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An Interview with Chaos!

Emmer: *gasp!* Oh! It's CHAOS! The God of Destruction!! * eyes turns into hearts * How heroic! May I interview you?

Chaos: Splash! Splash! Splash!

Emmer: Okay... um... I'll take that as a 'yes' then. * smiles * So what do you think of Sonic?

Chaos: Splash! Splash! Sploosh!

Emmer: Erm, and of yourself?

Chaos: Sploosh! Splash! Splash!

Emmer: Of me?

Chaos: ... Splish.

Emmer: ...You're weird.

Chaos: Splash! Splash!

Emmer: Ugh, what's the point of interviewing a demented, shameful, senseless monster who can't speak? There's no interaction, and I bet Chaos does not understand what I speak, and there's simply no point! Am I right? [ <--she's just irritated at the 'splash' thing, and she is just blabbing shameful nonsense. What a shameful bat. Tsk, tsk. ]

Chaos: Splash!

Emmer: See? Ugh, I can't believe that I was a fool to interview someone like you! You can't even speak!

Chaos: Oh shut up your yap you imbecile!  Just because I don't talk in the games doesn't mean I can't speak.

Emmer: Whoa.

Chaos: Don't you "whoa" me you young child! How dense can YOUR brain get? You repeat the same thing over and over again! I even visited your website and it stinks! You can practically smell the stench of pumpkins.

Emmer: Cool.

Chaos: See what's wrong with you kids these days? You all use slang, completely unliterary and unimpressive. For a few centuries of my life, I have seen many greater people than you! Tikal for example! You kids think that you're so high and might that--

Emmer: * Ahem * I was wondering what do you think of Sonic.

Chaos: There you go again! Cutting me off while I'm done speaking! Do you know when I was your age....

[ Unfortunately dear readers, Emerald Space2, the untalented interview had fallen asleep during Chaos' wisely lecture. Because of that, Chaos had gotten a bit angry, actually, VERY angry and turned into Perfect Chaos. The interview had barely managed to escape the death clutches of Perfect Chaos, muttering under her breath something that sounded like "never interview a monster again". ]

P.s: Dear highly intelligent readers, I'm sure you know that Chaos is still a very cool character. He must be really old, ya know. Just musing around. No offence. =D

