It was undeniable at this point. A frown came across young Aimee’s face as she stepped off the scale in her bathroom, and in front of the mirror. She had been slowly putting on weight for the past two years, and it would fluctuate from time to time, around the zone of 100-120. But lately, she started to notice certain changes around her body that made her question her current body mass content. Thus, she consulted her scale, only to see the dial go past the usual 120 mark, and well onto 135. She looked at her self in the mirror. She was wearing clothes that she just got for Christmas (it was now March) that were already too small for her. Her T-shirt, which was a tight fit to begin with, now began to make her arms ooze out around the sleeves, and the bottom was now slowly being lifted up by increasing flab around her belly. The pants she was wearing certainly did not help the paunch…the pants were a size 7, and now she was almost on her way to a size 9. Standing up, her stomach began to hang over her belt, as a visible red mark from the pant’s indent was just barely in view.

She turned around to look at her behind. Her hips hung out of her pants, and it was obvious that her bikini-style panties were starting to turn into a thong, due to her increasing rump. This was plainly seen as a panty line on the back of her cargo pants. A small tear began to form in the middle of the two back pockets out of stress.

Aimee started to tear up. These were brand new pants she thought to herself. She knew that her mother wouldn’t take her shopping for new clothes; not just because of the family’s already thin income, but this would also be setting her up for more humiliation from her mother. She hated her mother so much.

Aimee met her boyfriend Patrick online when she was fourteen, in a Limp Bizkit chat room. The two were both there, making fun of how awful the band was, and soon contacted one another. The two happened to live in the same area of the state, just about 20 minutes from another. Aimee’s parents seemed to have no problem with her dating a boy who had just turned seventeen, and was two grades ahead of her. At the time they met, Aimee was a very thin, almost waif-like 88 pounds, at about 5’5”. Patrick didn’t seem to pay much attention to her weight, except when she would come sit on his lap, making him cry, “Ow! Your bony butt is killing me!”

In the coming months, Aimee took advice from her physician to try and gain some weight. By their one-year anniversary, Aimee was up to around 110 pounds, which in addition to making her look much healthier, the weight went to some places that certainly appealed to Patrick, her behind and her chest. Over the next couple of years, her weight would fluctuate for some reason, some weeks she would feel “fat”, and others she would be back down to 110 or so.

Now, at the age of seventeen, she was breaking 130 for the first time ever.

She sobbed quietly to herself, until hearing her younger brother call her for dinner. She didn’t even want to think about ingesting more food now, but it was so tempting. They ordered out for pizza…and she was so hungry. She made her way downstairs, into the living room. The family traditionally had their pizza dinner in front of the TV as their father manned the remote. Also in the room were Aimee’s two younger sisters, younger brother, and her mother. Her sisters, aged fourteen and ten were both on the chunky side (especially the fourteen-year old, who was on her way to about 180!), while her seven year old brother was a stick.

She looked around at her family. There was no way that she could get much bigger…I’m probably just not active enough, so I’m packing a little extra she thought, noticing that her mother, brother, and herself all took after each other very much. Her mother was very thin, and certainly didn’t show signs of bearing four children. She also observed that her father and two sisters were all hefty. While he did sport a beer belly, most of his large build was natural. Finally, remembering that her family is of English descent, it was only natural that she’d boast some English hips, as well as having a bit of Italian in her, which certainly would bring about some curves.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and proceeded to gorge her pizza, eating about six slices, and proceeding to get a mug of ice cream for dessert.


The following Friday, Patrick, now a twenty-year old college student, came to visit Aimee at her house. She looked a bit sad when he arrived, despite the fact that as soon as he walked in the door, he swung his arms around her, and gave her a huge kiss.

“How come you’re still in your jammies, Aim? Didn’t you go to school?” Patrick asked, looking down at her pants.

Aimee frowned a little, as she rubbed the fabric of her drawstring pajama pants.

“Pat, I’ve grown out of all my pants. I’m getting huge,” She replied, pouting her lip.

“You don’t look any different to me, sweetheart.” Patrick was telling the truth…he hadn’t really noticed the change yet, probably because of the baggy clothes she wore today.

“Pat, I’m up to almost 140 pounds. I’ve never been that much before. Look at my belly.”

Aimee lifted up her shirt, showcasing a widening stomach, which even in her pajamas, oozed slightly over. She patted her milky stomach, sending small ripples, which spread up to her chest, and around her love handles. Patrick smiled a bit, which sent a small tingle in his stomach.

“Well, you certainly carry it well. You know that I like a nice round booty…and your boobs are getting bigger!”

“But, my thighs…and my hips…they’re huge! And look! My love handles have never been like this before,” she cried, grabbing onto said love handles, and giving them a jiggle.

“I think that’s sexy, too!” Patrick felt a little embarrassed about that, so he continued with, “...But, at least your face isn’t really affected. I mean, you don’t even have a double chin. That’s nowhere near fat.”

He proceeded to touch Aimee’s face, but noticing that it was a little rounder, and softer than usual. Today, it almost looked like she had something in her mouth.

“Oh no? Look at this.” She hardly moved her chin down…probably only about ¼ down, and a double chin began to surface.

“I hardly moved it, and all the fat in my neck is already bunching up.”

Finally, he had heard enough. Patrick looked deep into her eyes, pulling her face towards his.

“Aimee, you need to listen to me. I don’t care if you’re 200 pounds, I’ll still love you.”

She frowned, replying, “Yeah…but you won’t want to go out in public with me...”

“No, Aimee! C’mon…I’m not just blowing smoke up your ass. I really, really will love you. You’ll still be the same person…and if you don’t think I’ll be attracted to you, you’re wrong! I swear!”

Aimee didn’t look convinced, as she buried her face into Patrick’s wiry chest, her fattening cheek bunching up into her eye.

“Seriously, sweetheart. You’ll still have those beautiful brown eyes…those nice, thick lips…” Patrick now moved into to softly kiss her lips, and run his fingers through her orange and black dyed hair. The smell of her pleasant shampoo rose out of her slightly short-cut hair, which went down to her neck. Patrick’s stomach growled. Aimee giggled.

”Let me get you something to eat, okay?” Patrick smiled, following his girlfriend into the kitchen. He observed her swaying rump, which you could still see prominently in her baggy pants.


Aimee was Patrick’s third girlfriend. However, while it should be noted that this was his first serious relationship (the other two only lasted a few months), it should also be noted that Aimee was the first “thin” girlfriend he had. He dated a girl his freshman year named Leah, who was a little shorter than Aimee, but certainly had about thirty pounds on her. Weight never seemed to bother Patrick that much, but he didn’t have a “fat fetish”. What seemed to turn on Pat the most was slight weight gain…when a girl puts on some weight, but doesn’t seem to realize that she’s gaining weight, and thus become a little too big for their clothes. Anyway, his second girlfriend, Angela, was an older girl, and was also quite larger than Leah. It was obvious then that he had no fat fetish, as he soon discovered he wasn’t the least bit attracted to her. It also didn’t help that his mother poked fun at her weight on one occasion. It came as a bit of a surprise to him when he met Aimee, who hadn’t even broken 100 pounds when they met. He knew now that rumors of him having a preference for “fat chicks” would be unfounded. But at the same time, it was turning him on watching his girlfriend slowly put on weight over the past two years.

With Aimee now starting to visibly put on weight on her face, one would think that Patrick would get nervous about being seen with another potential chubby girl.


When the weekend passed, Aimee was milling about the house by herself. She had a bit of a bounce in her step, after having a great weekend with Patrick. He made her feel a lot better about her weight gain, and she could see it in his eyes that it wasn’t just pillow talk.

On her way to the kitchen, she felt something slippery, not gripping her foot to the floor. This suddenly twisted her ankle, as she felt her knee pop violently out of place, sending her to the floor with a loud “THUD”. Someone had spilled water, and did not bother to clean it up. But this was the least of her concerns now, as searing pain went up her spine. The muscle underneath her kneecap stiffened, and pulsated harshly. She immediately burst into tears, as the pain was overwhelming. She could not get up at all, as she yelled out for her mother.

“Oh my God…what happened, Aimee?” Her mother said, in an unusually concerned tone.

Between sobs, Aimee replied, “I…I…slipped on some w-water…” She struggled to sit up, and pointed to her knee. “I t-twisted my knee…it really hurts, Momma.”

“Can you bend it?” Her mother said.

Aimee proceeded to try and bend her knee, but screamed out in pain.

“I guess not. I’ll got get an Ace bandage.”

Her mother soon returned with a bandage. However, Aimee’s knee would have to be exposed in order for her to put it on. Today, Aimee was wearing a pair of jeans that still fit her, especially with the confidence Patrick gave her. Regardless, it wasn’t loose enough to pull up to her knee.

“Okay, Aim…I’m gonna need you to get out of those jeans so I can put this on.”

Aimee gave her mother a strange look, with tears still dripping down her face.

”C-can I at least put something on?”

Aimee’s mother laughed. “No, I was just going to have you lie on the floor naked. Of course you can put something on! I’ll just give you a pair of my bike shorts.”

She then gave the shorts to Aimee, and left the room. She struggled to get the jeans off without bending her knee. This proved to be a difficult task, but they were soon removed. Putting on the spandex bike shorts was a little easier, but Aimee was suddenly horrified by something other than just her swollen knee…

Her good leg was turned over, revealing small stretch marks all along her upper thigh. Along with this…the shorts were certainly even tighter on her than her mother, forming cellulite along her leg. Looking at this, she knew that she was getting fat. Aimee’s sobs only increased the obvious fattening, as each sob sent a jiggle through her thighs.

Her mother brought some crutches in from when she broke her foot many years before. She blinked for a second when she saw her daughter’s chunky legs packed into the grey bike shorts. But, she said nothing, and bent down to wrap the bandage around her knee. She gingerly grabbed a newly meaty thigh, and wrapped the bandage around, also in a careful fashion. After this, she brought in crutches from when Aimee broke her foot many years before. With a strain, her mother tried to get Aimee onto the crutches.

“What have you been eatin’, lead sandwiches?”

Aimee said nothing, glaring at her insulting mother. But, she was helping Aimee for once, so she ignored it. Plus, the pain in her knee was devastating enough to hold her tongue.

Because she had to keep her knee immobile, Aimee had to hop with her crutches, into the living room where she could lie down. Aimee’s mother noticed that with each hop, her bike shorts were under new stress from Aimee’s bottom. The two cheeks jiggled nonstop, and also seeing that her panties, shown as a very visible panty line, were being buried in between the cheeks, obviously from her recent growth in her behind. I just bought those for her, and she’s already growing out of them, her mother thought to herself. Meanwhile, Aimee eased herself onto the couch. She eventually fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning, Aimee felt lonely and bored, and couldn’t stand watching TV anymore. Luckily, the cordless phone was in reach, so she called Patrick.


“Pat…oh my God…my knee came out yesterday. It still hurts so bad…I can’t even move it.”

“Oh no! Are you lying down?”

“Yeah…on the couch. I can’t even move my knee, though. I don’t think I’ll be able to move around for awhile, at the rate it’s going. It hasn’t gotten any better since yesterday. Even putting ice on it didn’t help.”

“Are you going to have a doctor look at it, sweetie?”

“Yeah…I don’t know how I’m gonna get up. It seriously took all my strength to move from the kitchen to the living room. But, at least my brother and sister are being nice for once…they’re waiting on me hand and foot.”

“Oh, that’s cool!”

Aimee frowned a bit, though, as she slowly pulled up her shirt. She tugged at her love handles, which were accentuated over the spandex. “But, since I’m immobile...whenever I eat, it’s just going to keep piling up. I already feel like I’m gaining more weight.”

Patrick gulped, as he heard this. He also felt a slight tingle in his private region. “T-that’s ridiculous. I mean, you still have a metabolism.”

“Yeah, but I have a feeling it’s slowing down, especially since I’ve gained like, 10 pounds in the past couple weeks. I bet I’m already over 140.”

Patrick put a stop to this, saying, “Aimee, I already told you. I don’t care if you get fat…I will still love you.”

“But…I’ll be so embarrassed…you don’t know what it’s like to be a girl. All the girls at school will make fun of me…and not to mention my mother. We used to be the same size…now I’m 40 pounds heavier than her!”

Patrick just sighed. Aimee continued, “And, I can’t just go on a diet…everyone else in my family will just tempt me to eat what they’re eating. And you know how much I love snacking. It makes me feel so much better when I’m in a bad mood…I’ll just pig out, and I’ll be fine. And I used to be able to do it without it affecting me.” She patted her thighs, which jiggled a little more. “But, not anymore.”

Patrick continued, saying,” Trust me, don’t worry about it. You’ll always be sexy to me. Screw what your mom thinks.”

“I guess I can believe you...” Aimee sighed. “I have to get off the phone. I love you.”

“I love you, too! Talk to you later.”

“Bye, Patrick.”

Hanging up the phone, Patrick could not stop thinking about this. He was very close to having yet another chubby girlfriend. And it was really turning him on.