Standing right in front of her friend, Kaylee, Aimee was at a loss for words. Standing only about an inch taller than Aimee, Kaylee was wearing a leather skirt, knee high boots, and a tight baby blue T-shirt. This was standard attire for her, but what Aimee noticed differently wasn’t fashion, but the girl that wore the clothing. Kaylee’s legs now seemed impossible to part standing up, they were so thick towards the top. Every step she took, you could watch her upper thighs, with slight stretch marks and cellulite, jiggle for minutes. Her face began to sport a double chin, and looked as though it were permanently stuffed, cheeks perfectly rounded. The bra, which was made obvious through the thin layer of T-shirt that clung to her, was obviously barely holding her breasts, causing small folds in her back with the material of the bra. Her arms looked beefier than ever, which jiggled with every step she took. It had been over a month since Aimee had seen Kaylee, and the changes in her body were more than obvious. If Aimee thought she had put on some weight in the past month…

Kaylee had just begun to tell Aimee what she and her boyfriend, Eric, were talking about.

“W-what, Kaylee?” Aimee said, taking a few steps back, lightly fluffing her large T-shirt in the air conditioned McDonald’s, almost thinking this wasn’t the same friend she hadn’t seen in a month. Kaylee let a small smile come across her face, enhanced by deep red lipstick, as she shook her shoulder length blonde hair out of her eyes, and put her hands on her squishy hips, which crept out between the T-shirt and her leather skirt. Through her thick lips, Kaylee spoke quietly.

“Well, there’s a bit of a long story behind this,” Kaylee replied, with a hushed voice. “Let’s just sit at that table over there, and I’ll explain.” Aimee agreed, and sat down at the nearby table, with Kayley sitting across, sending a faint “squeak” as she sat down.

“Do you know that office job I have?” Kaylee asked.


“Well, it really all begins there…”


Two weeks prior to where we are now at the local McDonald’s, Kaylee came into work as usual, as she has been since March or so, getting the job from her mother. School just got out the previous week, and Kaylee was pleased to be getting some good income for the summer, finally. However, just one week, along with many weekends before of doing nothing for 8 hours but sit at her desk typing (a lot of the times just goofing off, really), and snacking really took its toll on her already slightly curvy shape. Standing at 5’7” and originally weighing around 135 pounds, she was definitely on the shapely side, but never really “chunky” before she took up this job in March. But, getting this job meant spending a long period of time at the computer, and nothing to really do to pass the time but chat online, and snack, particularly on chips, soda, and her secret favorite, cookie dough. Kaylee kept a considerable amount of junk food at her desk; more than her fellow employees. Over time, the weight slowly increased, but began to increase exponentially when school got out for summer.

Unfortunately, not only was Kaylee oblivious to her gain, but her co-workers were exactly the opposite.

“God, have you seen the boss’s daughter lately? She’s just been getting so fat, and won’t stop pigging out at her desk!”

“You’re telling me! Every time I go by her cubicle, she’s inhaling another bag of chips…and she won’t get bigger clothes even! Her ass just keeps hanging out, and jiggling away as she types to her stupid friends online! I swear I see her ass crack at least once a day.”

“Yeah, man. She used to be so hot when she worked here…but she just looks disgusting now. I can’t believe I considered asking that hog out back in March.”

“Well, she has a boyfriend anyway. But I’m sure it won’t be for long, I’m sure. At the rate she’s going, he’ll throw her chunky ass to the curb, if he can even lift her up by then.”

These were just some of the comments made by her co-workers one morning, of course out of earshot. Among those at the coffee table gossiping about Kaylee behind her back was one particularly mischievous employee by the name of Ted Sanders, who was nicknamed “Monkey” for some unknown reason. Monkey was suddenly struck with inspiration to play a prank on Kaylee.

Kaylee’s mom, also the boss of this particular company, was gone on vacation for a week, thus leaving her mom’s assistant in charge. Her assistant, Ms. Bell, was only in her mid-twenties, and was just as awful in gossiping about Kaylee as the other employees. Ms. Bell was a petite, athletic woman, who kept her hair and clothes very conservative, and certainly didn’t appreciate Kaylee spilling out of her clothes. With her in charge, Monkey was sure to set a great practical joke on Kaylee.

One afternoon, as work was going to close, Monkey approached Kaylee at her desk. She was leaning forward, typing away at her computer, every so often stuffing her hand into a large back of chips, and shoveling it into her face. Because she was leaning forward, her black pants tugged downward, revealing a considerable amount of her round, fleshy behind, covered only by a tiny red thong.

“Oh, Kaylee?”

“Yeah, Ted?” Kaylee was the only one who didn’t call Monkey by his nickname…she just didn’t care for him enough to call him what his friends did. As she turned around her back curved, causing her ass to bunch up some, making some visible dents of cellulite.

“I just need you to do a little cleanup before you leave today. Come with me,” Monkey replied in a syrupy voice. Kaylee got up from her chair, pulling her pants back up to her waist, sending a small jiggle through her body.

Monkey led Kaylee to another area of the floor, a part of the department that had a daycare. Kaylee’s mom had a daycare put in for the sole purpose of a tax write-off, which contained a small plastic slide, an assortment of other toys, and a small toy house. The slide and the house were screwed to the ground, so kleptomaniac employees wouldn’t go stealing them.

“The kids had a party here today, and there’s some extra trash in the li’l playhouse. I just need you to clean it up all those cups and paper plates…then you can go home.”

So you want me to do your shit job for you. Kaylee indignantly thought to herself. But she restrained from telling off Monkey because he was his superior, and he would surely tell on her to snobby Ms. Bell. Kaylee, after some hesitation, got on her knees to crawl inside the playhouse. She was obviously unaware of how small the passageway was, and of how far away the trash was from her reach, that she crawled inside, with her body squeezing in halfway in the doorway. She quickly realized that she hardly had any movement, so she tried to back up some, but something was stopping her. Her body was completely stuffing the doorway of the playhouse. Frantically, she kicked her feet back to try and pull herself out, but this was unsuccessful. She then heard a voice behind her. It was Monkey.

“Oh my God, everybody, come over here! Kaylee’s stuck in the playhouse!” Kaylee’s face went completely red, and recklessly began squirming in an attempt to free herself, but all attempts were in vain. Her co-workers were now congregating outside the perimeters of the daycare, finding a pair of round butt cheeks, covered by black pants, squirming violently in the doorway. She felt her face go hot as soon as she heard slow collective laughter from her co-workers. She could hear conversation, talking as if she couldn’t hear them.

“Holy crap, I knew she was getting fat, but I didn’t think it was this bad!”

“Look at that ass! I think I can still see her love handles through the doorway!”

“You know, I almost want to help her, but she had this coming…eating all that junk food.”

Kaylee couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She took a look down, as best as she could. The only visible part of her body was her two hanging boobs, which had begun to spill out of her shirt due to all the shimmying she had done to try and escape. Looking around, she noticed there wasn’t even any trash in there at all. Monkey had definitely played a trick on me, she thought. She began to cry. She couldn’t believe that she didn’t notice she was putting on so much weight. It must have been a lot, if everyone else in the office noticed. She almost wanted to convince herself that she was always this size, but she remembered crawling in the playhouse once before, back in February, before she got the job. Her hips weren’t close to being as wide as the doorway then, but today, one would be surprised that she was able to stuff that much in the space. She sobbed quietly, feeling like the lowliest pig on earth. She even heard some light “oinking” and “mooing” in the background from her wiseass employees. She let herself collapse to the ground, no longer supporting herself by her arms.

“What’s the matter, can’t support your fat ass anymore, Kaylee?” she heard Monkey yell from across the room.

Suddenly, a man’s voice came in. It was Phil, who seemed to be the only one who was nice to Kaylee in the office.

“Wait, wait. Kaylee, come on, I’ll help you out.” But, there wasn’t the same politeness in his voice that he usually had. There was almost a bit of condescension, yet Kaylee ignored this. She assumed Phil would help her out. She then felt two hands position themselves on her wide hips, which began to feel moist with sweat. The hands then moved down to cup each cheek. What the hell is he doing? she thought to herself, feeling his hands sink deep into her fleshy behind.

“Shit, Kaylee, is this fat ass where your body stores all the cookie dough you eat? I can’t grab onto anything but a huge hunk of flab!” Phil said hoarsely. A brick fell in Kaylee’s stomach. She was positive Phil would actually be nice to her, but soon found out the awful truth…that he was just as bad as the rest of them. She sobbed some more, not being able to say anything at all. With that, she felt the two hands stuff into her rear once more, and with one forceful move, she felt her hips and the upper part of her ass scrape against the doorway.

“Whoops, I guess I went the wrong way, Porky! Good luck getting out now!” Phil called again, moving away from the house. Kaylee slowly rolled herself onto her back, gingerly twisting her thighs to face the right position, so she was now staring out at the doorway.

“Don’t feel too bad, Kaylee. You can just wait in there and starve until you can fit out again. I’m sure you can live off that fat for at least a few months!” Monkey yelled.

“If you don’t wanna starve, we can just fit your favorite snacks through the little window here…maybe you can just eat and eat until the house explodes from your fat ass!” called another employee. Kaylee couldn’t believe she was being ridiculed. The last thing that was on her mind was that she had been getting fat, but in a matter of an hour, it was practically thrown in her face. What made matters worse was hearing about cookie dough, and getting fed through the window, made her stomach gurgle. She was so hungry. This gurgle, resonated by the architecture of the playhouse, just made her employees laugh more. Slowly, she heard the crowd die down, until one voice remained in the room. It was Monkey, who in a cruel twist, just muttered, “See you on Monday, Porky.” And shut the door. Her stomach tightened up. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. She was seriously being left alone in the building for the weekend…stuck in a playhouse. Her first reaction was to try to burst through the doorway again, but failed. Her wide love handles would not let her budge, and quaked and jiggled with each thrust she attempted. She felt even worse by feeling her thighs and ass cheeks wiggle uncontrollably as she attempted to escape. She then turned to her last hope…to call her boyfriend Eric.

Eric worked part time at the office as a janitor, but had the day off today. With some effort, Kaylee managed to shove her hand, with some trouble due to the small confines, into one of her pants pockets, which held her cell phone. She, with some trouble, dialed Eric’s number, and impatiently waited for him to pick up. Sweat was pouring down her face, neck, and stomach. Finally, she heard him say “Hello?”

Kaylee frenetically explained the story, with Eric sounding legitimately concerned. She suggested trying to remove whatever was fastening the house to the floor.

“S’no use, Kaylee. It’s attached with carriage bolts, so not even those shitheads who carry around leathermans everywhere they go can steal it. But I think I have another idea. I’ll be right there.” And he hung up.

Waiting for what felt like an eternity, Kaylee finally heard the sound of a door unlocking, and footsteps.

“Oh my goodness, you’re really stuck in there. But, nothing a little Crisco can’t fix. Hold on.”

With that, Eric stooped down in front of the playhouse, and clunked a jar of Crisco shortening next to the doorway, stuffed with Kaylee’s thighs. Getting right to work, Eric dipped his hands in, and wiped the smooth shortening on his hands, taking globs of it, and moving into the doorway some. Kaylee looked quite confused, but went along, allowing Eric to smoothly run the shortening along her hips, lower abdomen, and her buttocks. It was now clear what he was doing…he was going to try and slide her out using some grease. Kaylee noticed something strange about how Eric was applying the grease…his hands almost felt sensual, giving extra attention to rubbing on her love handles, and her backside. She closed her eyes, and felt a guilty tingle in her loins, but tried to ignore it, as this was not the time or place to feel sexy. Adequately greased up, Eric said, “Okay, now try and slide through now.”

With that, Kaylee gave herself a good shove with her arms, and by bending her knees. She allowed her slippery midsection to slowly slide through the doorway, until she felt herself gain some momentum, and with a “pop!”, she managed to slide out completely. She took a couple seconds to gain composure, before stiffly standing up, stiff from laying in one small space for such a long period, as well as putting on this weight. Eric took a look up and down his girlfriend standing before him. From right below her breasts, down to her upper thighs, was shiny with shortening. Eric took a minute to blink, but was shot back into reality when Kaylee tried to get his attention by snapping her fingers in his face.

Back at McDonalds a few weeks later, Aimee looked confused as to why, after hearing this humiliating story on Kaylee’s behalf, she was acting so bubbly and excited. Kaylee could sense this, so she added, “Just let me finish, Aim.

“Later that night, I explained to Eric what had happened, what this Monkey kid did to me…I was like, in tears about it, and was so sure Eric would just be feeding me bullshit, saying I wasn’t fat, but instead, this is what he did.” Aimee sat, completely entranced by this story. She couldn’t even prepare herself for where the story would go from here.

“This is what Eric said to me,” Kaylee continued with a sensual smile, “You won’t believe this. He actually told me that I am getting fat…but it turns him on.” With that Aimee’s jaw dropped. Aimee quickly interjected, “Kaylee. Pat said the same thing to me last week. You can’t be serious.” And with that, Kaylee’s smile faded, her eyes, full of excitement, diminished. In fact, a look of spite seemed to come across Kaylee’s face.

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah…he just told me last week. This is too weird. Something tells me something fishy is going on.”

Kaylee nodded. “Yeah…maybe they’re in cahoots. Maybe they both want to break up with us, and want us to get fat so they can have a good reason to ditch us.”

Aimee frowned some. The thought of Patrick doing something so malicious made her face tense up, as if to produce tears. She knew that he couldn’t possibly do that. The look of utter passion in his eyes told her this wasn’t his agenda.

“Patrick would never do something like this, even if he wanted to dump me. Plus…he never talks to Eric. I don’t think they’ve even met before,” Aimee confidently said, Kaylee nodding in concurrence.

“Yeah, you’re probably right…the way Eric was touching me when he put the shortening all over me…I could tell he was totally getting a bit jolly, the way he put it over my love handles, and my ass.”

Aimee gave a playful wince. While she had no problem hearing about other girls in a sexual sense, it was hard to hear something like this coming from her friend of almost 10 years. “Come on, Kaylee, let’s get our food.”

With that, the two girls strutted up to the counter. Aimee now felt confident to get the Big Mac she desired, and subsequently got disappointed once again by the lack of being able to get a large size. “Damn obese people suing McDonald’s,” Aimee chortled with a hint of playful irritation. “Hey, we’re not too far off, girl,” Kaylee replied, while they brought their food to the table. As they ate (which took a few minutes of them stuffing their faces as soon as they sat down), Kaylee decided to initiate the conversation.

“Can I see how you’re coming along Aim?” Aimee’s eyes widened, through short strands of dyed-orange hair.

“What…what do you mean?”

“Can I see your belly…and your butt?” Kaylee said, casually.

“Um…okay,” Aimee timidly decided. She pulled up her shirt, to reveal milky white skin, flowing over the top of her tight jeans, which she didn’t bother changing out of if the T-shirt would cover her belly and ass anyway. The button of her jeans made a small indent in her paunch, sending a wrinkle up to her belly button. She stood up, and turned around, pulling the fabric up to her waist, revealing a round, plump bottom.

“Oh wow, not bad at all. You’re startin’ to get yourself a nice ghetto booty, Aim. Not to mention a belly that Eric would kill for.” Aimee smiled a bit, but instantly pulled the shirt back down as some on looking customers gave her funny looks.

“What’s with the big T-shirt, huh? I thought you’d be proud to show off the goods now,” Kaylee said, taking a sip of soda.

Aimee put down her burger, and said, with a little hesitation, “Well…I wasn’t sure how you’d react to how I’ve been looking lately. Normally I’d let my belly just hang out, but I was afraid you’d make fun of me.”

“Hah, make fun of you? You’re a twig compared to how I look now. How much do you weigh?”

Aimee took a deep breath. She still felt a slight bit embarrassed about her weight gain, as it would probably take some time to get used to. “148”.

Kaylee’s eyes widened. “Wow. 148? That is kinda heavy, for you. You were always so light.” Aimee frowned a little. Kaylee could see this, feeling a little bad for bringing up the fact that before her weight gain, Aimee was normally around 115 lbs.

“Well…guess how much I weigh now.” Aimee shrugged.

“167.” Aimee nearly spit up her soda when she heard this.

“Are you serious, Kaylee?”

“Yep. That’s 30 pounds since I started the job.” Despite any embarrassment she had before, Aimee felt like she was defeated. 148 was, despite giving her some meat on her body, still fairly normal for a girl her height (which was 5’6”). But, 167? Imagine if Pat saw me weighing 167 Aimee thought to herself. This was just asking to make a competition. Kaylee almost always had to 1-up Aimee somehow, but making a pig of herself shouldn’t be one of those. She knew she was at least good at pigging out and lately, gaining weight.

“Care to make this interesting?” Aimee said, brushing her short, spunky orange hair out of her eyes. Kaylee gave a look of surprise.

“What…like a weight gain contest? See who can gain the most in a month?”

“Sounds good to me, Kaylee. Now, what should the wager be?” Both Kaylee and Aimee sat at the booth, picking at their fries. Inspiration suddenly hit. “How about…whoever loses has to buy four McDonald’s meals for the winner.”

“Well…that doesn’t sound too bad…” Aimee’s stout friend muttered.

“But, you have to eat 3 of them.” Kaylee bit her lip. Reluctantly, she took her hand up to shake Aimee’s.

“Deal.” And may the games begin. NEXT:

Aimee 5…The Battle of the Bulges.