The Quote Book

Welcome, friends! What a great thing to see you stumble in! Please, stay for a while and soak in the words of the Keeper and her cohorts.


Ly: I thought you meant fly swatters (motions in boxshape with both hands while driving)
Sha: No, no, no. Butterfly shaped flyswatters.
Ly: Oooh, well that makes sense, then.

Ly: Once I had a Sim that pissed his pants. He had to pee, was way to tired, and wasn't having any fun. So, he pissed his pants and passed out.

Ly: She was cooking and the kitchen caught on fire. And then she caught on fire. And then the fireman caught on fire... Thankfully my brother was there to bargain with the Grim Reaper for her life.(Note: I can't remember if the fireman actually caught on fire. I know it happened in one of my brother's games, but I thought it happened in one of mine as well. Oh well, this is what as said, whether or not it actually happened is lost in the abyss that is my house >.>)

Ly: There's white out on each one 'cause I write faster than my hand can go.
Sha: You write faster than your hand can go?
Ly:...Shut up...

Ly's Mom: Wow, that Tara Lipinksi speaks English good.
Ly's Dad: That's because she's American
Ly's Mom: She is?
Ly's Dad: Course, you never know. Most Americans don't speak no good English.

Ly: There's a box in front of you
Sha: That's a box? I thought it was a jam jar!

Sha: We're going to the Bahamas this summer. We're thinking of driving down there (refereing to Florida)
Ly: You're driving to the Bahamas?
Sha:... Yes, Ly, we're driving to the Bahamas.

Amarant: So if we turn left at California, then we're sure to be heading in the right direction. (looking at map to plot course for Bahamas)
Freya:(turns map right-side-up) There
Amarant: OK, a right at California
Freya: Yes, dear. We took a right at California. But I think we accidentally took a right at Albuquerque. Then you told me to take a right at Juneau. I think we crossed the Land Bridge sometime during the night. We are in Russia.

Sha: That's a direct challenge to my manhood!
Ly: Sha... you don't have a manhood
Sha:...That's what you think.

Ly: I have to pee (puts hand urgently to Sha's shoulder) Take my lines while I'm gone.

Sha: That was your line.
Ly: No, I'm Shannon.
Sha: No, I'm Shannon, you're Sharon.
Ly: I thought you were Sharon... let's get back to this.

Sha: I think this is where they 'fwa.'
Ly: No, I think they 'fwa' later.
Sha: Are you sure? I thought they 'fwa'd' here. (Pause) Huh, I guess you were right. They don't 'fwa' here.
Ly: They'll have plenty of time later to 'fwa.'


Paul: And even though nothing lewd happened, I still got her hair in my's like I'm cursed to forever eat her hair.

Sha: It is not a jam jar, it's a rock.

Paul: So what'd she do? (to Lynn)
Sha: I peed my pants.
Ly: She peed her pants.
Paul: So, What'd she do after she peed her pants?
Ly: She spoke spanish.
Paul: Translation?
Sha: 'I did not park my Chocobo where I found him.'

Ly to Sha: That's have a comfy head.

Sha: I look like a wedding cake.


Ly: Is this the place with the talking wall?

Sha: You killed it! (rests her head on Ly's shoulder)
Ly: Ooh, comfy head.


Ly: Dude, you have cool defrost lines.

Ly: Yeah, well, cats can't stop Fate... or a piano falling from a tree.

Sha: Us, plus FF9 equals lots of clothes

Ly: Where is the stop line?
Sha: Back there...
Ly: It is?
Sha: Yeah, there was a sign saying 'stop here on red.'

Ly: You're in the passenger seat! You're supposed to tell me where the hell I'm going!

Sha: You are an extremely attractive, ugly man.


Ly: You saw me stop (rolls right past stop sign with barely a pause in the middle of the night)
Sha: Ly, I'm half Californian. Stopping to me is different than stopping to most other people


Ms. King (Ly's AP Bio Teacher): I've got six degrees of seperation to my stupid cat all because of a banana seed.

Ms. King: Boys aren't mature until.... death!


Ly: We don't give a flying rat's fuck.
Sha: That's an interesting mental picture

Sha: No raping Clarissa, that's my job!

Unknown March Dates

Ly: It's like moving gymnastics! (about skateboarding)
Clarissa: What do you think they do in gymnastics? Stand still?

Ray: Unrealistic fears, like being afraid of the Toilet Monster

Sarah: Chloroplasts...those are those little, green pancake-thingies
Ms. King:

Sha: Take my advice, Mom, and never eat fermented Oreos

Sha's Neurologist after her Catscan: We're looking at your brain scan, and we didn't find anything. You're normal!

Katie: Oh, no! I emptied the Bob!


Morning Announcements at NTHS (Ly's highschool): Remember Students, the vending machines get jammed because students stick unusual objects into them.

Shannon G.:The Pheonix is hot like a candle that burns. (mis-paraphrasing what Miss Arth said about "The Canonization" in World Lit)

Paul's Stalker: So, what's it gonna be, Sir? I promise you won't regret it.
Paul: That's what all the best rapists say

Paul: Screen names and names, other than mine, have been altered (obviously) to protect everyone but me

Smalls (Anthony): Man, I need to go to NY... I never get any stalkers. Never! I'm the only person I know that isn't cool enough to get a stalker...damnit.

Smalls: Time to turn into Anthony
Paul: Think she'll catch on?
Smalls: Do women have any intellegence greater than a....a....hmm....anything?

Paul's Stalker: Fine, but you're missing out, buster
Paul: You're saying this to a guy that spends his life sitting on his ass.

Paul's Stalker: Do you not trust me?
Paul: I trust no one
Paul's Stalker: What are you afraid of?
Paul: Bombs, acid, death, The Joker, nightmares, and the like

Paul: No need to get emotional
Paul's Stalker: You're frustrating me
Paul: That's what all the girls tell me


Paul: I must ask you: how have the ladies been treating you?
Paul's friend Mike: They are like smelling salts
Paul: They awaken you suddenly when you're trying to sleep?

Greg (Ly's brother): ohh ya... nothing says take a piss like giraffe skin doors


Ms. Arth (Ly's World Literature teacher): Do you know what Scandanavia is?
Shane W.: The home of Scansion!


Ly: My refridgerator is the reincarnation of Darth Vader


Chau B. : (to Mister Broeker, Ly's PreCalc teacher) You're smarter than a calculator!
Kellen R.:There ain't no one smarter than a calculator

Ly: Gah! You got my butt wet! Thank you for my wet butt!


Ly: We need to plan more events where we jump out a window.


Greg: I just realized that I'm way too good at being happy

Ly: Guess what!
Smalls: You have found a goat capable of riding a unicycle and juggling flaming monkeys while reciting Hamlet in Cantonese?!
Ly: I wish!


Ly: It would not do to have the neighbors know where we live (At about 9:30pm and still at work. We close at 6pm, it was a really long night.)


Ms. King: What are roots for, children?
Ly: Water suckage!

Unknown April/May

Paul: Yeah, and put a bobbing-head dog in there and am thinking about putting a plastic bear whose eyes and chest glow red... but then I think my car will become more like the Ark... except it'll be Nandzik's Ark instead of Noah's... 'cause I've already got a bunch of animals in there. Ha, ha, I've got cardboard boxes in the backseat that I took from my last job to burn.. but I could fashion them into a small house for aaaaaall the animals!


Ly: I have to friend my ride home!

Sha: Hello Jason's boob.
Jason: Hello Shaundelle's really, really, really, really rediculously orange hat


Sarah: It's the dress. It just screams, "Look at me! I have a big butt!"

Sarah: Huston Tower, disengaging razor blades. Requesting more missons involving jumping out of windows.

Sarah: Through recent and thorough experimentations, we have determined that the bubbly side is sticky.

Ray: Hey, everybody, don't be outraged.
Lynzie: Think about my cows!

The Red Badge of Courage: "Whoop-a-dadee," said a man. "Here we are! Everybody fightin'! Blood an' destruction!"


Ly (to Sha): Have fun in pants!


(Phone coversation approx. 5 minutes long at 10pm)
Cody (Ly's Redneck Hic): Hi, Ly....Lynnette!
Ly: Hi, Cody.
Cody: How're you?
Ly: I'm good. You?
Cody: I'm drunk. You're good? That's... that's good to hear.
Ly: Yeah...
(Long pause)
Cody: ....So, how're you?
Ly: I'm good...
Cody: That's good. There's beer bottles all over.
Ly: Oh?
Cody: Yeah. That's caues I'm drunk.
Ly: I can tell.
Cody: So, I love you!
Ly: Thank you, Cody.
Cody: Yeah. (To his friends in the background) Shuddup! I'm talking to... La... La...Lynnette, right? Yeah, you're Lynnette. So, how're you?
Ly: ....I'm good....


Monster: I shall liquidate!
Blaster Master: Wow! That thing can talk!
Monster: Liquidate!
Greg: Wow, it's not everyday a large bulls-eye glued on top of a nose wants to sell me bombs at discount prices.

Greg: Do you mind? I'm holding my genitals right now.


Ly: I laughed my ass off during the entire drunken phone call. I talked to him about it monday.. he recalls yelling that he loved me.. but can't recall anything else of the conversation. And then he told me and Jamie how he woke up wearing someone else's pants. That was the best part right there.

Paul: Just be sure not to call me Cody, otherwise I might explode into a watermelon fruit pie.

Ly: I'm quoting your water melon right there

Ly: 'Cept Cody was down at the base of the castle... just kinda wandering around with his buddies. I think they were heading for the parking lot to get a truck. So I think I was trying to invade Disney's Castle... which would explain why all I had was dental floss and candy canes.
Paul: Aaaaaaand his being a hic explains why he'd be wandering around aimlessly looking for a truck.


Clarissa: If you have blue boots, would that make them bloots?

Ms. King: It's like when I bought my truck. The guy asked, "Do you want your husband to come and drive it home?" What? Do I need a penis to buy this truck?

Greg: Shouldn't voodoo sound like Tommy?

Greg: You need to go to www-dot......... thingy.........

Ly: Did you just hit me in the head with a NordicTrak cushion!?
Greg: Yes.


Ms. King: Think if they made a life of your movie. ...Uh...A movie of your life.

Dr. Sayer (Robin Williams) in Awakening: I'm sorry, but if you were right, I'd agree with you.

Mrs. Arth: Please, move away from the Evan!

James Baldwin: Being told that their friends were in league with the devil and intended to rob our family of everything we owned. (I didn't fail to wonder, and it made me hate him, what on earth we owned that anybody else would want.)

Katie: Two year old twin children will not sit through the cerimony. And they don't have leashes!

Greg: Sometimes you win, and sometimes you end up in Wyoming.

Ly: Those that I love I do not hate.

Rick Rizz (A Seattle Mariner's Base Ball Broadcaster): Charlie got the opertunity to put on that mask and catch a few pitchers.

Black Mage (8-Bit Theater): Oh sweet zombie Jesus on a pogo-stick! We're screwed!


Ms. Kasmar (Sarah N's Psyc teacher): He's written by a few books

Mrs. Arth: Please, don't touch your fellow students
Tom E.:He hit me!
Mrs. Arth: You hit him first!

Kelsey: I'm gunna miss my cat
Ly: I'm gunna miss my dog
Katie: I'm gunna miss my spooooon!


Ly: I have sour Jelly Belly's in my.... uhhh....


Ly: What are you on?
Greg: I'm high on life!...and meth.
(Just a note... my brother does not do drugs for those who may mistake this comment for anything other than the joke it is)

Smalls: God no... my hair? Part? PLEASE!! Moses himself couldn't part my hair!!


Ms. King: I think I'm a reasonably intellegent people..... a-ha-ha! Yeah, 'people!' Person!


Mrs. Arth: (quoting Hamlet): "Why should the poor be flatter'd?" We all know what that means, okay?
Mehgan Z.: Yeah, it means why should the poor be flattered!


Josh M: I think there's something wrong with my tan.


Clariassa: Boink. Not only a fun thing to say but a fun thing to do!


Subject of Hewlett Packard "Help" program: Locating Computer
Sarah: (Venturing a guess) It's right here on my desk? I can't be too sure about it though. I mean, obviously there is a trick to this location bit.


Katie: I see lights! And I'm going to the bathroom!


Tarla: Do you know how many layers I have to peel off to pee?


Back of a Cheez-It snack cracker box: You are holding the key to true snacking satisfaction, the cheesy, tangy, salty, crunchy handful of good eating we call Cheez-It.


Sarah: Now there's a balloon in the chicken!

Kris from MathClub: (talking to an allie during a multiplayer game of Heros 3 on computer) Hey! I can attack you!


Today Show (about some horrible disease): Half the people who have it don't even know.
Sarah: How is it you know what somone else has if they don't?


Ly: (Midnight30 and getting loopy): I'm running out of attension span!


Scott Dickenson (Associate Student Body President for Washington State University: Ly's new school): If you can wear a champion intermural T-shirt, you're hot shit.


Melissa: Hey, Maurice! I finally learned your name!
Ly: Myrtle. Her name is Myrtle.


Ly: I wanted to watch The Fox and the House tonight, but I don't know if my brain could take the suspense of it
Stifledheart: Fox and the House?
Ly: ....Hound.


News Anchor: A lot of people who lose their hearing put it off or do nothing about it. Does this sound like you?


Sarah (when she and Ly are lost at the newly remodeled Fred Myer Grocery Store): That's what partners in crime are for!
Ly: Finding Vegitable Butter!
Sarah: ....Vegitable Butter?


Jay S (c/o Greg): Don't make assumptions 'cause it makes an Ass out of 'U' and 'Mptions.'

Part of Greg's FAQ on Hoppers from Mosnter Rancher 2: Oh and BTW I just finished playing 3 straight hours of Resident Evil for the PS and I am totally freaked out, so if my typing style seems a bit off, that's the reason. In fact the only reason I started this FAQ now is because I'm waiting for dawn. Oh god the tree outside my room is creeking... the zombies are comming to eat me... Ok i'm better now.

Unknown July

News Reporter: An Osprey's nest was seen to have been built on a crane and later to have disappared. The construction company claims it did not exist, but specialists have found evidence of the nest. It is a federal offense to remove the nest.
Sarah's Mom: Well, yeah, I mean what are they supposed to do, give up the crane because a bird nested there?
Sarah: Hey, that bird was at fault! It had no building permit!

Greg: (playing Grand Turismo II, his very first race with a not-too-good car) I'm out in front... I'm going to win! GO CAR, GO!


Ly: I can send you a picture of me holding a vibratting back massage bug to the side of my head... but it's not quite the same thing as a wet T-shirt.
Paul: Hey, I'll take what I can get.


Kelsey: (To Ly) You look pretty when you glow. You should paint your face white and sit under a blacklight!

Dr. Richie (One of Greg's profs): The grading system keeps you from failing when you pass.

Unknown Date, sometime before October of 2001

Okay, this is just a note to clarify why I'm putting this out of order. All the quotes in this section comes from this conversation I had with Paul last year that spanned late into the night and yeilded a few funny results.

Ly: well, don't worry *pats his back* i'll jump ya. i'm not sure what order i will glomp, but glomp i will!
Paul: so who else, if you don't mind my asking, will receive the blessed glomp of lynnette?
Ly: Glomp of Lynnette? makes it sound like i'm going to perform some sumo wrestler move on you all in punishment... I like it!

Ly: at least i get to sleep in.. so i can stay up late and keep you company
Paul: well thank you deary
Ly: you're welcome, cupcake
Paul: hehe, cupcake
Ly: that's not a common pet name anymore. It's darling, honey, love, or some other thing like that
Paul: yeah, now the common pet name is "bitch"
Ly: that too. Or... in some cases, we regress back to the always affectionate 'hey you'
Paul: i really prefer the "WOMAN!!!"

Paul: I was supposed to go midnight bowling tonight. i didn't...kinda sad i didn't 'cause apparently a brawl broke out and someone got stabbed.
Ly: talk aobut a stroke of luck
Paul: i kinda wish i was there for it though
Ly: it would've been exciting to say the least. i mean, a bowling alley! One of the few places a brawl could break out where balls would fly at your face and you wouldn't be concidered a whore.

Ly: wow.. that is so... wow
Paul: yeah?
Ly: yeah
Paul: wow
Ly: and, like, if you were to write it backwords, it would still be wow because it's like... wow
Paul: like totally?

Ly: see, i am good for something
Paul: yes you are (besides groping)
Ly: well, of course i'm good for a good grope, but i mean, there's more to me than grabable space.
Paul: yes, like saying "hey you!" to
Ly: of course! i mean, you can't get much more affectionate than a dear, heart-felt 'hey you! Except, perhaps, that afore mentioned grope.

Ly: god.. my dyslexia is getting worse as it gets later.. er, well, earlier
Paul: hehe, the longer you're up past your bed-time
Ly: this is why i love the backspace key. ...It just took me three tries to type backspace correctly.

Ly: I can't feel my eyeballs... it's the strangest feeling... I can move them.. but I don't feel the normal movement. Well, I mean it's not something I actually sit down and try to feel. But right now, it's like almost an absense of feeling there.. it's noticibly not noticible.

Ly: I wouldn't trust my brain to add two numbers together quickly right now, so no wonder im not grasping things
Paul: 6+8= what? Quick!
Ly: uh, 14.
Paul: Correct!
Ly: I told you... I stared at that for a little bit going 'how much is 6?' I had to close my eyes and actually think about it.

Paul: sorta like ,'s and .'s
Ly: Wait a sec. Lemme explain something to ya. I though you meant using ,'s and using .'s and I sat there thinkin' when the hell do you ever use a comma apostraphy S or a period apostraphy S... then I realized you were plurizing the comma and period.

Paul: Wow, you really ARE tired.
Ly: I get daft when I'm faded
Paul: Or you're failing to keep up your facade, hehe. Word?
Ly: Word?
Paul: Word.
Ly: What do you mean word? What facade?
Paul: "Word?" is the ghetto equivalent of "izzat so?"
Ly: Yo.

Ly: I'm only a couple inches shorter'n Anthony
Paul: why do you think he acquired the nickname "Smalls"?
Ly: i know why.. cause he's short... but right now, when i'll laugh at almost anything and my mind works in very odd ways, that was NOT the question to ask me!
Paul: What wasn't the question to ask you?
Ly: Why he acquired the nickname 'Smalls.' Think about it from my mind set. Thats just a ridicilously giggly question. I know.
Paul: Do ya really?
Ly: Yeah.. cause he's short, right.
Paul: So what's the confusion about?
Ly: But if you think about that question from my giggly mind set of yeah, you'd realize that my mind took one look at it and went 'BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!'


Ly: (to Smalls about her cooking baking skills) I make a mean instant potato, but put me in an apron and give me a wisk and I will destroy the world unintentionally.

Unknown August

Ly: (during a game of Star Craft for computer) Oh crap my scvs are attacking my com station!


Professor Wherland (Ly's Chem teacher) talking about how Alkali Metals react with water: Thus, you have BOOM!

Greg: I remember when we asked the Ouiji board the meaning of life.
Ly: What did it say?
Greg: It told us PNQREMP14NLB. And we were frightened.


Dr. Riche: The neutral network in our head... mine is starting to hurt... is a perfect example of a system.

Dr. Riche: So the derivitive of the non-linear function, you all must be bored to tears out there, is time Invariant.

Commerical on Bankrupcy lawyers: If you are having trouble with credit card debt, call this number to hear our free, 24 hour recorded message.


Josh: Ah, crap... Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.


Professor Wherland: It's like if someone gives you something, you read it. In the elevator, I've read more elevator permits... you know... standing in the elebvator.. *bouces up and down a bit as if riding in an elevator* Anyway, digression!

Dr. Riche: Okay, it's time to do a stupid example.


Professor Wherland: This advanced piece of equipment is an ion reader. Also known as a lightbulb.


Greg: You must realized that 2AL+6Br --> 2Al 2Br3 is the same as 2Al+6Br --> 2Al 2Br3


Greg: Then don't look at me, all I do is sit here and lick things.


Dr. David M. Rector (Guest lecturer in my Neuroscience class. Very bright man, actually...): Neurotissue is actually really smart.


Dr. Richie: It goes from little 2 to Capital 2... I wonder what a capital 2 looks like.


Dr. Lee (Ly's new bio prof): Please excuse me, I have extensive brain damage.


Dr. Lee (on digestion): This storage system is probably the most important evolutionary change, allowing us to create video games!


Smalls (to my brother): Congraduations are in order for you good sir, as you are the first person in four years, to have the timing, to make my beverage (tea) come blasting out of my nose. Excellent timing. *claps*


Josh: GRAY!!!
Ly: That's the best greeting I've ever recieved!


Kelsey: I don't take candy from cows... you never know where it's been.


Dr. Raj (one of Greg's Profs): This type of molecular bonding can take place only through a process which we call 'The Backside Attack'.
Greg's Brain: Bwehehehehehehe.


Ly: I don't have much self confidance right now with a phone tied to the side of my head

Ly: Well, I'm going to go 'cause...
Kelsey: have a phone tied to your head?
Ly: Yes.


Okay, sometimes it's best not to ask... this is probably one of those cases.... I give you, Greg and Ly are obviously bored:

Ly: *sees someone she hasn't yet talked to* hmmmm..... *cracks her knuckles* Time to push
Greg: *snickers*
Ly: hey, i'm not your PRE for nothin'
Greg: hehe I really need to make a PRE section
Ly: hehe, im workin on it. so far, this guy likes mega man and weird-ass humor. I just need to entice him into reading it and, if he likes what he reads, i'll get him to vote... mwhahahahaha! ..>.> hem
Greg: go PRE go
Ly: I've got him going to the site
Greg: yay PRE... I'll have to make you a Helmbot shirt someday
Ly: Neehehehe
Greg: Bwehehehehe
Ly: Nehehe
Greg: Bwehehehe
Ly: Nehehe
Greg: Bwehehe
Ly: NEhehe
Greg: BWEhehe
Ly: NEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEE....heeee.... dear god, it's a battle of annoying laughs
Greg: hehe
Ly: fweehehe
Greg: Glehehehe
Ly: Vweeehehe
Greg: Bmehehehe
Ly: Nyuk nyuk nyuk
Greg: bwook
Ly: Gwafaa
Greg: tlingy
Ly: flimdoo
Greg: bwa
Ly: fwa
Greg: fwa
Ly: es'con fwalich
Greg: es ge ge valch
Ly: dis grau es frensig en dos robba der now e'quay fwoinagin a-haha
Greg: grongquay bes pluning entar ben brongwar
Ly: mash ma eraga. Tierra ma!
Greg: mine hoder sind vershwindin
Ly: Ich gern schwimmin in der toilette
Greg: mine katzen sind francercishe
Ly: mine hund essen der Kase
Greg: das kind hat ein stumpvert
Ly: Was?
Greg: err die kind hat ein stumpvert
Ly: Ich spreken Deutsch nicht... miener brot ist tot
Greg: ... your sausage is dead?
Ly: ...yes


Prof. Wherland: This is old science, so it's all done by dead, white guys.


Some conversation my brother saw on the TWC forums and sent to me... no idea who they are, but hey! It deals with the loss of pants, and their eventual finding so it's good enough for me!
BobXFett: I've lost my pants. Where are my fugging pants?
NYMNUT123: Uhhh... Check your legs.
BobXFett: Ah hah! Found 'em.


Katie: Whoever said there's no wrong way to eat a Reese's never tried shoving it up their nose


Jospeh the Ecstatic Veggie: For some reason I thought it was 2003 already and I was about to poke fun at you for not updating your website in a year, and it just hit me that it isnt 03 yet.

Ly's Grandmother during a game of cards: I am such an ass!


Greg: It's not like I'm rock-attached to stuff when you guys... water.


Ricky: A movie in french... what the hell was I thnking when I bought a french movie? All the french I speak are sensible things like "Align those rose-hips in one row, guys!"


Smalls: I stole your face!


Okay, this is yet another long, weird-ass conversation between me and my brother... go figure, eh? We’re talking about DDR, Dance Dance Revolution.

Greg: Wat they need to make is a DDR game that would allow you to put your own CD in the tray, and it would analyze the song and create steps for it
Ly: I think in the Max version, you can actually make your own dances
Greg: It would be really fun to put a book on CD in and dance to it
Ly: you mean like... one of those books on tape type deals.. where the person just reads the book and you listen?
Greg: yup
Ly: Once upon a time *step step hop step*
Greg: It would be really fun if somebody walked in the room and was like "What the hell are you doing!?"
Ly: lol yeah
Greg: "In the beginning..." <- ->, ->, ->
Ly: You could do it to the syllables
Greg: What we could do is use the dance creator, and turn the volume off on the TV and turn on the CD elsewhere
Ly: yeah would you just love to be doing that when mom and dad walk in.. we have it hooked up in the living room. "And Ezekiel begat Ezekiel(or whatever)" <- ->, <-, <- -> You n' me.. grooving to Genesis
Greg: oh ya
Ly: and bible study becomes fun!
Greg: "Man I can't wait till we hit first Corinthians."
Ly: we do it so many times we have parts memorized... instead of singing 'boom boom boom boom mighty fine dollar' before each thing... "Here, let me have a go. I wanna do a trick-double-Paul 2:12."
Greg: But I wanted to try out the New Testament... Quick pop in the Koran! Then maybe we could do the Dead Sea Scrolls, followed up quickly by the Iliad.
Ly: I just got the expansion, it's got Plato's Greatest Hits on it! Play it, play it!
Greg: OHH I want to do Euthephro first, then we can trick on Meno! Ohh we can dance to lecture notes
Ly: ooooo
Greg: "Turn to page 21 and look at figure 3" <- ->,<-,<-,->

Kelsey: Greek literature is just one giant incestual orgy! If I were there, I'd be married to Jessy (her brother) by now! IF a god hadn't raped me yet.. or turned me into an animal.


Greg: Ahh yes, the premise of this movie is so utterly stupid I want to poke myself in the eye with a spoon
Ly: What movie?
Greg: It's called ICE
Ly: ICE?
Greg: Yes
Ly: Sci-fi?
Greg: Yes, the world is suddenly and without warning hit by an ice age, caused by the sun becoming cooler... and it's expected to warm up in 11 years. It makes me want to remove my brain and sit here poking it.
Ly: Want a spork?
Greg: No, I'm good. I have a spoon.


Greg: Yes, when love does the robot, life is good.
