School was out for the summer, and Aimee has hardly begun to notice that her appetite is slowly increasing. A box of Cheez-its in hand, she reaches in, and realizes her hand has hit the bottom. She gasps. I just ate the entire thing, she mutters to herself. Quickly, she jumps from her chair, folding up the empty box, her fingers covered in cheesy crumbs. She is taken off guard by something, as she stumbles over some. She is apparently not used to her new, slightly heavier weight as she quickly loses her breath, trying to carry herself to the wastebasket. As she is looking down, she sees how much her belly hangs over her pants. Even after buying these new 9-10 sized pants, she’s already growing out of them. And, even more embarrassing for herself…she feels ready to prepare a big bowl of ice cream for herself. Her attention on the fridge was broken as her sister, Allison, arrived in the room. Allison was her younger sister of 14, who was much heavier than Aimee, at about 210 pounds. Aimee cautiously threw the empty box into the trash just before they met eyes.

“Did mom pick up cookie dough ice cream?” Allison asked.

“Yeah, I was just about to scoop myself a bowl...” Aimee answered, hoping her sister didn’t notice the 1 pound box of Cheez-its she just polished off.

“Oh, okay. I’ll scoop you a bowl.” Allison said, in an unusually nice tone. Allison’s face was covered in acne, which also spread down to her thick, greasy neck and back. Aimee was always thankful that she was never like that when she was 14, and certainly that she wasn’t as large. However, looking down at her tummy, which was starting to spill out even standing up, she feared she may be on her way. She took a deep breath as almost to say “Never mind”, but instead, eyeing Allison pull out that carton of ice cream, cool steam from the freezer sublimating off the box, she couldn’t resist. Allison proceeded to scoop her ice cream, as well as a bowl for Aimee. As Allison left the room(after putting the carton back in the freezer), Aimee’s mouth watered, and she pulled out the carton from the freezer again, scooping herself 4 more large scoops, and covering it with chocolate syrup from the fridge. With that, she sat back down by her computer, to continue chatting with her boyfriend online. Also at her computer desk was a can of Pepsi, a huge bag of Doritos, another large bag filled with sour candy, and some chocolate-covered peanuts, which she continually snacked on for the 5-6 hours that she normally spent on the computer during the day (not to mention another 4 hours at night). Her summer job hadn’t started yet, and for this particular week, it seemed all of her friends were on vacation, or just working full-time, so she spent her days chatting on the computer. However, this was not all she was doing, which was evident by the increasing snack foods that she kept with her at her desk. One could almost imagine her behind inflating between the spaces of her computer chair as she sat and gained all the calories made from the countless chips, candy, soda, and chocolate she consumed. In addition to this, Aimee now had a huge bowl of ice cream sitting on her lap, which she began gorging as soon as her expanding bottom hit the chair.

A few days later, sitting at the computer with her usual snacks, she suddenly stopped. Her hand reached the bottom of the third bag of Doritos that was bought that week (which were all family-sized, mind you), and subsequently looked down. A brown shirt that she purchased a few months ago was now completely stretched out. Granted, it was tight when she bought it, but how you could see the deep groove of her belly button, as well as a considerable amount of tummy hanging over the belt of her pants. In addition to feeling embarrassment for all the junk food she’s been gorging at the computer, her father just happened to be walking into the room, in hopes of grabbing this bag from her.

“Don’t tell me you just finished the last bag of Doritos, Aim.”

“Uh…” Aimee timidly muttered, quickly pulling down her shirt as much as she could. Her cheeks, slightly covered in Doritos dust, turned a brilliant shade of red, as the chips in her stomach suddenly turned to stone.

“You know, Aimee, those Doritos were for the whole family. We even got three huge bags not even 2 days ago!” Her father said, approaching her with a furrowing brow. Aimee just sat, completely embarrassed, feeling like she was going to burst into tears. She felt like a complete heifer, doing nothing but piling food into her face, and getting fatter each day. She imagined herself sitting in her chair, with a conveyor belt right above her face, as piles of junk food just perpetually fell into her mouth, and feeling herself just burst out of her clothes, with her body expanding and expanding, folds forming upon folds, until she finally explodes.

As her father just angrily huffed out of the room, Aimee leaned forward to get the phone, forming three distinct folds in her new belly. She cringed at this feeling, and quickly called her boyfriend, Patrick.

“Hello?” He answered.

“Hi, Pat…”

“Is everything okay, babe?” At that, Aimee frowned, and felt a knot in her stomach, but decided to continue.

“I just got yelled at for eating all three huge bags of Doritos my mom just bought. I started a couple days ago, but I finished them all myself. I feel like such a pig.”

Hearing this, Patrick felt a small tingle in his stomach. He knew to ignore it, but after weeks of slowly seeing his girlfriend put on weight, he knew he had to say something to make his loved one feel better, as well as himself. He had to get this off his chest, but not quite yet.

“Sweety, it’s okay. We all pig out sometimes, without realizing…” Patrick replied, breathing deeply.

“Pat, I’ve been doing this for awhile, though. It seems like each day, I just eat more and more. And, I just weighed myself this morning. I’m like…146 pounds. I’ve never weighed that much before. And, I’ve been getting nasty looks from my dad lately…I can just tell he thinks I’m getting too fat.” With that, Patrick couldn’t take anymore.

“Aim, I need to tell you something. It’s really important…”

“Okay, sweety. You know you can tell me anything.” But could he? What he felt couldn’t be normal…he had never heard any of his friends react this way to a girl gaining weight. But maybe they did, and they just haven’t told him, because they feel the same way? He finally decided to just bite the bullet, and spit it out.

“You have to promise not to be mad…but…I’ve been…really attracted to watching you gain weight. Like, it’s been really turning me on.” Patrick let out a huge sigh. Aimee, however, blinked, as though what Patrick just said was something unbelievable in her eyes.

“…It really turns you on?” She timidly replied.

“Oh yes, Aimee…I’m really sorry if this weirded you out, but it’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for so long. I love watching you get chunkier, and hearing about all the food you eat.”

Aimee felt a multitude of emotions at this point. There was a strong feeling of relief, as she finally knew that she didn’t have to maintain a skinny figure around Patrick for him to be physically attracted to her. But at the same time, she couldn’t help but feel like he was just kidding…it was almost too good to be true. What guy would want to be seen with a fat pig? What guy would want to sit and watch his girlfriend stuff herself with the fattiest and sweetest of food? But something told her that he was telling the truth. She definitely thought back to some earlier hints…on Valentine’s Day, she always got a ton of chocolate, almost all her presents from Patrick were food-related whether it is candy, going out to dinner, or even edible panties. She smiled a bit, and even touched her newly enlarged boobs.

“So, it really turns you on to see me put on weight?”

“Yes, Aimee. I’m totally serious. I would do anything to see you put on even more weight, too. I really hope you don’t think I’m weird…”

“No, it’s okay, Patrick. This actually makes me feel a lot better about myself. It will take some getting used to, but…oh, I love you so much, Patrick!”

“I love you too, sweety.”


The two were on the phone discussing this for another 20 minutes or so, before making plans for Patrick to come over her house the next day. The next day came and went, but not without Aimee keeping track of what she had been eating since they got off the phone the evening before. They had made a decision for her to keep a log of how much she’s been eating (which she promised to be truthful!), and slowly try and raise this intake each day. Aimee knew this would be hard to get used to Patrick’s attitude towards her weight gain, but she would do anything for him, and certainly anything to appear more attractive to him. Early that afternoon, Patrick arrived at her doorstep, and gave her a huge hug.

Aimee stood before him, wearing a small pleated skirt, and a white spaghetti-strap shirt. Her cheeks were now starting to put on some weight, which hasn’t happened much at all since her gain. Her chin now began to form a very slight double when she looked downward, and while her neck has remained slender, her shoulders and arms have now began to put on mass. Her once skinny arms now hung with some beef to them, and once could see a fleshy fold forming right where here breasts start on the sides of her chest. Her breasts now began to weigh down much more than usual, as they were definitely B-cups. As she flew into Patrick’s arms, he could feel the new cushiony Aimee, beginning with her boobs, and then feeling her warm, soft tummy, which hung out of her shirt some, along with two jiggling love handles. From the back, one could get a clear view of her behind, which had each cheek quaking as she fell into her boyfriend’s arms. Her once small bum now inflated to having each cheek the size of an 8-pound ham, which was covered by a teal thong. The thong was struggling to hold together, which the pressure of these two relatively large ass cheeks. Patrick threw his arms around her, squeezing her newly chunky body as hard as he could. He took special notice of her nice wide hips, and her shapely thighs. He sneakily squeezed Aimee’s butt, causing her to squeak a little, before giving back a suggestive glance.

“Now, now, Patrick. Want to see what I’ve been eating so far?” Aimee said, making a move towards her computer, and opening up a secret file in her word processor.

A window popped up, which showed a table of what she had been eating since she got off the phone the night before. It showed that she had eaten a double bacon cheeseburger, fries, and a large Coke from Wendy’s for dinner, then had a bowl of ice cream, an ice cream sandwich, a half a bag of Cheet-o’s, and finished off an entire Tupperware container of leftover American chop suey that the family had for dinner the night before (which Aimee of course had 3 servings of that night) before having another can of Pepsi, and another ice cream sandwich. For breakfast, she had 2 large bowls of Cap’n Crunch, three waffles (with plenty of butter and syrup), fried eggs, and sausage. Before she made lunch, she helped herself to finishing off the bag of Cheet-o’s, and even poured herself a couple more bowls of cereal and two Pop-tarts. For lunch, she made herself two cans of Spaghettio’s, a package of Ramen noodles, and two PB&J sandwiches, which were all chased down by a glass of milk, then a can of Pepsi. Aimee was just starting to eat a donut when Patrick walked in.

Patrick, seeing this list, obviously was happy to see Aimee make such an effort, and already felt a tingle down below.

“It…it is certainly a great start.” Patrick said. A smile fell from Aimee’s face.

“Great start? Look at how much I ate! That’s even more than I have been!”

"I know, sweety…I think we can raise the bar even more, too. But, you look effin’ great right now.” Aimee smiled, and even looked down to admire her new curves. It reminded her of the models of the 40’s and 50’s that were definitely a far cry from the waif-ish models of the day. She could even imagine herself walking out into a room in lingerie, with raunchy jazz music in the background. Patrick smiled back, and came in closer to hug Aimee once more, and eventually exchange sensual kisses.


The weekend went fabulously, as Aimee never felt a greater attraction from Patrick. She loved food, and now she knew she didn’t have to give it up for her boyfriend. After Patrick went home, Aimee proceeded to take start the tab again, as she didn’t need to catalog what she ate while Patrick was around. She started with a bowl of ice cream, and plopped her round behind on the computer chair, which spread out even further than she could remember. Feeling a little frisky, she leaned forward, making her thong, and the slightest bit of her crack stick out of the top of her pants. She put her hands back, and reached into her pants to grab onto her soft behind. Certainly more than a handful, she slowly kneaded her soft cheeks, feeling a slight tingle between her thighs. She could definitely understand why Patrick was so attracted to her round, fatty ass, as it was even starting to turn her on. She suddenly heard footsteps in the next room, and immediately pulled her hands out of her pants, and innocently put them back on the bowl of ice cream, and finished it.


The next morning, Aimee woke up, eager for a new day to eat what she wanted. Before doing this, though, she headed into the bathroom to take a shower. Entering the bathroom, she disrobed, and decided to take a step on the scale right after turning on the water in the shower. Gingerly stepping on the cold bathroom scale, she noticed that the view of her toes was slightly more obscured by her expanding tummy. The dials spun and spun until reaching 148. She had gained two pounds since the last time she weighed herself, which must have been only two days prior. Normally, Aimee would have shrieked in terror, but now knowing that she’s been gaining weight for her boyfriend, she smiled, and even gave her tummy a slight patting, causing a short jiggling up to her breasts. She entered the shower, the water nice and warm.

Aimee let the warm water soak her hair, and begin to bead down her body. She leaned up against one of the walls to wash herself, she ran the soap all over...around every curve, under her tits, down and around her thick thighs, all around her tummy.

While she rinsed off, she couldn’t help but touch herself...sliding her hands around her hips to my ass, which she felt was really nice to squeeze when it was slippery and wet. She desperately wished Patrick could be there to rub the suds up and down her curvy body.

Thinking about this, she accidentally dropped the soap, sending it to the floor with a loud “BANG!” Startled, she bent over to pick it up. Her wet, slippery bum began to slowly slide up the glass wall of the shower ...which she noticed the cool glass felt really nice on her ass compared to the hot water. Along with this, she gasped as the shower touched the very outline of her naked vagina. She imagined her boyfriend there, who would probably notice how good her tits looked from this angle, especially with her nipples hard, and having them sway back and forth. The folds of her stomach are also covered in soap and water, glistening brightly from the light bulb on the ceiling. Aimee began to grab this area, smoothly running her fingers between each fold. However, her hands began to stray towards an even naughtier spot as she was stooped over. She slowly ran her hand up to her round, slippery ass, and moved it down to the vaginal opening in the back. She pressed one hand on her clitoris, and began rubbing it hard, using the other hand to press it into the softer, squishier parts of her body.

As the hand between her thighs moved faster, her thighs, ass, and hips jiggled, and slid a bit on the steamy shower wall; her other hand grabbed at her hip as she closed her eyes, imagining Patrick was there doing this. Ungh, you look so good, Aimee she imagined him saying to herself. I want to run my hands all over your squishy body, she also imagined. She couldn’t help but smile.

But as her hand moved faster and faster, causing the fleshy parts of my body to jiggle even more, her smile turned into an open-mouth gawk. She began moaning, opening her eyes every so often to watch the motion of her body...and finally she came, the jiggling of her meatier parts as intense as ever until she calmed down. She finished cleaning up, and slowly composed herself, and smiled her way out of the bathroom, feeling more good about herself than ever before.


Today, she got a call from her friend Kayley.

“Aimee! I haven’t seen you yet this summer! We gotta hang out!” Aimee agreed, and the two decided to meet at the local McDonalds that they always went to. Aimee, who was usually embarrassed about going there due to her large appetite, felt an awful feeling again. She didn’t think she could face Kayley with the new weight she put on…she’d surely pick her apart for it. With that, she quickly ran upstairs(which was a bit of a challenge with her new porking-on) to change her outfit, finding a looser-fitting shirt to hide her tummy.

She soon arrived at the local McDonald’s, with fear still lingering in her head that her new weight would somehow surface. She mentally prepared herself, and decided on getting a salad (which she knew she’d be kicking herself for later for not getting a nice fattening Big Mac). Arriving inside the McDonald’s, though, she saw something she wasn’t prepared for.

“Aimee!” Running, or perhaps waddling towards her, was her friend Kayley, who had definitely put on at least 10 pounds since she last saw her. Her large breasts spilling out of her tank top, and her meaty thighs squeezed into her shorts (with definite cellulite and stretch marks on the side), she pulled Aimee into her arms. Standing back, Aimee took a fast glance up and down Kayley’s thick body.

“I know what you’re thinkin’ Aim. Which is why I’m so excited to tell you about this…it’s something that my boyfriend Eric told me, and I agreed to do.” She didn’t even need to hear the rest. Aimee just stood, completely shocked. She couldn’t believe her eyes, or her ears.

To Be Continued!