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Broken Hearts

He watched her as she walked across the street towards his house. He unnoticeably picked up a snow ball and hurled it at her, hitting her squarely in the back, causing her to look up.

"Hey Ben!!" She said smiling as she ran up to him and shoved and handful of snow down his shirt, while giving him a hug. "Do you know where JJ is?" she asked urgently looking over at JJ's house, which was across the road from his own.

"He's at home..." Ben said a look of disappointment creeping onto his face. "Why?"

"Oh I need to talk to he busy?" she asked even more urgently looking over at JJ's house.

"Yeah I think he's on the..." Ben started to say as she ran away.

"Bye Ben. Thanks. See ya later." she yelled as she ran across the road to JJ's.

That was how it had been for a while. The three of them had grown up together, best friends. In the past few years she had gotten a sudden interest in JJ, while he and JJ ad both always been in "love" with her. He watched as she ran up to JJ's door and rang the doorbell, her chin-length reddish hair blowing over her face in the wind.


"Hey JJ!! You busy?" she said greeting him with a smile when he opened his backdoor and held it open motioning for her to come in.

"Oh, I was just on the phone. But I can talk to them later. So what's up?" He said sitting down on his kitchen floor, and she joined them. They had done this for years, whenever they needed to talk.

"Oh not much. I was just wondering if you won that hockey game. You know the one you had to win to qualify for the finals?" she said nervously.

"You were at that game. What the hell are you on?" he asked jokingly. "Yes we won. We start the playoffs in a few days. You gonna be there?" he asked staring looking her straight into the face. He could sense something was wrong. She wasn't being her usual self.

"Umm... ya sure." she said sounding kind of unsure. She looked up and saw his deep blue eyes staring at her questioningly. She laughed at him, and instead started looking at his eyebrows, which were far from perfect. She had tried to pluck them for him once, but he ran away screaming. They looked like one day they might join and become one. She laughed at the thought and then tried to stop and get up the nerve to tell him what she had wanted to.

" okay?? You seem kinda spaced out today." JJ said looking at her. She was now focusing on his roof, maybe counting the dots on it. They; him, her, and Ben, had tried to count them one day, but gave up after ten minutes.

She was sitting there now looking nervously at her feet. "Well I just kinda wanted to let you know that I umm... well I really like you. You know how I can't keep these things inside and well...I thought you deserved to know..." she stammered, not sure why she said she thought he deserved to know. She looked up into his piercing blue eyes.

"Ummm....I have to call Jeff back." JJ said looking towards the other room, obviously wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. "I'll see you later."

She watched him walk into the other room and pick up the phone. She showed herself out, and glumly headed towards her house, which was right next door to his.

She felt something cold slide down her pants. "BEN!!!!" she yelled running after him, until she caught him and shoved a handful of snow in his face. "What did you do that for?"

"So what did you and JJ talk about?" he asked trying to change the subject and satisfy is curiosity.

She just looked away as if she was gonna start crying. Out of the corner of her eye she saw JJ walk out of his house, pulling a pair of gloves on, wanting to join the snowball fight. She pulled Ben to her and kissed him not even bothering to look and see if JJ was watching them. She knew he was. Ben was very surprised, but this was what he had been waiting for so he kissed back.

Neither of them were able to see the look of total hurt and betrayal on JJ's face, but had they seen it they would have wished they could take back their actions. However, unfortunately for Ben, he just happened to look down into her big green eyes, which he could read like a book, and saw in them that what she had done was only to hurt his best friend JJ, who had retreated inside.

She watched as Ben slowly walked up his front stairs, open the door, went in, and slammed it shut She sat in the cold snow, not having the energy to get up and go home. Today she had broken three hearts, hers included, and ruined a life long friendship. "I guess maybe I should've stayed in bed today." She thought dismally.

By Amanda

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