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Surf some other cool sites! Want to see your link here? E-mail me. But you must link to my site too! If not, I'll put your link right at the bottom of the page! Ha! And don't forget to return to Pumpkin Hill.

Sonic Central

ShenSonic Webpage
Just thought about linkin' a site that gave me an awesome award. Heehee.

The Sonic Foundation (tSf)
The Sonic Foundation!

The Way Past Cool Sonic Underground Website

Sonic Club.Com

Lost Artists
One of my favorite art sites!

Sonic Verse team
Comics, comics, lots of comics.

I love this site! In fact, I also work for this site. Please do pay a visit!

Ruby's SK Site
My afflarite! Pay a visit! The fan fic is highly recomanded to read! Oh, and check out the sprite factory.

Very cute ^_^ Worth a visit.

I admire this site.

It's a very nice site. Worth a visit.

One of the most brilliant sites I've seen.

Sonic HQ
Probably one of the best major sites around. A must-see site.

Feel stressed? Go to Iris and Sonic Vacation Spot! A nice place to chill and relax.

The Girls Site

One of the most amazing artist's site!

Knuckles Haven
This is one of the cutest banners I've ever seen!! Oh gee, I love this banner more than I love the site itself :P

Some of his comics are awesome and funny, but most of it are pretty disgusting (and some are kinda homo). But still, they're really funny and unexpectable.