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Requirements/Rules For Joining The Clique

1. You MUST have a website! I don't care about the layout or content, as long as the content isn't pornographic or a hate site. I don't care if you barely know HTML, just as long as you have a site & put up the code to join.

2. NO Porn/hate sites!!!

3. You can only adopt one song for your site, if a song is taken then, it is written in blue & is clickable for your mouse, & you must choose a different song. HOWEVER, if you have more than one website, feel free to sign it up also, but choose another song also. Let's say you have 2 sites. You join with both of them. Let's also say you sign up one site with Le Tigre-My Art & the other one with Le Tigre-Well Well Well, that is what I mean. DO NOT sign up 2 of your sites with just one song. 2 songs=2 of your sites listed, same goes for 5. Let's say you have 5 sites & you sign up with the 5 sites, just pick 5 songs for each site. The songs that are taken will be linked to the site of the person that adopted the song. To see which songs are took, please look under "songs" on the main page & if the song is clickable & blue it means it has been taken by the person I linked it to.

4. You MUST be a Kathleen Hanna fan or a fan of one of the 3 bands this clique is for.

5. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE!!! You must have up the written HTML code before I approve you. I always check for this. NO CODE, NO ADDITION TO SONG CLIQUE! In other words link the song back to here. To see the code, go to the "code page" on the index page. NO CODE = NO LINK + DELETED SUBMISSION

6. You must completely fill out the form at the bottom of the "join" page, before I approve you.

7. DO NOT give me a dead/nonexistant link or a link that says "the server cannot be found". I will NOT add you to the clique if this happens. If you think you typed the wrong address then, fill out the form again, but with the RIGHT information.

8. If you decide to leave the clique, then you must resubmit to the clique & in the description section type "leave", if not, you are automatically deleted. If you move your site or delete it, then you MUST let me know first, if not, your site WILL be deleted anyway. If you decided you want to leave the clique for whatever reason, let me know as well.

9. If you move your site PLEASE inform me by resubmiting your site to the clique & in the description write changing address from *site addy* to *new site addy*. The part with stars is the part where you type yr actual site addresses from old to new.

10. If you find ANY dead links, then submit to the clique & in the name field type "dead links". Tell me the songs that are taken that are now dead & I will delete them & those songs will be up for the taking.
