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Interview with the Undertaker

Em': HELLO!!!

Undertaker: AAAHHHHHHH!!! Oh, it's only you. I thought you were a ghost.

Em': What?!! I am not that pale (*pauses and remembers that her own skin is white*) Well, maybe I am. Anyway, where have you buried Shadow's carcass, Mr Undertaker?

Undertaker: I'll show you later. Right now I am trying to bury this corpse. If you help me pick up the scattered bodyparts of this corpse, I'll show you Shadow's tombstone.

Em': Okay. (*picks up something gross*) Eeeeww, what's this?! It smells!!

Undertaker: Hmm... that must be the brain.

Em': AagggHHhh!! (*throws it away*) Um, nevermind about showing me to Shadow's tombstone. I am Emerald Space2 and I would like to know when did you bury Shadow's carcass.

Undertaker: About two days ago. Today is the third day. Ghosts usually come out of their graves on the third day.

Em': Really?! Hahahahahahaha!! What a joke!! There's no-- (*the undertaker runs away*). What's up with him?? (*turns around*) AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shadow: (*crossess arms*)

Em': Uh... uh... hello... uh....

Shadow: Boo.

Em': (*screams and runs away*)

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