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Bockinstofs Vacation

It was a dark night in Detroit when Bockinstof a comic book storeowner and Potato Man Sam a potato farmer were walking in a dark ally.

“I’m tired.” Sam said exhausted

“Hold on. Were almost there.” Replied Bockinstof. All of a sudden out of nowhere, Bockinstof and Sam’s archenemies Lobby and Drake two train conductor’s, pop out and start walking towards them with chains and lead pipes.

“CRAP!” Yelled Bockinstof.

“Sam Bockinstof. How nice to see you.” Lobby said with a big grin on his face. Drake brought his arm back, getting ready to swing, Sam kicked him in the head forcing Drake to drop his chain. Sam picked up the chain and hit Drake across the back.

“AHHHHHHH!!!!” Screamed Drake. Lobby took his pipe and cracked Sam in the back of his head. Sam was knocked unconscious in a pool of his own blood.

“You piece of crap. You’re dead” Bockinstof yelled at Lobby. Lobby swung at him but he blocked it with Drake’s chain. Then he kicked Lobby in the gut. Lobby dropped the pipe. Bockinstof picked it up then started to beat Lobby with the chain and pipe. Drake started to regain some strength but before he could even lift his head up, Bockinstof kicked him in the head. Bockinstof picked up Sam and carried him home.

“RING, RING” went the sound of Bockinstof’s alarm clock.

“Ahh my head” Sam said in pain, holding the big bump on his head.

“Hurry up,” said Bockinstof packing his bag.

“Oh yah we’re going to Orlando today” Sam said excited.

“Yah, well you better hurry up and pack, our plane leaves in one hour.” (50min. later)

“Yes we made it” said Sam as he sat down on the plane

“Now time to sleep” Bockinstof said yawning.

“Four and a half hour non stop fight to Florida.” Sam said getting comfortable. (Four hours later)

“All passengers please put your tray tables up and fasten your seat belts.” The pilot said over the intercom.

“About time” Sam said stretching. (Ten minutes later at the rent a car place)

“WHAT! We have to drive around in this piece of crap?” Sam screamed pointing at an old rusty green truck.

“No, the one beside it” Bockinstof said correcting him.

“You’re joking right, we get to ride in the Viper” Sam said happily.

“Yup. Now lets go.”

“Finally the hotel room.” Sam said clasping on the bed. “Not bad, not bad” Bockinstof said checking the place out.

“Hey Sam” Bockinstof called


“Lets get some rest. We have some major ride ridin to do tomorrow.” Said Bockinstof.

The next morning they got up and got dressed then headed straight for Disney World. When they got there, Bockinstof and Sam went on almost every ride then they decided to take a break. “Want a hotdog Bockinstof?” Asked Sam

“Sure” he replied. Sam bought the hotdogs then they sat down.

“Oh no!” Sam said scared. “It’s Drake and Lobby.”

“Sam and Bockinstof how nice to see you” Lobby said with a big grin.

“Drake I told you it…”

“Shut the hole in your face! You’re not getting away this time.”Drake interrupted.

“What makes you so sure that we can’t get away?” Said Bockinstof.

“Well, we brought some back-up.” Lobby said as two Chinese people walked out from behind them. ‘They may be 4 feet tall but they can kick your…”

“SPLASH” Went a ride behind them. Just then Drake and Lobby started chasing them.

“Let’s split up,” yelled Sam. So Lobby chased Sam and Drake chased Bockinstof. (Mean- while back at the hotdog stand.) “Hey Tanka want a hotdog?” said one of the Chinese guys.

“Sure, thanks Funaki,” said the other. Mean while Lobby was chasing Sam onto a roller coaster. All of a sudden it started to move, Slowly, Lobby jumped at Sam but he moved and sat down in a seat and buckled up. Lobby looked at Sam laughing and started to crawl towards him. At this time the roller coaster was going fast then Sam laughed at Lobby and pointed ahead.

Lobby looked “Oh no” there ahead was a loop in the roller coaster. When they were upside-down Lobby tried to hang on but all of his fat made him fall.

“AHHHHHHHH!!!” “SPLAT” was the sound when Lobby landed on the bed of nails in the torture house.

“That's got to hurt” Sam said enjoying his ride.

Now at a near by train station Bockinstof and Drake were fighting it out, and Drake seemed to be winning. With one big punch Drake sent Bockinstof to the ground. Bockinstof was bleeding and picked up some dirt and threw it in Drakes eyes then he made a run for it. Drake, rubbing his eyes, started running after him. Bockinstof looked behind him but no one was there so he stopped and looked around but didn’t see anyone. Just then Drake popped out, grabbed Bockinstof by the shirt and threw him through the train station window. Bockinstof got up ran out the door and sitting on the train tracks was Drake.

“You have no chance. Give it up” Drake said standing up.

Bockinstof slowly walked backwards.

Drake laughed and said “You have no more strength left to fight. It’s over I wo…

“BAM!!!” A train went by and hit Drake. Then the train stopped and out hopped Sam.

“Nice driven eh?”

“What ever” said Bockinstof.

“So what happened to Lobby?”

“you don’t want to know”

“Come on.”

“I’ll tell you on the plane ride home. I want to get out of this state. We’re leaving first thing in the morning.”

The next morning they got on a plane heading straight for Detroit.

“Ok, so what happened to Lobby?” asked Bockinstof as he sat down in his seat.

“Well we went on a roller coaster… and then “SPLAT” right on a bed of nails.”

“Wow, hey what ever happened to the two Chinese people?”

“I don’t know.”

“Hey did you here that?” asked Bockinstof

“No, what?”

“It sounds like someone above us is laughing.”

All of a sudden Tanka and Funaki came down from the overhead compartments.

Then Tanka said “Ha, ha, ha you thought you could get away but you cant get away from us because we are evil ha, ha, ha”

“Indeed” said Funaki.

Then they jumped on Bockinstof and Sam and started to bite and slap them Bockinstof and Sam jumped out of their seats, grabbed two parachutes and put them on.

Then, Tanka pushed Sam and Bockinstof just as Funaki opened the airplane door. Then all four of then got sucked out. Tanka and Funaki clung to Sam’s leg screaming. Sam shook them off and opened his parachute and Bockinstof did the same. Tanka and Funaki fell onto an island and were never herd of again. And Bockinstof and Sam Landed in the ocean safe.

Just then a big whale swallowed them whole. When the got to the stomach of the whale they heard a voice, they looked around and to there amazement they saw Pinocchio mumbling. When Pinocchio saw them he started to freak out on them so Sam and Bockinstof went over to him pulled out a lighter and lit Pinocchio on fire. This caused the whale to sneeze and spit out Bockinstof and Sam Sending them to a beach.

“Where are we?” Sam asked confused.

“I think we are in Hawaii, man.”

“No way, this rocks!!”

“Do you think we should try to get home?” Bockinstof asked Sam looking him in the eyes.

“No let’s party!” they both said running towards a group of people. So for the rest of the night they were drinking, eating pig and Bockinstof even walked bare foot over red-hot coals.

Sam and Bockinstof went home a week later and they never went back to Florida again because they didn’t have enough money. So that was the end of Bockinstof’s and Sam’s vacation.


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