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Journal of Crappiness

Warning poor spelling and grammar ahead

March 9, 2004

"Just fiddle around with your genitals and maybe you'll figure it out. It's not that hard folks."

January 8, 2004
Happy new year. Uh yes. I haven't updated in forever, because I hate you all. School is the anti-christ.

December 10, 2003
I had a scar on the middle finger of my right hand from an accident at work a couple weeks ago. Today I was removing a moderately heavy piece of equipment from my boss' truck, and the middle finger of my right hand scraped across a small gap in the plastic lining of the truck bed. Cut the scar right off. It's been a while since I've bled that much.

December 08, 2003

INTJ - "Mastermind". Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

Have not posted test results in a long time.

Life goes well and I am happy most of the time.

December 06, 2003
It's startin' to get cold and Decembery.
That means, dum da dum! Fake plastic Christmas Tree time!
I'm going to try to lay low while they're putting it together,
as I am tired of fake pine needle inflicted wounds.

December 03, 2003
Sticky keys. Keyboard has sticky keys of doom.
I'm watching my little brother. He's doing homework. Short sentences.

November 23, 2003
guilty red hands (9:19:20 PM): I had a friend who raised emus
guilty red hands (9:19:32 PM): They sold well as livestock, surprisingly enough
EyeCakeMoo (9:19:41 PM): emus frighten me
EyeCakeMoo (9:19:58 PM): of course so do microwave ovens
guilty red hands (9:20:10 PM): Amen
EyeCakeMoo (9:20:34 PM): i refuse to stand in the same room when it's on
guilty red hands (9:21:10 PM): hehe
EyeCakeMoo (9:21:15 PM): someday everyone will say "Stoney, you were right! microwave ovens are evil!" as they scratch their head with their fourth arm
EyeCakeMoo (9:22:13 PM): Microwave ovens, teflon, fabric softener... artificial sweetener
guilty red hands (9:22:58 PM): heh
guilty red hands (9:23:00 PM): aspartame
guilty red hands (9:23:04 PM): *bleh*
EyeCakeMoo (9:23:05 PM): aye
EyeCakeMoo (9:23:19 PM): im trying to remember what that artificial salt is cald
EyeCakeMoo (9:23:22 PM): called
guilty red hands (9:23:30 PM): don't know
EyeCakeMoo (9:23:38 PM): it's evil too
EyeCakeMoo (9:25:11 PM): wonder bras, meatless hamburgers....
EyeCakeMoo (9:25:24 PM): artificail crab meat
EyeCakeMoo (9:25:35 PM): at this point i dont even know what im talking about

November 13, 2003
It would be lame of me to have another one word journal entry.

So I guess I won't. I don't know what I'm worried about since no one reads my journal.
There really isn't any point to having this thing.

I think Meggie has read it once and Sarah has read it once.

I'm just complaining because of the Communists that have taken over the Northern half of my room.

November 08, 2003

November 05, 2003
Jonny Greenwood, you know... the guy from Radiohead, is 32 today. I'd buy him a card but I don't think I will.

October 22, 2003
Today was Christmas time for Stoney. My mother looked like she was going to kill me...
for spending my money... I don't know why.

The Album Leaf: Someday I'll Be On Time and In An Off White Room arrived first via UPS.
Muse: Origin of Symmetry second via USPS.
And waiting on the front of the door when we got back from picking up the wee man
Godspeed You Black Emperor! F#A#oo.

Christmas time for Stoney.

What kind of genius am I?
The kind that buys hairdye, puts it in his hair
and then apparently washes it out too soon.

October 21, 2003
One thing I've always been sure of is that I would never go to the North Carolina State Fair.
Never. I ended up going to the fair ::sigh:: I don't plan on going again, as I don't see what's so appealing
about strange fried food, crowds of sweaty people and going on rides.

Person who likes riding rides: I felt like I was gonna puke. It was awsome!
Me: I feel like I'm going to puke every day.

But, I was tricked into going. That's right, I was tricked. Katherine asked Amanda and I to come along.
Although I imagine the conversation went more like:

Katherine: Hey, Amanda, would you like to come to the fair?
Amanda: Can I bring Stoney?
Katherine: If you must.

Oh well. I walked about with Amanda and looked at the plants with the old people.
It's amazing how the crowd disappears when you leave the area with fried food and rides.

I'm off to inslave humaity... or go to the bathroom.

On an unrelated note, I had a dream Sunday night that a CD I ordered would arrive on
Monday.... and it did... I'm thinking of becoming an oracle.

October 13, 2003
Oh man, If you only knew how much I love sock garters.

Me mum thinks Amanda will leave me over the sock garter issue,
and my father says thay if she doesn't she should.

They're so supportive.

My mother once asked me if Amanda had ever done acid.
And when my brother and I were randomly listening to Radiohead
my mother said that if he starts doing drugs and having wild orgies we'll "know who to blame"

Oh well.

October 08, 2003
I've purchased sock garters. I don't have them yet.
But when I get them... I am soooo wearing them.

Amanda says that she won't be seen in public with me if I wear them.

I say she'll try not to be seen in public with me.

October 06, 2003
I love Radiohead... I really do. There are other bands in my life, but Radiohead is still the best.

EyeCakeMoo (12:37:19 AM): Thom or Jonny... I dont particularly care which one impregnates me
EyeCakeMoo (12:38:48 AM): im sure that's a lovely mental image

September 29, 2003
How many days are in September? I know there's at least 29.. as today is the 29th.
Me mum went to some store this morning and bought me a giant Pixie Stick.
I'd complain but I'll probably eat it anyway. Nothin' better than flavored sugar.

The End.

September 25, 2003
Ha! I'm the perfect girlfriend. ::chuckle:: Amanda got "Motherly" she was not pleased.

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
places. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

September 23, 2003
Wow, not much more September.
I dont' know why that justifies a wow.
Today I cleaned my room a bit and purchased some hair dye.
I got rid of one of my mattresses so now it feels like I'm sleeping on the floor.
It'll take some getting used to.


"Your site had 0 page views yesterday."

September 22, 2003
So I'm sitting in my room at 1 in the morning, trying to think of what to do.
So I've decided to update my journal.

I got to see Erin today, it's been a while so I was pleased.
It was not the most fun I've ever had,
but Amanda was there and that's more then I can say
about the rest of the day.

September 15, 2003
It was like I was talking to myself...

EyeCakeMoo (10:07:01 PM): this is freaking me out "dawg"
Motiak (10:07:04 PM): haha
Motiak (10:07:08 PM): word up
EyeCakeMoo (10:07:22 PM): it's like im talking to myself
Motiak (10:07:28 PM): you are
EyeCakeMoo (10:07:29 PM): which i swear i dont do anymore
Motiak (10:07:37 PM): uh huh
Motiak (10:07:41 PM): denial is the first symptom
EyeCakeMoo (10:07:45 PM): after the whole "craziness" thing
EyeCakeMoo (10:07:53 PM): that was a fiasco
Motiak (10:08:05 PM): I know what you mean
Motiak (10:08:25 PM): craziness can just ruin your day when you're taking the SAT and the voices in your head keep disagreeing on the answers
EyeCakeMoo (10:08:33 PM): only one federal marshall was needed to take me down.... because im scrawny... i tried my best though
Motiak (10:08:47 PM): well that
Motiak (10:08:51 PM): 's nothing to be ashamed of
Motiak (10:09:05 PM): a preschooler could probably take me down
EyeCakeMoo (10:09:11 PM): hmm
Motiak (10:09:11 PM): I'm not exactly what one would call "buff"
EyeCakeMoo (10:09:21 PM): those prschoolers are tougher then they look
EyeCakeMoo (10:09:43 PM): with the growth hormones in beef and all that
Motiak (10:09:51 PM): yeah
Motiak (10:09:57 PM): they scare me

EyeCakeMoo (10:20:10 PM): im stuck in this chair... forever talking IMing people
EyeCakeMoo (10:20:15 PM): minus the talking
Motiak (10:20:41 PM): yeah I generally just stay at the computer and look at sites and IM people
Motiak (10:20:45 PM): even with legs
EyeCakeMoo (10:20:55 PM): typing my thoughts without using two verbs is a skill i have not yet mastered
EyeCakeMoo (10:21:08 PM): websites are fun
Motiak (10:21:11 PM): true true
EyeCakeMoo (10:21:23 PM): especially if they're... um... fun
Motiak (10:21:31 PM): even truer
Motiak (10:21:40 PM): I generally just go to forums, ESPN, and comics
Motiak (10:21:43 PM): but that works well
EyeCakeMoo (10:21:47 PM): yes
EyeCakeMoo (10:22:13 PM): forums, various music related websites, and comics
Motiak (10:22:35 PM): see, you can't be talking to yourself, you don't go to ESPN
EyeCakeMoo (10:22:46 PM): i went there once
EyeCakeMoo (10:22:55 PM): accidentally
Motiak (10:22:59 PM): ah
EyeCakeMoo (10:23:25 PM): i dont ever post anything on forums.. which makes me even more of a dork
EyeCakeMoo (10:23:30 PM): i just read them
Motiak (10:23:34 PM): me too
Motiak (10:23:35 PM): haha
Motiak (10:23:43 PM): I try
Motiak (10:23:46 PM): but then I just delete what I wrote
Motiak (10:23:56 PM): so I gave up trying
EyeCakeMoo (10:24:01 PM): i stopped when i realized that most of the people were 12-14 years old
EyeCakeMoo (10:24:17 PM): and i thought "um.. maybe i should try getting a life"
EyeCakeMoo (10:24:21 PM): so now i just read them
Motiak (10:24:24 PM): haha
Motiak (10:24:34 PM): pssh, we have lives, they're just nerdy

September 14, 2003
Bah... Jack White was on my list of people who don't need and shouldn't have facial hair. The music video for Hardest Button to Button is neat... but he has a mustache... ::sigh::

September 07, 2003
I'm tired and lonely again. I'm talking to Meggie at the moment so I guess I'm not that lonely. I'd like to talk to Amanda today... but there's a phone in father Haswell's room and he's probably in bed by now.

::doesn't want to wake father Haswell::

September 06, 2003
So... I'm bored and lonely. Why do you care? Well you don't but....


I can always tell when the seasons change... now instead of my room being hotter than the rest of the house..
it's colder than the rest of the house.

September 02, 2003
Well, another day in the life of Stoney.
Today I almost mowed the lawn..
and then I found 3 dollars in my pocket.
I was very excited even though it was
most likely my money to begin with.

August 28, 2003
Such entertaining conversation.

FuziGumiBearGirl (6:13:56 PM): BUT I WANT HOT LESBIAN SEX

Fun fact: George W. Bush is my hero.

::chuckle:: let's see the Secret Service get me now!

August 28, 2003
La la la. It's hot in my room. It's always hot in my room.
In fact, there is a noticable temperature change just
walking out of my bedroom door.
Must be because I'm in here.

Since I'm *the* hotness and all that.

*pretend that's in italics. HTML! Yes!

August 24, 2003
Canadians taste funny. Ha!

August 23, 2003
EyeCakeMoo: my computer is telling my to restart it.. but i dont wanna
weezerwater: hah
weezerwater: then dont
EyeCakeMoo: ::sexy computer voice:: "restart me Stoney"
EyeCakeMoo: "woman! I just restarted you 10 minutes ago!"
EyeCakeMoo: my computer is apparently a femal
EyeCakeMoo: e
weezerwater: hahaa
weezerwater: 'cuz of the sexy voice and 'cuz you called it a woman.
EyeCakeMoo: all women having sexy voices
EyeCakeMoo: "I have to get up and go to work tomorrow... why dont you just go in the bathroom and restart yourself?"
EyeCakeMoo: ::a thousand shrugs::
weezerwater: lol
EyeCakeMoo: my computer is touching my "stuff"
weezerwater: i bet its touching your stuff.
EyeCakeMoo: ::smacks computer::
EyeCakeMoo: "Biotch!"

August 21, 2003
It's almost like I'm not even trying anymore.

I'm not depressed, I'm actually rather happy, I just hate myself.

There is no one to talk to.

--Old entries are destroyed! Bwa ha ha ha ha etc.--