thing I ever do..”


Onward to... Chapter 4
Retreat to... Chapter 2

