
DUCKY! I miss you alot! You don't even know. I have your journal, by the way. Remember all our times... journals, fluffies, writing poetry at night, always bombarding you with requests banquet nights (I love you for putting up with me lol) and of course, the hair dying and the spooning and always finding you in my bed when I left and came back (me am sexy chinese whore hahaha) And then there's the "I'm going to call Jeff" paradox, and Mr MooMoo and all those reasons no one should eat meat. Chopsticks. Because you smell good.

Erin!!! yeah, so I still have tons of memories from CA, and I'm putting out that list of happy thoughts here~~Remember you and me and kris in the staff lounge trying to fill that can with thoughts? well, here's the list: (yet some I don't remember, so maybe you can fill me in lol) Green Balloons, Guitars, Big Ugly Cats, Girls Nite Stars, Watching the skateboarder's fall, being townies on Saturdays, chinese grills, "grubbin", that laugh of drews, Sarah McKary and Peter's rythm, Ice Cream and Lollipops (that one I will always remember), mullets, Jeremy's poem (roses are red... but they come in other colors...), Jeff's sideburns, daisies, candies, nautica, old spice, coffeehouses... eye conversations.You are a dear friend, and I miss you soooo much!

Kristen J-

our bus songs

I'm Just a gigolo

everywhere I go

people know the part

I'm playing

Paid for every dance

selling each romance

Oh what their saying

There will come a day

And youth will pass away

What will they say about me

When the end comes I know

they'll say just a gigolo

Life goes on without me

Thats such a good song lol and then there's "ugly day, the sun is shining every cloud has a silver lining" and "you're just too good to be true" and "there you see her.. sitting there across the way... she don't gotta lot to say but there's something about her..." and "well I'm the king of the swingers, yeah, the jungle VIP"and "Kiss me out by the bearded barley, lightly beside the green green grass" and "ain't no mountain high, ain't no valley low, ain't no river wide enough baby" and sooo many others. Thanks for all the bus action and making dustin and george jealous, and thanks for not *actually* kissing me, seeing as Liz.. yeah. You rock.

Caesar- Did I ever tell you I love you because you drive a pinto? You'll get the monkey one day, and when you do, you can shave it to your heart's content. Of course, I still think you'd be better off with the turtle. I'm glad we're normal again- I missed you :-) I always think of you when I hear the song "you've got a friend" thank you for being my friend. Te amo

Jeff I dunno WHY I bother emailing you since you don't write back... then again, you're probably busy at the Tattoo place discussing plato. Go you. You're completely awesome and amazing. If I had a hat, it would be off to you :-) Love ya. E nenhum eu não posso falar o latin.

Freeman, of course you get mentioned too. Keep on worshipping from afar, keeping your words short and sweet(hehe) Good luck in college; I'll let you know when I decide to continue my life/education. I miss you, man.. maybe I'll see you at a concert sometime.

Davy, I wouldn't forget you!! But right now, I have to get off the computer. Luv ya :-)

I'll add more people as I think of them :-)
