Wow... I actually have friends??? I'm amazed, i truely am...
Okay, there is no specific order here okay? I listed as you came to mind...
Cindy (Carey, CareBear) My bestest friend in the whole wide universe hahaha.... Since when??? Since LOOK! Obviously. You have been here for me, through thick and thin... Listened to my mad rantings, my angry cries, hated people because I hated them, loved them because i Loved them... You have my back as i do yours. Nothing, and i mean Nothing will ever change that. You are my friend, and sister. Always remember that. Me and my bat are always here to protect you! always. Hey... when we moving in together??? Wouldnt creepy fuck just love that idea... *nods and glares* :p
Beck (creative_mind, devilmind) well... strange times, behind, around and ahead im sure. Still somehow having influences on me. Always will im sure. Knowing my buttons. my angers, my fears. You know where to hit, if you want to hurt. And have done it before. But still. We talk, and things will continue this way. As long as we are both around. im sure...
Kristy (StealingBabies) I cant believe you got comm... Bitch! No, just kidding of course. My little subway working friend. Your sunshine illuminates the alamak experience in a way like no other. Your happiness is just overwhelming. Okay...yeah. i dont know where that came from... My fellow person hater. Always willing to listen to me bitch, which is cool... im here for you. And please... dont punch the customers, i dont think the authority figures would appreciate that much at all... PEOPLE SUCK! Oh!!! And dont forget, we're suppose to be neighbors, the crazy cat ladies, screaming at the neighborhood hooligans *nods*
Ronnie (Dissociative) Been talking to you since i first started chatting in alamak all those years ago... you have always been one of my favorite people on there, its great that you have returned. *nods* Keep coming around cause i would hate to have to miss you again... *licks, bites, sucks and fucks*
Timmy (coolguy) What can i say about you that would justify how i feel about you boy? nothing probably. You are a great guy, and i love that i can call you my friend. When you coming to visit for a movie?
DevilworshippR - Although barely been talking to you for a long time, you have had your impression made, fellow writer, and one hell of an artist. You peek my interest that is for sure. Hope you continue to come around. I enjoy our talks very much.
Jeffy (binarypoet) Hey my fellow 'manipulator' hehe... We've gotten a bit closer in the past few weeks, and its been good i think. I hope to get to know you better. So dont be a stranger.
Alan (man of too many damn nicks) My walking dictionary, the wannabe hermit. You impress me everytime we talk, it hasnt been much lately, and i do miss it, but you have your harem to appease *laughs* and i understand that. Just remember, whenever you want to talk, im here.
Greg (DARKSTORM) Hey bud, we have been talking for a bit now, and well, you are a really great guy, i like talking to you alot, and i really think that your woman is a very lucky woman. *nods* Best of luck in your future marriage, I hope for you many years of happiness with her *smiles* Oh, and you have to help me stick to my convictions *nods* Please *laughs*
Diana (IamaQtee) Hey darlin *fondles randomly* My canadian friend (go figure, another person from canada... weird) You keep asking me to move there, I would drive ya nuts darlin. heh i really would. We've known each other for sometime now, you have witnessed my drunken idiotic pranks done in alamak, hell I've even sang to you... (one of the only people who has heard me do that without having to live with me first, you know) You are a sweetie, and im glad i can be priviledged enough to be able to call you my friend. :)
Tori (bethany) You have graced me with your presence on more than one occassion, you have listened to my mindless rambles without judgement or condemnation, for those things i am greatful. *smiles* You are a wonderfully magnificent woman, and i hope the best for you in every area of your life. Take care of yourself...
Brian (PurePlaya) Well doll, we have known eachother for some time too havent we? You've always been there for me when i need a shoulder to cry on, and well, i hope i have been there for you too... You know my ears are always here for you. You are a real sweetheart, under the negative attitude you sometimes share on alamak *L* but i must say when you do go off on people you make me laugh. heh i just hope you never feel the need to go off on me. *smiles*
Alia (topo) The giver of cheese... and well in my case triscuits *chuckles* All i can say is, it has been more interesting with your cheese, and humping antics in alamak. Great to have you here. Stick around.
Rosie (oxymorongenius) Lover of words... Hey doll, you gorgeous thing you... I havent known you as long as i should have, but you are a great woman *nods* I hope to learn more, about and from you. take care doll... my love and best wishes with you always.
Ren (Skankazoli ? - did i spell that right?) REN YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!! *L* haha... just wanted to have that in here somewhere *chuckles*
Stevie (PunkInDrublic- my fav nick so..heh) Well darlin... we've known each other for some time now havent we? I remember you telling me your wrestling speech years ago... and now your movies... *smiles* You are the bestest you know that? Well, i still expect a role in your movie.. *nods* And i want to be the third person to die damnit... Dont ask why anymore, just DO IT! I know you love it when im demanding *L* Hehe... Take care of yourself darlin *licks*
Brent (Stunner, ThatDamnGame) You too, have been around for some time, i remember the days back in al's all the trouble we use to cause... Okay so back then you were more of an innocent passer by, but now... Holy shit *L* Couldnt stop you from reeking havoc if we tried *L* You have taken me by surprise on more than one occassion *L* thats for sure... I hope everything in your life works out for the best darlin... Take care *kotc*
Nonpariel - my friend who always finds herself in a bind and comes to me to get her out of it *L* haha, you told me to say something like that so i couldnt resist hehe... anyway, i find you down right hilarious how you tear apart half the people in alamak, and they get pissed because you're a girl *L* keep it up, you make me laugh.
Wallace (_Ghost_) My friendly people person... Your people skills still seem to amaze me... Making me want to be a better person in all ways *laughs* Have had some fun watching you just be yourself on the main in mak, hope to see more of it, if im even around...Who knows with how things are going at present. Anyway, you take care of yourself, and remember there are people out there that do give a shit...
David (Ubiquitous) Hey, my new friend, you happened upon me on a rather difficult time in my life, but yet you still want to stick around *L* Why??? I do not know, havent really figured it all out yet. But I do know, it has been a pleasure getting to know you, and our talks have been quite fun. I hope to continue them further, and get to know you better, and until then, i hope all the best for you.
If i have left people out (which im sure i have) please dont take offense, i meant none...