Changes in The Void

Both Part 8 and Part 9 of Bad Religion are now up, so scope them out. Just remember that the one you see when you first go there is number nine, so don't forget to check number 8 as well!

Part 7 of "Bad Religion's" "They Seem Familiar" is up. I also stuck a newly drawn picture up in Art Gallery 4, though it was really done on the 11th, it was about 1am so we'll call it the 10th.

I did it. I finally did it. After nearly 5 hours of html and uploading and linking, I finally put up an Art Gallery. If you want to see your art in a Cohort gallery, go a head and contact me (the contact information has been added at the bottom) and we'll talk about it. Now I'm going to go collapse because it's 2:45am and I started at 6pm, took a break at 8pm, started again at midnight and have been going since and I can't feel my eyeballs anymore, which means it's time for Ly to sleep before the gnomes come and take me away.

Part Six of "Bad Religion's" "They Seem Familiar" is up

I've been futzing with a comic, drawn not sprited. It's called Bad Religion. I went ahead and stuck it up here. This could either be deadly to it or, since both my roommate and my suitemates seem to enjoy it, it may become a more common occurance here. Yeah. Right. I'm so lazy.

Another quote by my brother and me.

...just look in the quotes. Don't ask, just look.

New quote up from Smalls!

My brother supplied me with the first quote of the New Year! Yay! Sorry about the inactivity, but I was on vacation. Anyway, there's another quote up from today from my wonderful german friend Ricky.

Got a new quote up c/o of the Overly Excited Carrot (aka Jospeh, aka The Ecstatic Veggie) and one thanks to my grandmother.

Another new quote up thanks to Katie!

A new quote up!

I put up some banners, but since the Void is black, and so are most of the banners basic background color, you'll just have to deal with clicking on a colored part to save the entire banner. No bitching. I can't get the borders to work without site altering I don't want to do.

I've updated my links section with a new banner for TMMP

12-3-02 I put a big, long quote up yesterday but I forgot to mention that I'd updated. So, I did that, and then this morning I put up another quote. So enjoy! Lately, I've been scanning some old backpacking photos of me and my family. Maybe I'll finally get them up... who knows. >.<
Additional: I just updated my Links page with two new links... and picture links for everything! weeeeeeee!

Added a Most Recent Update to the main page and I put some new words into the Links page, but no new links.

Three new quotes up... it's best not to ask...

Okay, I forgot to add some quotes, so they're up in the 10-15 to 10-18 areas.. then there's a new one timeline wise. Also, a new link is up! Figured I should put that up there... maybe one day I'll get around to it, heh.

Two quotes up and Bird Thing Days 5&6 is up

Bird Thing Episode 4: "The Fourth Day" is now up.

New Bird Thing comic up

Whew, what an update I have for you today! I added a links section. If you're not on it, and you want to be on it, just speak to me about it.
Also, I put up Sabby's cohort page, and another pgae of my cohorts and I, AND there's a new (not really but new to the site) picture up in The Ham gallery.

Okay, another new addition: Bird Thing Does Stuff. It seems like a bit of biblical satire, but I mean absolutely no offense to anyone with the fact that I'm using the biblical form to write the captions of it. Bird Thing has nothing to do with God or religion. The strip is merely his story, told in the old style. Also, until I actually get PhotoShop, I apologize for the slight fuzziness that may occure in the coloration of the comic. I can't fix it yet.
Also, I took off the Upcoming Events cause let's face it... the only way I'm going to do any of the stuff I say I'm going to do is if I get the motivation to do it. And merely saying "hey I'm gunna do this" isn't going to make me do jack shit. Soooo, oh well!

More quotes

More quotes up! This is why I enjoy talking to my brother.. you never know what he'll spit out.

Another quote! I quoted it because it made Smalls happier than before. ^.^ Spoon.

I am sick of html coding! baaaaaaaaah! Oh, and there are numerous new quotes up for your enjoyment now.

More Quotes up *sigh* I finally updated because I needed something to do and needed to take my mind off things. Down in the last update thing.. that cat on my lap. yeah, she was just killed yesterday by a dog down the street. I'm still pissed. And since I'm 500 miles away from home right now, I can't seek revenge! Bah! But least I feel someone better, right?

I have a cat on my lap. Oh, also, there's the start of a StickFiguremation up and a few quotes and a couple words.

Well, I'm back from my new college orientation thingy and I have a new quote from it, too! Also, I found an older quote that I needed to put it up from June 13th (my graduation) Injoy.

I've created an Upcoming Events page (incase you didn't notice it above this page's link) to clue you in on what should be happening around here.

Three new pics up in my section.. and a lot of behind the scenes work that you will never see.

Four new quotes, a new word, and a guestbook (which I ask nicely that you please sign)

New picture up in the Keeper Gallery, and a new Gallery up with a pic in it. Also, two new quotes.

I actually updated before this date, but I can't remember when.. So I'm putting it here that I put up more quotes (including one today) and also I put up a new picture in the Ham Cohort page.

I've updated the quotes and I have a new feature here in the Void. Conversations with Jeeves. This is what happens when Ly gets bored and her brother is back from college to give her weird ideas.

7 more quotes are up! yay!

Two more quotes up. God, it's good to have my brother back from college sometimes!

Crap, that's a lot of new quotes! o.O

One quote up. Man, what an accomplishment! I think I have to go sit down after that one.

Two more Cohorts up

A cohort is up in the Cross Roads, and I've got a couple more quotes up.

Finally updated both quotes and the dictionary! whoohoo!

Finished updating the quotes, dictionary, and the started on the picture galleries.

Put up some of the quotes in the actual Quote book Sha and I keep. There's quite a few in the binder, so it may take a bit to get them all posted.

Welp, I've made this place. I think that's all that needs to be said for today.
