Aimee 2

By Der Meister

A week later, Aimee’s knee had finally healed enough for her to go back to school. The biggest problem on her mind was all the make-up work she would have to do upon her return to school, for her teachers did often assign a lot of work. However, it was when she was changing into to her clothes to get ready for school where she was hit with another dilemma. Her bra, which was intended for an A-cup, now seemed to hardly seem capable of supporting the two milky globes. She pulled over her shirt, and then went to put her pants on. She had been growing out of her underwear for some time, but it seemed too obvious today, as she heard a small tear in her rear, definitely from having to bear the load of her growing rump. The biggest challenge of all came with her pulling out her favorite pair of jeans. They were a size 7-8, but were actually very loose around the waist. She stuck her feet in, and began to pull, with a little force, up her thighs, where it seemed to remain stuck as soon as it reached her behind. No! No! These are my favorite pair! I can’t already be growing out of these! She exclaimed to herself. Aimee laid herself down on the floor, sticking her legs in the air, in an attempt to pull the jeans up. She finally managed to pull it far up about halfway on her behind, and then finished the job with a struggle, up to her back. She breathed a sigh of relief, and stood up on her feet. However, during her attempt to button the pants, they seemed to be completely stationary. Aimee would tug and tug them together, but they just would not move. Sitting on her bed, she burst into tears. It was too obvious now that she had been putting on weight, and certainly was well on her way to being plus-sized. She felt awful, thinking that now her boyfriend would leave her, and her skinny mother would just find even more excuses to insult her. Throwing on a large T-shirt, so she could cover her unbuttoned pants, she finished getting ready for school.


At school, she met up with her friend Kayley, who was quite a bit full-figured herself. Kayley seemed a bit shocked to see her friend wearing such a large T-shirt, as she hasn’t in some time.

”What’s with a big T-shirt today?” Kayley asked, leaning up against a nearby locker.

“Eh…Kayley, do you think I’m getting fat?” Aimee replied, with a sullen look on her slightly pudgy face.

Kayley definitely noticed that she had put on some over the week she was out of school because of her injured knee.

“No, I don’t think so. Why?”

Aimee sighed. “These pants? They’re a LOOSE 7-8, and I can’t even button them up anymore. I’m a size 9-10 now, at least. That’s plus-sized.”

Kayley’s eyes widened, surprised at the growth of her friend. She noticed that even the shirt didn’t cover up how big she was getting.

Aimee continued, “I never thought I’d be above a size 5. Like, seriously. I guess those days are over.”

Kayley sighed, knowing that she would never be able to reassure her friend. “Let’s just go to class, okay?”

”Okay,” replied Aimee.


After school, Kayley asked Aimee if she wanted to go to McDonald’s. Aimee couldn’t refuse the offer…she had been craving McDonald’s all week. The two arrived, and gave their orders.

“I’ll just have a medium fry…and a small drink,” said Kayley, giving her order first.

“I’ll have…a large number 1, and two apple pies,” replied Aimee, not even realizing that she had ordered such a large meal. The two girls got their food, and sat at the nearby booth. While Kayley slowly picked at her fries, Aimee gorged her Big Mac, as well as her large fries. She was still hungry, so those pies did not go to waste. However, they did go to “waist”, as Aimee needed to lower her zipper even more to finish the dessert. By the time she finished, Aimee sat back, her bloated belly reaching the edge of the table, and starting to peek up the tableside. Kayley sat in awe of her friend’s appetite.

“Wow, Aim…I’ve never seen you eat that much.”

A little embarrassed, Aimee replied, “I know…I was just so hungry.” She thought back to 12 o clock, while she was at her school’s lunch. She certainly didn’t skip out on the meal there, either…where she managed to buy two of the school’s spicy chicken sandwich lunches, and an ice cream bar from the ice cream machine. Now, only two hours later, she finished an entire large meal at McDonald’s. She couldn’t avoid the fact that her appetite was increasing, along with her waistline.


The next morning, Aimee got up, and went to the shower. Upon undressing, and entering the shower, she noticed some distinct changes. Her breasts were becoming a bit more of a strain on her back, sinking much heavier than before. They had to be B-cups at this point. A small roll of fat began forming under each breast, glistening with the warm shower water and soap. When she got out, she observed her hips and buttocks in the mirror. I have to be almost 3 feet wide now, she thought as she grabbed handfuls of her own love handles, which could almost be kneaded between her fingers. Her behind now stuck out about a foot and a half, with slight hints of cellulite forming, along with some subtle stretch marks. She also took at look at her face. It had definitely seen less round days, as her already defined cheek bones gave her a slight moon pie face. Some fat started to collect under her chin, which formed a double chin if she pointed her head the least bit downward. Finally, she arrived at the bathroom scale. Taking a deep breath, she walked on, her body jiggling in its free nude state. The numbers flew past 120…130…140…143. Aimee was up to 143 pounds. She sighed, and frowned a bit. “How could I let this happen to me? I used to be so slim…why can’t I just not pig out all time?” She kept asking herself. She managed to find some pajama pants to wear to school that day, as her days of being a size 7-8 were long gone.


As she sat in class, she yet again noticed something new…her tummy had formed a new roll. This was in plain view, as she, for some reason, decided to wear a tight shirt today. At her new girth, her stomach made three distinct folds…one right under her heavy breasts, and two on her abdomen. She also didn’t seem to notice something else…because her rump was increasing so much, a small bit of her crack started to stick out of her pajama pants, leaving it wide open for anyone in the class sitting behind her to see.


When she got home, she called Patrick. All she could think about all day was the fact that she was over 140 pounds.

“Hi, sweety, how was your day?” Patrick answered.

“It was okay…but guess what,” replied Aimee.


“I’m…really starting to gain a lot of weight. I just weighed myself, and it said I’m 143.”

Patrick gulped. Feeling a small tingle in his manly region, he continued, “I’m…I’m sure you look fine.”

“You think so? My boobs are getting really heavy…and there’s definitely some fat forming under there. And my hips…they’re just bloated. I’ve gotten so wide.” Patrick, still not ready to tell her how he felt, continued, “I still love you, and am attracted to you.”

“I want to believe you Pat…but I’m really worried. What if I get really fat, like my sister?” Her younger sister had to have weighed almost 200 pounds.

200 pounds? Imagine if Aimee was 200 pounds…Patrick thought to himself. He grinned, as was no doubt getting a bit of a guilty hard-on from this.

“Aim, please. It doesn’t matter. You’re still prettier than your sister…and that’s all that matters. Plus, I don’t think it’s in your nature to get that big.”

Aimee frowned, patting her paunch. “I’m hungry again. That’s the problem…my appetite just keeps increasing.”

“Well, go eat, silly!” Patrick responded.

“Okay…I’ll call you back later, then. Love you!”

“Love you too Aim…bye!” Patrick hung up the phone. This was followed by a smack on the head. I have to tell her next time this weight issue comes up. Patrick was so torn between this…he knew that she would pretty much understand…but what if asking her to keep putting on weight is going too far? It wasn’t so much the fat that he was attracted to, but the fact that this slim girl was suddenly putting on so much weight. Taking a deep breath, he gathered himself, in hopes that his next phone call would be the last with him keeping this secret fetish inside. PART 3 coming SOON.