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Yes, those are the closest pictures of me I could find at I've decided that pictures of myself (really) on the internet are just annoying and weird for me. It's pretty close, except that I my hair is NOT that nice (it's only shoulder length and is always in a pony tail) and I'm not exactly that thin, but somewhat close. So that's me, Nosferatu Ash, but I also been called Sigfreud (my friend calls me that, I call her Roy, get it?), Phartus McPhishpharm, Cheeseball Burgerbreath, Buffster, ect. Basically, I'm the webmistress for this site. I've written and collected the content on the web pages, blah blah blah. I got the original idea from an article I used to do in my school news paper called "Asher's World of the Weird". It was a big hit, so I just sorta turned it into a website with a touch of my personality.

This is a picture of Matt, my good guy-pal. He encouraged me to do this site, and he makes the comics. He's a fun guy to have around, and I swear, that picture looks exactly like him, clothes and everything. Scary, huh?