What isMystery Science Theater 3000?
MST3K is a TV show (and movie) which can be seen on the scifi channel on saturdays @ 9:00am. It's about Mike (used to be Joel), a worker who's been shot up to space in the Satellite of Love with Crow and Tom Servo, his robot companions (not to mention Gypsy and Cambot). He is subjected to the WORST B-movies as a part of an experiment, so to keep his sanity (along with Crow's and Servo's), they repeatedly BASH them to HECK in their comfy little theater, with no ushers with flashlights, crying babies, or women with big hair to spoil their fun(thanx to Rhino VDO for that little phrase)! SO when you can, take a peak at the show, or read on to see our version, along with a version of your own.
The Amazing Colossal Mandarin Pictures!
For a fun time, scroll down and caption these yourself!