Being swallowed by the black abyss
Holding on to the chains till my hands bleed
Gasping for the air I so desperately need
Being swallowed by a life I do not know
Holding tightly to people who are not mine.
Grasping for a love I so knowingly do not deserve.
Where did this come from?
How do I change what I have become?
Am I so wrong because of the choices I made?
Eternally paying…for those bad choices..
Slitting my wrists to show I care.
Holding something back hidden within despair.
How much blood and tears must I shed?
To prove to you, im worth it?
I will never be what you want or need
But I could make you happy.
That you may never see.
So I am left…
Drowning farther into the black abyss
Lost sight of the chains that held me here.
Exhaling the last cold breath…
M. Swanson