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Other Characters

Asimov Solenson
Asimov Solenson Name: Asimov Solensan
Age: 36
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 174 pounds
Criminal Record: Bank robbery, bodily injury resulting in death, dealing in illegal substances
Bounty: 2.5 million woolong
Other information: After stealing a shipment of the illegal drug "RED-EYE" from his former employers, Asimov and his girlfriend hid out on the remote asteroid of Tijuana, where they ran into Spike while attempting to sell their stash.
Asimov, and his girlfriend Asimov, after taking large amounts of RED-EYE
Abdul Hakim

Abdul Hakim pre cosmetic surgery Name: Abdul Hakim
Age: Unknown
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 233 pounds
Criminal Record: Grand Larceny
Bounty: 8 million woolong
Other information: A thief for the Red Dragon Mafia on Mars, Hakim was responsible for the theft of Ein the "Data Dog"


Dr. Bacchus and patient Name: Dr. Baccus
Age: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Other information: The Doctor who resuscitated Faye after her cryogenic suspension, Bacchus is responsible for at least part of the price on Faye's head, she ran off without paying her bill for 54 years of cryosleep.

Cowboy Bebop copyright 1998 Emotion, Sunrise Inc., and Bandai Visual Co. limited. English adaptation copyright 1999 Animevillage All original content and graphics on this page cannot be used without permission of the webmaster Have a nice day

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