Returning to Chat with Jeeves - A Bored Yearbook Staff Member


Ly: So I’m back for more. How are you?
Ly: No need to yell at me
J: No need for Renovation
Ly: Right. So, anyway, have you been up to anything since last we talked?
Ly: Is that a new game or something? You seem really enthusiastic about it.
J: Would you like more resources on games?
Ly: Thanks, but no. I tend to not do much that involves moving.
J: Apartment search
Ly: I’ll keep that in mind. Anyway, what is Blogger?
J: Am I pregnant?
Ly: ….you’re an internet based computer program. You can’t reproduce.
J: Where can I find more about the meiosis of cells?
Ly: I have a biology book you can borrow, except you can’t really look out of the screen at it.
J: Where can I see photographs of books?
Ly: Why would you want to?
J: ….
Ly: If you do not know, then why did you bring it up?
J: Management
Ly: Ah, yes. I can understand how that relates.
J: Where can I learn more about the band Yes?
Ly: Why do you ask me the questions? It happens each time I try to talk to you. You end up just asking me questions that I do not know the answers to!
J: …
Ly: Two can play at that game
J: Looking for the perfect toy for your child? Jeeves can help you find the best deals on toys for all ages.
Ly: What is Jeeves? *evil look*
J: What is Ask Jeeves?
Ly: Yes, what is ask jeeves?
J: What is Ask Jeeves?
Ly: Yes!
J: Where can I learn more about the band Yes?
Ly: No, I want to know about you, not that band.

The Wisdom of Jeeves Crossroads