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Headmaster and Headmistresses Office

So just who are these weirdos who created this site? Well I'm Scarlet Fox, more commonly known as Charlotte! I'm joint owner and joint creator of this site, which means I came up with some of the teachers and helped with the storyline etc.

I'm also the editor so don't complain about spelling mistakes cos I'm WORKING ON IT!!!!! Oh yeah and I'm Rules Mistress meaning I'm the one who came up with all those irritating rules on the rules and regs page. In fact I'm in charge of the rules and regs page!

The characters I play here are Danalaylia and Lord Draxon. Danya is my game character but if you are ever stuck talk to me as Lord Draxon (nofair, Theala made me play the guy!) If you want to get in touch with me you can e-mail me at

use the subject "RPG" then I'll know what its about!

Hey Thea this is where you get your say! Notice I didn't blame all the spelling on you! *is dying to go and correct all Heathers mistakes down there!

Thanks Charlie. (Heheheheh she dose n't like being called that)

Im Theala (or Heather as some people know me). I own the other half of this site which means i do all the stuff Charlotte dosn't and some of the basics writing (so Scarlet can yell at someone for making mistakes.)(:P)You'll probally reconise my caracture caus like me shes insane.

Try to stick to the rules cause it makes RPGing better for everyone, plus things get messy when Scarlet gets mad. :)

Im in charge of the newbie page so i will deside your house (with a little help from Scarlet!) so if you have any problems with that just tell me.

Youll probally guess who my rpg carature is straite away so im not gonna tell you here! I also play Lady Draxcena so i'll be happy to help anyone hanging around. You can e-mail me at Re:RPG if you need to get in touch!

If you dont get a answer straite away dont worry, beeing the scatter brain I am I probally have forgotten to check my email! But I will get back to you soon . Promise :)

*Both shout:*


(or espect onald and beat ice)

*Both run!*

Want to know more about us? (you silly fool!) This link leads to the page of The Three Deadweights of Incompetance! (plus two!!)