Opened Eyes


Open your eyes, to the dark and dismal display

Search through the depths for the answers you already know

But what was the question again?

All of us know the question, the eternal question

Burning through your mind as you lay there

Silent and pondering the meaning of it all.


I have known the answer for some time now.

Chosing only to turn away from it.

Not wanting to really ever accept it.

But now it is here, staring me in the eye.

The truth is a knife that can and will cut deep.

And now, the blood is on my hands.


When the things turned sour.

It was I who was at fault, I am the wrong doer here.

I took that guilt with me.

Letting it consume my heart, soul and mind

But the light has been shown now.

The truth has emersed its ugly and vile head

And the guilt is being cut from me.

The wrong doer is no longer me.


I felt sorry, for what I had done.

I did not want the pain, the anger, the regret.

But looking back, was it ever really the lose

You mourned?

Or perhaps the change of the life you grew use to.

Loneliness, I recall a time when you thought it was that.

And now you say it wasn’t.

Make up your mind.


Contradictions are lovely things,

Truth is blinding, and so evident,

If only we are willing to grasp it.

I am not the fool you think I am.

Your excuses and explanations are meaningless,

Because I can see through them.

I always could, but chose not too.

For fear, or denial was to great inside of me.

But the fear is now gone, as with the guilt.


I have nothing left inside me now.

All washed away with the tide.

No guilt, no pain, no regret.

I have learned from you.

Never to take the truth for granted.

Never to ignore what I feel inside.

For more than likely it is whats right.

Do not listen to words, but more so the actions.

For words can be contorted, and rearranged,

Actions yell what is the truth.


M. Swanson

© 2003


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