Staff Room!
As you enter the staff room many pairs of eyes turn to look at you. The room is empty of people but the walls are lined with moving portraits of the various staff of the school. Some of them wave cheerfully at you, some just glare. As you walk through the hall you see that there is a gold plaque beneath every portrait telling you that persons name and job as well as a little about them.
Meet our teachers! Most of these are none player characters, meaning that no one owns them so everyone can freely play them to fit in with their posts. This page has all the basic information on looks and personallity you need for playing these guys so try to keep them true to themselves! You will need to read this page before you start role playing so that you know who your teachers and the other adults around the school are!
Lord Draxon and Lady Draxcena are not none player characters, they are owned by us so if you need any help while role playing ask one of them.
***The word 'KYOSHI' means teacher, which explains why it comes in front of some of the teachers names!***
- *~Teachers~*
- 1) Warrior Koram. Master of Unarmed Combat. Male, short and stocky with narrow blue eyes, black hair, a neat beard a mean temper!
- 2) Warrior Zelan. Master of Projectile Weaponry Combat. Male. Tall, young and handsome with gray-green eyes, dark brown hair and a strong sense of humor.
- 3) Warrior Sumya. Master of Horseback Combat. Female. Medium height with long copper hair (usally tied back) and green eyes. She is firm but fair and tries to be understanding although it is clear she preferes horse to people!
- 4) Warrior Moran. Master of Armed Combat. Male. Tall-ish with short black and silver hair, gray eyes and brown skin. An old army sargent with a sense of humor, but a firey temper.
- 5) Warrior Rema. Genral Master of Combat. Female. Short and stocky, with firy red curls and hazel eyes. She is quiet and thoughtful, but rarely ignored. Younger than most of the Masters but liked by pupils as well as teachers.
- 6) Master Lexia. Master of Natrual Magic, this includes: Herbology, Healing and Poition Brewing. Female. Long ash blond hair and purple eyes. Sweet natured and kind.
- 7) Kyoshi Toraya, Tory for short. Blacksmith. Female. Short soot black hair and amber eyes. Medium build, liked by all, with a sense of humor and a taste for practical jokes.
- 8) Sir Ien-Werigan. Master of Eticate. Male. Tall and very thin, with neat mousey brown hair, watery blue eyes and a long nose. He is stuck-up and haughty, with no sense of humor what so ever. He gets very irritable about the pronunciation of his name.
- 9) Master Salvidar. Master of Mage Craft. Male. Tall and thin with black hair and dark skin. Has a tendency to speak quietly, then suddenly shout the last word to make sure you're awake. Silent and mysterious natured with a penetrating stare.
- 10) Kyoshi Reni. Teacher of Survival (including Astronomy, Tracking, Hunting, Tactics, and Genral Survival .) Female. Slight and mousey, with freckles and big black eyes. She is completely hyperactive!
- 11) Kyoshi Marlak. Teacher of Creature Comforts. Male. A Centure with a strawberry roan body and silver streaked hair. He is loud, jumpy and often over paranoid, but still loved by animals and students alike.
- 12) Sir Humphbert Archibald Protts. Master of History (including History of Tactics, History of famous Warrior Mages, and Theory and History of Ancient Battles). Male. Short and stocky with a brown moustache, a completely bald head and jowls. Is pompous and a little arrogant and has a over inflated ego to go with his big egg-head!
- 13) Lord Draxon. Head Master. He is quite short and stocky, but still well muscled. His dark brown hair is cropped short and his neat moustashe is carefully trimmed. He has a firm manner and seems to radiate power. He is usually sympathetic and understands that mistakes do happen, but doesn't tolerate delibarate, harmful acts from anyone. Played by Scarlet Fox.
- 14)Lady Draxcena. Head Mistress. She is small and mousey, and wears her hair in a bun. She wears power like a cloak and is listened to imediatly. Firm yet Fair but a little aggressive! Played by Theala.
- *~Others~*
- 1) Mistress Poppy . Taven Owner. Female. Short and cuddley with rosey cheeks and a merry laugh. Bouncy and bubbly in nature.
- 2) Marlak. Forest Guardian (also Creature Comforts teacher) Male. Weilds a Glave and a long bow. Feirce fighter. Loves his forest (See above for full descrip)
- 3)Guards Guard the walls and town. Do not look kindly on pupils. Will report you for sneaking in or out of the castle, after night-fall.