I Am Poem
I am the alarm buzzing incessantly
The stacks of wet papers that cover the floor
The doughboy floating in the water and my green and yellow blankie
I am the snowman long since melted away
The shovels, shears, and spades
I am the five junk cars across the way and the jungle of weeds around them
I am the sweet and succulent German chocolate sent from afar
The snicker doodles and fresh apple pie
I am the turkey exploding with homemade stuffing
And the fresh tart smell of the cranberry sauce
I am bow flying stunts and bruises galore
Flying walnuts named Bob and a monster named jeephead
I am Lizzerbeth who is a copy of me
Gammie, Fritz and Ahab too
Denib my kitty who passed away
And Grant a wild and crazy man
I am many, many sayings
"Oh My God Fritz doesn't have any pants on!"
"Bob's back from vacation!"
Grant screaming "Boo!"
And me in a ball on the floor
I am what I am because of many things
I chose my friends, my actions and even my enemies
But the people that affected me the most
I could not chose
My family