Choices of the past, coming to bare their weight in the present.

Nothing is forgiven, nothing ever forgotten.

You wear your sins like the nose on your face.

The scars always present, the blemishes always there…

Breaking open time and time again,

Just to show you… what you have made for yourself.

Just to show you… what limitations you have created.

The bridges you have burnt, without realization.

Things stopped before even known about.

How fun life can be…


The past is never gone… never left in the past where it should be.

You say let it go, but it is what stops you dead in your tracks.

It is all that hinders you from moving forward…

It is gone, and done, nothing can be changed, but yet… you dwell there.

Wishing it could be different…

If only… I should have… why did i?

None of that matters, for nothing can change…

You have done the things you have done, now you must wear your scars with pride.

They are what make you who you are…


And who you are cannot be changed, it cannot be differed in the slightest.

Things of the past are there to haunt you.

Haunt you until you die…

Keep you from happiness, keep you from love.

Think carefully, before you a decision.

Because for all you know, it could alter your life…

For years to come.


M. Swanson

