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Inside The Castle

You are lead across the grounds towards the castle by a few of the guardsmen. Once you are inside the guards take away your luggage to be stored until you have been told which dormitory you are in then return to their duties. The Captain leads you through the maze of passages towards the Grand Hall at the centre of the castle where you will be introduced to the rest of the school.

You stop at a huge door set back in a grey stone arch and a woman steps forward to meet you.

The Captain bows. "The new student ma'am."

"Thank you Captain," the woman responds, then she turns to face you. "Welcome to the Dracona Warrior Wage Training School youngling. I am Warrior Rema, your instructor in genral combat. If you'd like to find a seat at one of the tables in the hall then I can inform Lady Draxcea and Lord Draxon that all students have now arrived and they can begin the start of term speech."

Nervously you edge into the hall and slip into an empty seat at one of the tables.

The Grand Hall is an enormous room with fine banners hanging on the walls, from its high ceiling to its stone floor. At the top of the hall, on a dais stands a long table. Two throne-like chairs at the top end over-shaddow the other chairs that stand around it. This must be the teachers table.

All the other tables, including the one you are sitting at, are arranged in rows below it. Looking round you notice the hall is nearly full. The teachers enter from a side door and take their seats at the high table.

Suddenly everybody around you stands as man and women enter. They seem to radiate power as they go to stand in front of the throne like seats. Everyone sits back down as the man begins to speak.

"First of all I would like to welcome any new students to our training school. I am lord Draxon and this is lady Draxcena. We are the Headmaster and Headmistress of this place. While you are here you will learn a range of new skills to help you on your way. Once you have graduated you will earn your Sceptre and become a qualified warrior mage."

"But that is still a long way off for most of you." Lady Draxcena continues. "For now just be contented to get used to life here. There are five wings to this castle. The Cygnus, Aquila, Lupus and Monocerous wings contain your dormitories and common rooms. You will be sorted into these dorms by a test, which will take place after the welcoming feast. The fifth wing, Cassiopia, is the Staff Room, Teachers offices and Dormitories and guest quarters. It is off limits to pupils unless it is a emergency or you are sent there by a member of staff."

"I suppose," says Lord Draxon. "What you are now all curious as to what your sorting test involves, so I shall give a brief explanation before the start of the feast. The new students must sit alone in the testing room. The walls are infused with magic, which reads your aura and sees how you will develop as a person depending on which dorm you are placed in. It will choose the dorm that will develop you best as a warrior mage and that is where you will live while you are here at the castle."

As the feast begins you look around at the faces of the other pupils. Those who are new like you look as apprehensive as you feel. Your life at the Dracona Training school has just begun.

If you are a new student you need to enrol before you start to role play. First please read the rules and regs page which explains how to play. IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ THESE BEFORE PLAYING! At the end of the rules and regs page it explains what to do next! Have fun!

Page built by Theala Silverbain and Scarlet Fox!

Hi I'm Raffi and I'm here to help you new students find your way around the castle! Hold your mouse pointer over any door and I will tell you where it leads! If you're still lost and can't find a page, click on me and I'll take you to the site map!

Also our Role Playing Board and OOC board are now up, but we can't start the game until we have enough members, so join now! The newbie page with all the info you need to join can only be got to through the rules and regs page. There are quite a few pages like this that can only be got to through others, thats why Scarlet and Theala built the site map!

Rules and Regulations The Staff Room. (meet the teachers and other random adults) Student Archives (our members and their bios) Headmaster and Headmistress's office The Out of Character and newbie board! The Role Playing Game Message Board!

My old home!  I was addopted from here!

RPG Message Board!
OOC Message Board and Newbie page!
Links and stuff